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Parent: JesusWordsOnly

Romans Chapter Seven Says the Jews Are Released From the Law

Paul makes his views clear again in (Rom. 7:1) et seq. Paul says he is addressing those who know the Law. Paul then teaches that the Jews under the Law are the same as if Israel were a wife of God. When Jesus died, the husband died. This then " releases" the bride (Jews) from the Law. (Rom. 7:2). The Jews are now free to remarry another. In this instance, they can now join with the resurrected Jesus who no longer offers the Law to follow. The Law instead, Paul says, is a bond to the dead husband-God, applying Paul's analogy.

There is no doubt on Paul's meaning in (Rom. 7:2). The word translated as "releases" is from the Greek katarge. Paul uses the same Greek word in Romans 6:6. There he prays the body of sin "may be destroyed ," and uses the word katarge to mean destroyed, abolished, etc. Katarge means in Greek bring to nothing or do away with. It is the same word Paul uses in (Eph. 2:15) to say the Law was "abolished."

Thus, Paul clearly taught in (Rom. 7:2) again that the Law was abolished. He made this truth specific to Jews too.