embed edited this page 2023-11-16 08:28:52 +00:00


Whilst running and hiding and fleeing the agents of a sadistic English Lord Chancellor who wanted Tyndale burned at the stake, he still had time to write a book back at the sadist defending his translation of words in his English translation of the New Testament, such as eklesia as "Congregation" rather tha "the Word Church" which came from the Translation of the Vu;gate. The book explains in detail his reasons for the critical choices of translation he made of the "et. cetera" words.

The top 5 of the "et. cetera" words that Tyndale translated differently from what King James I decreed are:

  • He translated ekklesia as congregation, not church. (Luther avoided the word Kirche, preferring instead Gemeinde.)
  • He translated presbuteros as elder, not priest.
  • He translated metanoeo as repent, not do penance.
  • He translated exomologeo as acknowledge, rather than do confession.
  • He translated agape as love, not charity.

Which gives a very different flavour to reading a Tyndale Matthew's bible from a KJV, and makes the KJV, which was explicitly based on a Tyndale bible, a bible that has been altered to give the text a pro-ecclesiastical direction. The first 4 of those 5 words are explicitly intended to support the Church.

See: TyndaleCommentary