optimize: use QTextEdit::insertFromMimeData to process pasting images #60

shunf4 wants to merge 1 commits from opt/mime_paste_img into messageFeed

Rather than listening on "Ctrl-V" and manipulating context menu, we have a better way to handle image pasting of message text edit box: QTextEdit::insertFromMimeData.

Also enables pasting file into message text edit box.

Rather than listening on "Ctrl-V" and manipulating context menu, we have a better way to handle image pasting of message text edit box: `QTextEdit::insertFromMimeData`. Also enables pasting file into message text edit box.
shunf4 added 1 commit 2021-12-18 14:49:28 +00:00
blue closed this pull request 2022-01-09 14:41:47 +00:00

I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to close it, looks like it did when I have removed the branch.
Do you think you can reopen this request?

I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to close it, looks like it did when I have removed the branch. Do you think you can reopen this request?

Pull request closed

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