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Statement Of Faith

Inspired by the Natural Order

  • We celebrate the natural order of Creation and thank God he made women and men so different; we vive-la-difference.
  • We promote a strong patriarchal hierarchy and work to get rid of modern communism.
  • We reject anything outside of heterosexual relationships as normal or acceptable.
  • We acknowledge we have enemies, and we we may be illegal in woke jurisdictions. Hate crime laws are being specifically applied to Christians, their intended target.
  • We reject transhumanism in all its forms. That means we reject *NA-altering pharmaceutical products, AI front-ends that shirk human responsibility, and changes to the rule-of-law that make them Android-friendly.
  • We reject almost all vaccines, as all the consequent harm is being systematically denied, and the victims denigrated.
  • We must withdraw now from woked public education and work together to educate our children, rather than putting them in the hands of globalist indoctorination.
  • We discourage social media and believe it cannot replace real human interaction, with a real human sense of responsibility.
  • We are opposed to murder:
    • abortion,
    • euthenasia,
    • extra-judicial executions,
    • judicial executions

We Reject Constantine Christianity

  • We can be seen as Sola Scriptura as we have no dogma unless rooted in the Canon.
  • We reject Constantine's usurpation of Christianity to create the "Church" that suited his paganism:
    • We are Anti- PontiFex Maximus, Anti- Sol Invictus, and above all, Anti- Mollech.
    • Celbrate Hebrew and Christian holidays: Ephiphany; Pessach, Sukkoth. We do not celebrate the birthday of Sol Invictus - Xmas.
  • We find that Constantinan "Churches" of today are anti-Christian:
    • Directly paid by the government (e.g. FEMA); directly working for the enemy.
    • Flying the wokely coloured flags to promote debauchery.
    • They advocate big Government, big Sins, and big pHarma.
    • The are often funded to be Zionist, and twist their theology to match.
  • We form congregations in Tyndale's sense of the word.
  • Our symbol is not the Cross, or the Chi-Rho; if we have one it is the Sword.

We are Discriminating in Bible Translations

  • We ask the question WastheNewTestamentReallyWritteninGreek and conclude that the original language of the New Testament is the Hebrew dialect of Aramaic, not Greek - and not just the EarlyEbioniteMatthew
  • We reject the "new improved" bibles based on the CodexSinaticusGreekFraud, and discriminate against the Calvinist and James' KjvTampering, relative to a better earlier Tyndale version: the Matthew's Bible.
  • We are prepared to do the textual criticism work needed to understand the texts of the Bible, and reject blind or slavish adherence like KJV Onlyism.
  • Rather than restricting ourselves to one English translation, we try use a CommentariesInOsis that can be read alongside any Bible with good bible software. It is also much easier to translate a commentary into into other languages, which may have similar, different texts.

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