embed edited this page 2023-11-23 13:37:35 +00:00
Parent:: JesusWordsOnly
- (Deut. 13:1-10): law of apostacy 297DKDiZdAE
- (Isa. 22:2): Changed from 'keep faithfulness' to 'keep truth' to help The Paulines JG51KVPva5Q
- (Matt. 15:9): quoting (Isa. 29:13) 'a learned commandment of men' - i-T8-lSYPn8
- (Matt. 19:16-19): NIV corruptions toward a post-trinitarian "Bible" t6DKPKCKKew
- (Matt. 19:17): to "none is good but the One God." should add "My Father only alone who is in heaven and who made all things." t6DKPKCKKew
- (Matt. 23:3): "they said" is a mistranslation from the Hebrew - should be "he said" - Moses said. - i-T8-lSYPn8
- (Matt. 24:24): "For false christs and false prophets will arise..." Paul meets Jesus' definition of a False Prophet qZlH_3lUQnt4
- (Matt. 7:23): "iniquity" is "anomia" - apostacy - refering to (Deut. 13:5) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Mark 10:17-18): should be "none is good but the One God". t6DKPKCKKew
- (Mark 12:29): quoting the Shema - "The Lord our God is One" (Deut. 6:4-9) jtTO5aPK2LY
- (Mark 16:16): variant endings - short and long - UX5xObQIzb8
- (Luke 18:12): "Tithes of all I possess" should be "all I acquire" - Not only variant with the TR but quite wrong: tithes were never paid on capital, only increase
- (Luke 18:18-19): should be "none is good but the One God". t6DKPKCKKew
- (Luke 1:3): Theophilus is a pagan magistrate to whom Luke addressed Acts as a apologia. wk73wBCb36o
- (John 10:27-28): must be read in the continuous tense - should be 'keeps on' 2p5EZwI-5TQ
- (Acts 15:25): 'that they observe no such thing, save only' is not present before 10c. texts zS6oigWtxa0
- (Acts 16:16): "spirit of Python" - Pythia, the Python priestess from Delphi - zWT4UkVgDIA v=qZ3G9pBfnGE v=YeuWhSwmcFs
- (Acts 16:17): "spirit of Python" - Pythia, the Python priestess from Delphi - zWT4UkVgDIA v=qZ3G9pBfnGE v=YeuWhSwmcFs
- (Acts 16:26): From a play by Euripides (d. 406 BCE) "The Bacchae" after calling upon Bromius (Dionysus) their god, spoken by a Soldier: "But the Bacchants your imprisoned, the ones you seized and put in chains in the public gaol (prison) - they’re loosed and are dancing away to Without the action of any guard the fetters were loosed from their ankles, and the bolts let the doors swing open untouched by mortal hand." Lines 440-450. http://www.researchthetruth.com/christian/falseprophets9.html
- (Acts 17:23): "an unknown god" a pious fraud. UCEH6ny56R4
- (Acts 17:24): "in temples made with hands doth not dwell" true of pagan gods, but not of Christian God. UCEH6ny56R4
- (Acts 17:24): Paulines contradict Jesus "And he who swears by the temple swears by it and by the One that dwells in it. (Matt. 23:21)
- (Acts 19:37): "robbers of churches" - Every known Greek manuscript has HIEROSULOUS "robbers of temples"
- (Acts 1:1): Theophilus is a pagan magistrate to whom Luke addressed this book as a apologia. wk73wBCb36o
- (Acts 21:21): "forsake Moses" should "apostacy against Moses" TbuR4ongLWO
- (Acts 21:25): "and concluded that they observer no such thing" is a late 10th century addition WQlFxK8KPb4
- (Acts 22:17): trance - extacy of Pythia - zWT4UkVgDIA
- (Acts 26:14): "kick against the pricks" quoting the words of Dionysus, the Son of God, from a play by Euripides (d. 406 BCE) "The Bacchae" spoken by Dionysus: "I would sacrifice to him rather than kick against the pricks in your rage, a mortal fighting against a god." lines 790-800. The Bacchae was premiered around 400 B.C; it was based on Dionysus (a pagan god) who is very similar to Jesus. Both born of a virgin, 25th December, son of a god, a saviour, changed water into wine etc. http://www.researchthetruth.com/christian/falseprophets9.html
- (Acts 26:20): Acts' Paul says his gospel is one of "works worthy of repentance" 30BA9XWUnUY
- (Acts 26:5): Apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Acts 28:11): "Castor and Pollux" - to make Acts pleasing to Romans: see Paul on Trial by Mauck UCEH6ny56R4
- (Acts 2:28): This challenges Paul's claim to be a Jew from birth as that is unlikely for a Palestinian Jew. SUHzq9TtBvc
- (Acts. 13:1): should be: "and Manaen who had been brought up with Herod the tetrach* and Saul" *=no comma unsfI81fU0kx
- (Acts. 9:6): Erasmus Fraud - "And he, both trembling and astonished, said, Lord what wilt thou have me to do?" not in the Greek texts Ha7fWiBKyis
- (Rom. 10:9): Apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Rom. 11:1-11): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Rom. 13:3): Paul was a Herodian and Herod was a lackey of the Romans unsfI81fU0k
- (Rom. 14:5): This is reminiscent of Pharisitical reasoning, such as "redemption through sin". Or Crowley - "do what thou wilst is the whole of the Law". LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Rom. 16:11): This challenges Paul's claim to be a Jew from birth in that he was a playmate of the son of King Herod. SUHzq9TtBvc
- (Rom. 3:28): Apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Rom. 3:31): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Rom. 3:4): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Rom. 3:5): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Rom. 3:6): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Rom. 4:4): Apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Rom. 6:2-15): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Rom. 7:1): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which is 'eternal for all generations' (Exod. 20:1) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Rom. 7:1-3): Apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Rom. 7:1-7): The Paulines Worst Apostasy dU5kBqa0BFI
- (Rom. 7:2): The Paulines implies that God is dead, which is the Marcionite view that the OT God died. LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Rom. 7:2): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which is 'eternal for all generations' (Exod. 20:1) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Rom. 7:2): This is reminiscent of Pharisitical reasoning, such as "redemption through sin". LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Rom. 7:7-13): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Rom. 9:14): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (1Cor. 10:23): This is reminiscent of Pharisitical reasoning, such as "redemption through sin". LQZAZKO4TxY
- (1Cor. 10:29): eating meat sacrificed to idols, condoned by The Paulines - (1Cor. 10:28) (1Cor. 8:4) 5GMYmNsQiFk
- (1Cor. 14:18): Apostate Paul boasting fvvU4mxt5nY
- (1Cor. 15:1-2): KJV has a Calvinist deletion by removing "If" V7ZzDe6eVCg
- (1Cor. 15:10): Apostate Paul boasting fvvU4mxt5nY
- (1Cor. 15:9): Paul saying "I am the least" may be because in Latin Paulus/Pauxillus means Least. SUHzq9TtBvc
- (1Cor. 6:12): This is reminiscent of Pharisitical reasoning, such as "redemption through sin". LQZAZKO4TxY
- (1Cor. 9:7): The Paulines conflict with (Matt. 10:8-9) and the Didache 2tdSsbo2AjU
- (2Cor. 10:8): Apostate Paul boasting fvvU4mxt5nY
- (2Cor. 11:23): Apostate Paul boasting fvvU4mxt5nY
- (2Cor. 12:4): Tertullian envicerates The Paulines -8epYYv8u48
- (2Cor. 3:11-17): "much more that which remaineth is glorious" - apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (2Cor. 3:6-17): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which includes the commandments (Deut. 5:15). He accuses God of giving the law as death. LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Gal. 2:17): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Gal. 2:9): "against the poor" should be " against the Poor (Ebionites)" TbuR4ongLWO
- (Gal. 3:10): The Paulines grossly misquotes (Deut. 27:26) JwyJe8_HJf0
- (Gal. 3:11): Does The Paulines misquote (Hab. 2:4) intentionally - faith vs. his faith? kjENiaJhfdw
- (Gal. 3:19): Apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Gal. 3:19): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which is "eternal for all generations" (Exod. 20:1) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Gal. 3:21): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Gal. 3:23-27): The Paulines's god is clearly not Yahweh, who is "eternal for all generations" (Exod. 27:21) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Gal. 4:3): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which is "eternal for all generations" (Exod. 20:1) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Gal. 4:5): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which is "eternal for all generations" (Exod. 20:1) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Gal. 4:8): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which is "eternal for all generations" (Exod. 20:1) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Gal. 6:14): "God Forbid" should be "may it not be" or "let it not be." - KJV adds the word God
- (Eph. 2:15): "even the law of commandments contained in ordinances" - apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Eph. 2:15): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which includes the commandments (Deut. 5:15). He accuses God of giving the law out of emnity/hatred to the world. LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Eph. 2:8): Apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Phil. 4:15): Does 1Clem. 47:1-3 and 37:3 refer to Paul's Epistles in 100 AD? 30BA9XWUnUY
- (Col. 2:14): "In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision made without hands" - apostate Paul fvvU4mxt5nY
- (Col. 2:16): The Paulines's Law is clearly not Moses' Law, which includes the commandments (Deut. 5:15) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (1Tim. 5:17): The Paulines conflict with (Matt. 10:8-9) and the Didache 2tdSsbo2AjU
- (Heb. 10:26): "rejected Moses' law" by implication, The Paulines LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Heb. 12:14): KJV Fraud - "Follow peace with all men" should be "Embrace peace with all men" yc5U5KL6nkk
- (Heb. 1:1): Tertulian says Hebrews written by Barnabas LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Heb. 6:4-6): KJV has a Calvinist addition by starting with "If" V7ZzDe6eVCg
- (Jas. 1:1): "This epistle is nothing but a bolt hurled at the head of Paul" Reber LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Jas. 2:17): "faith alone without works is dead" in opposition to The Paulines LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Jude 1:11): "error of Balaam" is eating meat sacrificed to idols, condoned by Paul - (1Cor. 10:28) (1Cor. 8:4) LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Rev. 1:1): Revelation of John is distinctly anti-Paul LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Rev. 2:1): This chapter is "a cry of Hatred against Paul" E. Renan LQZAZKO4TxY
- (Rev. 2:2): This challenges Paul's claim to be a Jew from birth in (Phim. 3:5), and by Epiphanius in the Panarion. SUHzq9TtBvc
- (Rev. 2:20): eating meat sacrificed to idols, condemned by Jesus - (1Cor. 10:28) (1Cor. 8:4) 5GMYmNsQiFk
- (Rev. 2:24): Jesus mocks Paul's words in (1Cor. 2:10) about knowing deep things OMKU28CkP4M
- (Rev. 3:1): This chapter is "a cry of Hatred against Paul" E. Renan LQZAZKO4TxY