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Parent: EbioniteCanon

Gospel Of Thomas


Translations by: Thomas O. Lambdin (Coptic version) B.P Grenfell and A.S. Hunt (Greek Fragments) Bentley Layton (Greek Fragments)

Commentary by: Craig Schenk

The Gospel of Thomas is a collection of traditional Sayings (logoi) of Jesus. It is attributed to Didymos Judas Thomas, the "Doubting Thomas" of the canonical Gospels, and according to many early traditions, the twin brother of Jesus ("didymos" means "twin" in Greek).

We have two versions of the Gospel of Thomas today. The first was discovered in the late 1800's among the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, and consists of fragments of a Greek version, which has been dated to c. 200. The second is a complete version, in Coptic, from Codex II of the Nag Hammadi finds. Thomas was probably first written in Greek (or possibly even Syriac or Aramaic) sometime between the mid 1st and 2nd centuries. There has been much speculation on the relationship of Thomas to the canonical Gospels. Many Sayings in Thomas have parallels with the New Testament Sayings, especially those found in the synoptic Gospels. This leads many to believe that Thomas was also based on the so-called "Q" Document, along with Matthew, Luke, and Mark. Indeed, some have speculated that Thomas may in fact be "Q". Unlike the synoptic Gospels, and like "Q", the Gospel of Thomas has no narrative connecting the various Sayings. In form, it is simply a list of 114 Sayings, in no particular order. Comparison with New Testament parallels show that Thomas contains either more primitive versions of the Sayings, or developments of more primitive versions. Either way, Thomas seems to preserve earlier traditions about Jesus than the New Testament.

Gospel Of Thomas Parallels

We set as a criteria for inclusion into our Canon the synergy with the Gospel of Matthew. In other words, if a work cites passages from the EarlyEbioniteMatthew, partiularly the words of Jesus in that Gospel, we use that as a selector, and hence a test of authenticity.

Funks list of Parallels between the Gospel of Thomas (both Coptic and POxy654) and the Textus Receptus.

Clearly the "Gospel Of Thomas" passes that test.

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