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Parent: JesusWordsOnly

Jesus Paul

Jesus promised those who "kept There is no endurance in any guard" of His word "should never action required. Only a one-time taste death." (John 8:51.) "He faith is necessary for salvation, who continues to trust/believe ((Rom. 4:4).) One could fail to should be saved." (John 3:16.) He keep and guard Jesus' word and who continues to "disobey" the still be saved because one is eter

Son continues to be under God's nally secure based on a one-time wrath. (John 3:36.) faith. ((Rom. 8:1), 10:9.)

Jesus said "a branch in me" that If fruit or works were necessary produces no fruit because it failed to avoid being thrown outside to keep staying "in me" will be God's vineyard, becoming dead thrown "outside" the vineyard. It and then being burned in hell, it is as a branch that died (dried up). would be a salvation by works.

It is gathered up into the fire and Instead, salvation is by faith withis burned. (John 15:1-6.) out any works. ((Rom. 4:4), 14; Eph. 2:8-9.)

A servant of Jesus who produces If fruit or works were necessary no fruit is useless, and he will be to avoid being thrown outside and "thrown...into outer darkness be burned in hell where there is where there will be weeping and weeping and gnashing, it would gnashing of teeth." (Matt. 25:14 be a salvation by works. Instead, et seq.)

Picture #102

Picture #103

TABLE 10. Salvation Checklist - Jesus versus Paul