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Parent: JesusWordsOnly

Why Is Charity So Central in God s Word?

Why would charity toward others be so crucial to salvation, as Jesus says? We could do an entire Bible study on this. It appears that charity toward others is the most significant way you mark departure from your old life of sin. Daniel can tell the king "break off (discontinue) your sins. showing mercy to the poor." (Dan. 4:27).

  1. See page 258 et seq.

Charity in the Hebrew Scriptures was frankly one of the most elevated commands to obey. One might even say it is central to Torah. It reflects obedience to God's command to love thy neighbor in a concrete way. Thus, the Law of Moses said if a brother of God's people is in your midst who is "needy" then "thou shalt surely open thy hand unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need in that which he wanteth." (Deut. 15:7-8). Thirty-six times the Bible then commands the same charity must be shown to the "stranger" in your midst for "you were once strangers in the Land of Egypt." E.g., (Deut. 10:1.9)

The charity-principle is one of the most characteristic ways of doing justice in God's eyes. God desires it more than any blood sacrifice. (Prov. 21:3; (Mark 12:33).) In (Isa. 58:7) etseq. (NLT), God promises "salvation shall come like the dawn" if you bring the poor into your home, give him clothes, etc. If you are charitable, God promises if you call on Him, then "the Lord will answer." (Isaiah 58:9). Thus, even the issue of whether God will speed an answer to prayer depends on how charitable you are being to the poor.

Furthermore, if you are charitable, God will guide you "continually" and make you like a watered garden. ((Isa. 58:11).) God promises special blessings to those who give charity to the poor.

Thus, there is no end of verses that elevate charity above almost every other command except to Love the Lord thy God with your whole mind, heart and soul.

Jesus Says Charity Is An Essential Break From Your Life of Sin

As already noted, charity in Daniel was also linked to the end of sinning in your life. (Dan. 4:27). As Jesus tells it, charity has this function. After repentance from sin, then you need to be charitable to enter into eternal life. At least this is what Jesus told the young rich man is how to "enter eternal life." ((Matt. 19:16-26); (Mark 10:17-31); Luke 18:18-26). While it may not match Pauline doctrine, Jesus was consistent about this. When Zaccheus repented of his sin and gave his wealth to the poor, Jesus assured him that "salvation has come to this house." (Luke 19:9.)

One might say charity is a work worthy of repentance. As Jesus explains it, it is not optional. It completes your faith. Hence, faith plus works of charity are essential in Jesus' doctrine.