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Parent:: PaulApostleOfTheHeretics

Number Of Parallels from the Textus Receptus To Paul

We set as a criteria for inclusion into our Canon the synergy with the Gospel of Matthew. In other words, if a work cites passages from the EarlyEbioniteMatthew, partiularly the words of Jesus in that Gospel, we use that as a selector, and hence a test of authenticity.

Clearly the "Pauline" Epistles fail that test.

  • Number of strong parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Christian Gospels...200+

  • Number of strong and weak parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Christian Gospels...400+

  • Number of strong parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Second Century Gnostics...0

  • Number of strong and weak parallels between the Gospel of Thomas and the Second Century Gnostics...0

  • Number of strong parallels between the "Genuine" Letters of Paul and the Second Century Gnostics...All of it, 100%

PS: Number Of Parallels from the Justin Martyr To Paul

Paul was never even mentioned by the most prolific author of the Early Church:

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