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Parent: JesusWordsOnly

Jesus Paul

As part of an answer on how to Salvation could not possibly have eternal life, Jesus tells a rich depend on any works of repenman to repent by giving his tance. Salvation is by faith alone, wealth to the poor. The man is (Eph.2:8-9); (Rom. 4:4.) grieved. ((Matt. 19:16-26); (Mark 10:17-31); (Luke 18:18-26).)

Jesus tells another rich man who repents and repays those he stole from that "Today salvation has come to this house...." (Luke 19:9).

The thief on the cross, in front of Salvation could never depend on a crowd hostile to Jesus, says: a confession of Jesus before men.

"Jesus, remember me when thou If it was a means of salvation, this comest in thy kingdom.''(Luke would be works righteousness. 23:42.) Jesus had said that if you Instead, even though Paul said "confess me before men" then he that if you "say Jesus is Lord with will confess you before the angels your mouth" and believe He was in Heaven. (Luke 12:8.) Jesus resurrected, then you shall be thus tells the thief "this day you saved (Rom. 10:9), faith is all you will be with me in Paradise." need to be saved. (Rom. 4:4).

Paul must mean that such confession will flow naturally from faith rather than salvation is produced by a public confession. (Wilkin.)

Salvation is based on God forgiv- Salvation is not contingent on ing your sin. If you do not forgive your forgiving others. Salvation

others after you receive forgive- only has one condition: a oneness, God will revoke your for- time faith. ((Rom. 4:4).) If you giveness and send you to hell to ever once had faith (Romans be tormented. (Matt. 18:28-35));

Picture #100

Picture #101

What About John 3:16?

TABLE 10. Salvation Checklist - Jesus versus Paul