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Abraham 203, 247,253,260, 271-72, 495, 506, xxix-xxxii Agricola 390 Agrippa 320 Ananias 317-18 Anomia

Greek meaning 60-64, 70 Jesus warned of prophets who work anomia 296507-08 self-identification written by The Poor 296-97,301 Star Prophecy in DSS 53 The Damascus Document 302-03 U. of Penn, conference recognizes could be by Christian Ebionites 301 Deuteronomy

misplaced for hundreds of years 25-27

Dillow: on Parable of Sheep and the Goats 205-06

Dillow, Joseph 149-50, 205-06 Disinheritance, law of 207-08 Dispensationalism 387, 404, 490 circular analysis 387, 392, 393 dispense with Sennon on the Mount 390

goes beyond J. teachings 403 harmonization techniques 389, 491, 515

teaching Jesus' words are heretical 400-03 Docetism 337 in Paul 338

Dunning, Professor 273


Eastern Orthodox See Orthodox Eating meat sacrificed to idols Peter's withdrawal f.

Gentiles? 327-29

Eating Meat Sacrificed to Idols: Prohibition:

derives from Law of Moses 118 explains Peter's withdrawal from eating with Gentiles 327-28 Ebionites

alleged virgin birth heresy 294 facts supporting were Apostolic church 34,296-305 findings on Paul 293, 306 suppression of writings 295-96 U. of Penn, conference recognition Christian E. could be DSS sect 301

view of canon 34,407, ix Eisenman, Professor 248, 296-301, 308,481 Elements

Greek meaning 91 English Present Continuous Tense 165,

Enoch, Book of 27-29 Messianic prophecies 27 quoted by Jude as prophetic 27 Ensnared

significance 120 Ephesus 221

background facts on city 221 false teacher there acc. John 340 Ephesus trial

Christians of Asia all defect from Paul 222-224,315-17 identification as Paul 220-32, 235, 240-241 katarge 285

church 243 kleronomeo 209



meaning in Hebrew Scripture 269 obedience to Law includes faith xxxii

what kind of faith did Abraham have? 270-72 Faith alone doctrine Marcion an advocate 49 necessity of perseverance contradicts 177 Faith and works 198 ff, 247 ff. early church teachings 425 ff. forensic test argument 279 in Dead Sea Scrolls 297. 301 in James ch. 2 195-97,201-03, 247-50, 258-263 in (Rev. 194)^,371 in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats 198 ff.

in the Parable of the Sower 171-76, 196

in the Parable of the Ten Virgins 192-95 Paulunists claim blasphemes God 267

Flacius, Matthaeus 371-72 Fuller, (Dan. 210),371-72


(Gen. 15:6) 251-53, 272, 506-07, xxix

George, Bob 146 German

lacks progressive mood 373 Golb, Nonnan 299-300 Gordon, (Neh. 71-72), 77, 391, 408 Grace

given to meek 290 ignored terminology by Jesus in (Rev. 182), 186, 213-14 Paul's false dichotomy of works or grace 267, xxxii Graham, Billy 375, 384 Greek

aorist v present participle tenses 374, i ff.


(Hab. 2:4) 272-73, 297-98, 507-08 Paul tripped up by Septuagint translation 272-275


Paul's analogy in Gal. 4 86-88, 234, 393,481 Hebrews, Epistle of written by Barnabas 47 Hegesippus 406

on James as leader of Jerusalem church 243 Herod 307-09 Herod Antipas 307 Herodion: kinsman of Paul 307 Hill, Dan 125-27

Idol Meat Issue

early church view 435-36 Imputed righteousness how works in the Law &

Prophets 264, xxxi-ii Irenaeus 155-56,229,342,435,442 (Isa. 7:14) translation issue 294 Isaiah 8:20 ff.

Jerome 36, 108, 244, 247, 294, 298, 316,407

Jerome: James as leader of Jerusalem Church 244 Jerusalem council

eating meat sacrificed to idols 118, 119

Peter speech 334, 446 Jesus. See also Parables, Metaphor of the Vine.

answers debate on faith and works in (Rev. 3) 195-98 command against condemning vs finding false prophets 65 continuing validity of the Law of Moses 69-70,83,97-100, 235-36, 479, xxviii did he abolish Sabbath? 77 did He proclaim the Gospel? 37677,384

is faith a work? 254 justification based on repentance from sin 15,83,447 necessity of endurance for

salvation 165, 169, 172-75, 456

need to listen to twelve 325 on role of confession of Him 451 on assurance 502-04 on atonement 78, 265, 503 on oath-taking 391 on obedience 382, 499, 508 on unclean food laws 359,478 passes prophetic test of (Deut. 12) post-salvation requirement to forgive others 453 prohibits eating idol meat 120-22, 127

promise salvation for keeping His word 403

Jesus (continued):

salvation steps explained to rich young man 83, 205, 448 self-serving testimony insufficient 219-20

Sermon on the Mount's salvation message 378-80, 401 teachings at odds with

Dispensationalism 397-98 teachings on faith and works 182203,499-501

threatens Hell on Christian for denial 453

verses at odds with Paul's

doctrines 83,97,120-21, 157-59, 163, 183-203,390403, 447-72

verses requiring works for

salvation See verses at odds with Paul's doctrines. 174-75, 186-89, 194-97, 203, 205, 206-10,380-83,391-92,431, 453-58, 499-500, 509-10 warning of anomia parallels (Deut. 60-63), 70 warnings of false prophets to

come 1,38,59-63,129,347, 363,366,385-86,

Jesus' Words Only

as doctrine of Jesus 482-510, 513 NT test of canonicity 16,211, 402, 405

older and longer tradition than Paulinism 405-06

John: why gospel of John focuses on believing 164-70

John 3 : 16 : should be saved if continue in trust of Jesus 164-170,374, 435,462 John 10 : 27 - 29 : no one can snatch you 180, 471, ii

John 15 : 1 - 6 : Imputed Righteousness

in general 15, 83, 264, 506-08, xxxiii

in OT 262-63, is obedience possible? 263 Justin Martyr 432


King James Bible

how handled verb tenses 168-69 translation errors 56, 102, 165, 168-69, 207-09,265,291, 373, 383, 490, 495, 499, 505OS, ii-viii Knox, John 110 Krino

in first person, a judicial tenn of art 242-43



eternal for all generations 235, xxxii

scope for Gentiles 102-05, 238, 491, xxii-iii

still has one Messianic prophecy to fulfill 99

Lewis, C.S. 383-84 Liar

Ebionites claimed Paul lied about Jewish background 310-11 how assessment relates to idol meat issue 128

Liar (continued):

NT passages on 'liar' apparently aimed at Paul 303 one who claims to know Jesus but does not keep Jesus' commands 18-19 one who rejects twelve apostles is a liar 324-25,331-33 Spouter of Lies in DSS identified with Paul by Professor Eisenmann 301-02 Liddell-Scott Greek Lexicon 61,67, Linus 246

Lion: symbolizes Jews 316 Luke

apostoli limited 16 : 16 : salvation by baptism? 452

Longer and Shorter Endiing Issue 29, 161

(Mark 9) : 42 - 48 : repent-of-sin or perish 83, 163, 392,459 Mary

claims of perpetual virginity 244 Matthew's Gospel written first in Hebrew 77, 294,407, xiii

Hebrew variants 77, 140, 391, 408 Matthias 216-18 McDowell, Josh 44 Metaphor of the Vine and Branches See also John 15:1-6 278,383,454-56 Methodius 432-33 Metzger, Brace 11,216


New Covenant

prophecy in (Jer. 233-34), 389390, xxvii

Nicene Creed: lacks anything from Paul 441

Nicolaitans 117, 121

not obey law because under grace but Jesus condemns them 121


addition to Parable of the Virgins 191

errors 165,169,381,499 selective repair of Greek present active tense 169, v-vi


Origen 444, xv Original sin, doctrine of and docetism 337

Orthodox (Eastern) 228,306,438-42, xxi, xxv

rejects Pauline doctrine 440-41 severed ties with Rome 228, 440



origins 229, 444 Papias 183, 370

fighting rising Paulinism 341 Parable of the Prodigal Son 463 Parable of the Publican and the Pharisee 447,463 Parable of the Sheep and the

Goats 198-211,248,250,383, 385, 456, 466

Parable of the Sower 171-82,189, 197,211-13,455-56,465 fourth seed 174 Luther's explanation 176-79 parallels to (Rev. 173),212-13 Parable of the Talents 278, 454-55, 465

Parable of the Ten Virgins 182, 18998

Parable of the Unmerciful Servant 453, 464 Parable of the Unprofitable

Servant See also Parable of the Talents.


Passover 105, xxi-xxviii Paul

abrogate entire Law of Moses? 73116, 479-81

abrogates all food laws 76, 358 abrogates Sabbath law 75-76, 82, 358

admits is worker of anomos See Hcigar. theory of NT contradicts

Jeremiah See Jeremiah ff.


false p. is to test love of God 42 false prophet if negate law or sinful? 61

false prophet using angel as source 51

falseness learned from fruit 129, 285

lesson of young and old prophet in (1Kgs. 13) 51 See also Verse Dedications.

must say 'thus sayeth the Lord' or equivalent 39-40 signs and wonders not enough 1,41-42

Prophecies (Messianic)

Star Prophecy 55-58 Daniel's Prophecy 56-57 Jacob's Prophecy 348-49 Prophet

Balaam proves true prophet can apostasize 22, 132, 155-56


Refonnation 469-72, 514 Repentance from sin

J. taught in (Rev. 189) John teaches gives justification 15 MacArthur argues not a work 399 Rev. 2:2

121, 128-30, 215-238, 293-330, 331-46 Rev. 2 : 14-15 120-122 Rev. 3 : 1-3 188-98

Rev. 21 : believes 167, 272 , v Stulac 262 Symmachus 294 Synoptics 369 doctrine of faith at odds with Paul 161-64

downplayed by Paulunists 369, 375-76

salvation message 161-65,375-77 were they written to counter Paul? 161,163,385-96


Telesphorousin: Greek word 173 Temptation

Paul's view on origin of 280-82 Temptation: James' teaching on 280 Tertullian 35-36, 150, 224, 225, 226, 229, 337, 340, 345, 367, 405406,445

Against Marcion 225,405-425,


on Tertullian's claim Paul has inferior status to twelve 35, 226, 345,367,408,413-17 Paul's validity 225-31,417-23 Tertullian's Scorpion s BitePicture #109