embed edited this page 2023-10-27 23:31:08 +00:00

Parent: JesusWordsOnly

Jesus Himself Condemns Paul s Undermining of Moses ' Inspiration

If you accept Paul's views, then you have undermined the very authority necessary to trust in Christ. If one discredited the source of Moses' writings as delivered by "weak and beggarly" angels who are "no gods," Jesus said it is impossible to truly trust in Him. "If they hear not Moses...neither will they be persuaded if one rises from the dead." (Luke 16:31). Trust in Moses' words is the way to truly know Jesus was Messiah. Jesus says this. Jesus says again "if you believed Moses, you would believe me, for he wrote of me." (John 5:46).

If Paul were correct about the angels and the Law, then how do Jesus' words make sense that trust in Moses ' writings as inspired from God is essential to faith in Jesus ? Jesus' words make no sense if Paul is correct. Paul takes away the key that Jesus says is necessary to truly know and trust in Jesus. Something is seriously wrong in our tradition that includes Paul.