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Friends on the Web Sympathetic to Ebionite Christianity

Douglas Del Tondo

We draw tremendous inspiration from Douglas Del Tondo's work starting with a book titled "Jesus' Words Only" that places the emphasis for Christianity on "Sola Scriptura". He had a website but that is now gone. His book was available on the site for free-download in PDF and is on We have translated it into Wiki syntax: JesusWordsOnly

Forrest Marready

An author who feels that he has an Incredible Opinion: and indeed he has. His documentary Are You Crooked? is RequiredWatching.

Assyrian Holy Apostoloc Church of the East

Friends we hope to meet

We have recently come across website Too Long In theSun by RichardRives, and we find that we are essentially in complete accord with his theology as summarized by the following articles on his website. We look forward to discussing with him some issues of ours, like PaulApostleOfTheHeretics, and hope we can work together.


We engage with bible experts in research forums:

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