set QSettings account array size when saving #61

shunf4 wants to merge 1 commits from fix/acc_setting_unsaved into messageFeed

if the app is killed (like, by Windows when shutting down) between beginWriteArray endArray, things can go bad: setting core/accounts/size is not written, then next time squawk launches, the account array becomes empty.

So it's better we set the size of core/accounts array as early as beginWriteArray.

if the app is killed (like, by Windows when shutting down) between `beginWriteArray` `endArray`, things can go bad: setting `core/accounts/size` is not written, then next time squawk launches, the account array becomes empty. So it's better we set the size of `core/accounts` array as early as `beginWriteArray`.
shunf4 added 1 commit 2021-12-19 14:32:16 +00:00
blue closed this pull request 2022-01-09 14:41:47 +00:00

Pull request closed

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