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Let's now pull all these Biblical references together, and see if the Bible identifies Paul as the Benjamite wolf.

Table captionTABLE 8. Who is the Benjamite Wolf?

| TABLE 8. Who is the Benjamite Wolf? | | Verse | | Ezek. 22:26-32 | | Rom. 14:5; Col. 2:14-16 | | 2Cor. 2:14; Gal. 5:1; Rom. 7:1 et seq.;

![Picture #77}}\{{images/img_0078.png|Picture #78}}\{{images/img_0079.png|Picture #79}}\{{images/img_0080.png|Picture #80}}\Conclusion\do violence to the Law, teaching it was pennissible to disregard Sabbath and to disregard the food laws on unclean food-all of which we find precise fulfillment in the postconversion letters of Paul.\When this mass of evidence is assembled as clearly as it is above, Paul must be the target of these prophecies. What we have done in the name of Christ to the teachings of Jesus in reliance on the Benjamite wolf warrant our expulsion from the kingdom. (Pray for mercy.) It is not merely that we have followed a false prophet from the tribe of Benjamin. (We should have known better because he first killed us and then divided us Gentiles from the mother-church.) Rather, what is so deplorable is we even followed the wolf's teachings when they contradicted the words of Jesus whom we claim is our Lord. It is astonishing, frankly, how we ever rationalized this behavior: claiming the name Christian but refusing to follow teachings of Jesus when we realize Jesus is incompatible with Paul such as:\Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments [of the Law of Moses], and shall teach men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven : but whosoever shall do and teach them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. (Mat 5:19]\All we can do now is repent and obey.\"The world is filled with millions of people who think they are headed for heaven-but they are deadly wrong. Probably most people think heaven awaits them, but it doesn't. But what is especially sad, is that many of those people sit in evangelical churches misinformed."\John MacArthur, Hard to Believe{{images/img_0081.png|Picture #81](images/img_0077.png)\Who is the Benjamite Wolf in Prophecy? |