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Parent:: EbioniteChristianity

Codex Sinaticus Syriac

The near-simultaneous discovery of:

in a short 40 year timeframe is worrysome as:

Agnes Smith's Syriac Sinaiticus has a similar provenance to the Greek Sinaiticus (closely related time and place).

The Syriac Sinaiticus was translated by Burkitt who was on the committee that pushed the CodexSinaticusGreekFraud forward as the basis of the "new improved" Bibles after 1880, including the NIV. The 'authenticity" of Vaticanus and the CodexSinaticusGreekFraud was staunchly defended for decades by the same group/cabal that became the Revision Committee.

It's important to distinguish between:

  1. Church of the East PeshittA This is the original Aramaic, said to have been brought by the A. Thomas to India via Persia with a shipwreck on socotra (a.k.a. Nestorian) that we will refer to as PeshittA or Eastern or Nestorian.

  2. The later renditions augmented with or translated from the Greek after the Diatesseron, or westernized PeshittAs with added NT books (a.k.a. Philoxenian Johannite) that we will refer to as PeshittO or Western or Johannite.

  3. Old Syriac, like the Cureton. The Syriac Sinaiticus, is considered like the Old Syriac but an oddball because of its high number of scribal errors.

There are strong reasons to prefer the Church of the East (CoE) ChurchOfTheEastPeshitta: see PeshittAPrimacy

In addition, we must look to see if the additions or deletions in the Syriac Sinaiticus support the same additions or deletions in Vaticanus relative to the Textus Receptus, to see if there are indications of a concerted effort to rewrite the Bible; see Greek_SinaiticusCommentary.

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