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Ebonite Christianity

We are led by the Apostles with James and followers of their followers, who later fled to Pella just before the sack of Jerusalem in 70 AD, and in time expanded ro Antioch.

  • EarlyEbioniteMatthew Early Church "Fathers" on the Primacy of a Hebrew Dialect Matthew
  • BnaiAmenEbionaens The Ebionæans were the early branch of "Jewish Christianity" led by James, the brother of Jesus in Jerusalem.

The Early Church of the 12 Apostles, under James the brother of Jesus in Jerusalem, held to the Mosaic law, including:

  • the commandments of Moses
  • the weekly Sabbath
  • the Hebrew feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles
  • the law of circumcision

As Christians, we continue the traditions of the Early Church.

  • the commandments of Moses are commandments of all time. To this we add:
    • Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (Matt. 22:37)
  • the Sabbath day is a day of rest to be celebrated with the congregation and familiy. The day of the Sabbath is determined by the day of the week that is the first day of the week in the country you are in: if the first day of the work week is Monday, then the Sabbath is Sunday. Some groups celebrate according to the custom of some of the Hebrews, that the day begins at sunset, although other groups hold that the day begins at midnight. On the day of rest no work should be performed, i.e. no stores should be open for commerce, but work that is required, i.e. tending livestock, is always allowed.

As Christians:

  • we celebrate Passover as the rememberance of the Cruxifiction in addition to the Seders of the Hebrews (Luke 22:19); we keep the feast of the unleavened bread.
  • we also celebrate Ephiphany, celebrating the baptism of Christ.
  • we also celebrate Pentecost, the Hebrew feast of Sukkoth.
  • we do not celebrate Xmas, which is a pagan holiday celebrating the birth of Sol Invictus.
  • we do not adopt ConstantinianChurch Cross (or pagan ChiRho) as symbol: if we have a symbol it is likely to be the sword (Matt. 10:34).

Our EbioniteCanon follows that of the Jamesian church and

  • puts the primacy on the Gospel of Matthew, without the first 2 chapters
  • rejects the Paulines of PaulApostleOfTheHeretics.
  • Lacks the first 2 chapters of Matthew and Luke, as ignore the notion of a VirginBirth, and hold that Jesus acquired his divinity at his baptism.
  • We set as a criteria for inclusion into our Canon the synergy with the Gospel of Matthew.
  • The law of circumcision applies and is encouraged for infants, but we do not hold it to be a requirement for fellowship, nor is it considered a ritual to be done in a special manner by a special person.
  • The law of matriarcical heritage was not held by all Hebrew groups, and was not detailed in the Pentauch as far as we know. It is of a lesser importance to us a Christians in that we do not hold that one must be a Christian (or Hebrew) by birth for fellowship.

We are for life, and against death:

  • we oppose all forms of abortion
  • we oppose all forms of euthanasia
  • we oppose extra-judicial executuions by the military or secret services
  • we oppose the death penalty
  • we are Concientious Objectors - we fight War, but will defend ourselves.

We place an emphasis on what Jesus was known for - Healing:

  • Concientious Objectors to pHarma
    • Seek remedies to enhance our God-given Natural Healing abilities
    • Follow the Christian practices of healing where possible, with healing circles.

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PS: Rosh Hashanah is a hoax; a man-made tradition masquerading as being of Old Testament origin. Rosh Hashanah as the start of a “Biblical New Year” is a bogus rabbinic tradition falsely ascribed to the Word of God.

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