segfault fix when trying to send something but the history isn't loaded yet, icon and for attached files which are not previewed

This commit is contained in:
Blue 2021-05-11 00:06:40 +03:00
parent ce047db787
commit b7b70bc198
3 changed files with 61 additions and 31 deletions

View File

@ -112,6 +112,8 @@ Shared::Global::Global():
static const QSize defaultIconFileInfoHeight(50, 50);
Shared::Global::FileInfo Shared::Global::getFileInfo(const QString& path)
std::map<QString, FileInfo>::const_iterator itr = instance->fileCache.find(path);
@ -131,6 +133,8 @@ Shared::Global::FileInfo Shared::Global::getFileInfo(const QString& path)
p = FileInfo::Preview::picture;
QImage img(path);
size = img.size();
} else {
size = defaultIconFileInfoHeight;
itr = instance->fileCache.insert(std::make_pair(path, FileInfo({info.fileName(), size, type, p}))).first;

View File

@ -532,20 +532,23 @@ QModelIndex Models::MessageFeed::modelIndexById(const QString& id) const
QModelIndex Models::MessageFeed::modelIndexByTime(const QString& id, const QDateTime& time) const
StorageByTime::const_iterator tItr = indexByTime.upper_bound(time);
StorageByTime::const_iterator tBeg = indexByTime.begin();
bool found = false;
while (tItr != tBeg) {
if (id == (*tItr)->getId()) {
found = true;
if (indexByTime.size() > 0) {
StorageByTime::const_iterator tItr = indexByTime.upper_bound(time);
StorageByTime::const_iterator tBeg = indexByTime.begin();
StorageByTime::const_iterator tEnd = indexByTime.end();
bool found = false;
while (tItr != tBeg) {
if (tItr != tEnd && id == (*tItr)->getId()) {
found = true;
if (found && tItr != tEnd && id == (*tItr)->getId()) {
int position = indexByTime.rank(tItr);
return createIndex(position, 0, *tItr);
if (found || id == (*tItr)->getId()) {
int position = indexByTime.rank(tItr);
return createIndex(position, 0, *tItr);
return QModelIndex();

View File

@ -307,25 +307,48 @@ void MessageDelegate::paintBar(QProgressBar* bar, QPainter* painter, bool sentBy
void MessageDelegate::paintPreview(const Models::FeedItem& data, QPainter* painter, QStyleOptionViewItem& option) const
Shared::Global::FileInfo info = Shared::Global::getFileInfo(data.attach.localPath);
if (info.preview == Shared::Global::FileInfo::Preview::picture) {
QSize size = constrainAttachSize(info.size, option.rect.size());
QPoint start;
if (data.sentByMe) {
start = {option.rect.width() - size.width(),};
start.rx() += margin;
} else {
start = option.rect.topLeft();
QImage img(data.attach.localPath);
if (img.isNull()) {
emit invalidPath(;
} else {
painter->drawImage(QRect(start, size), img);
option.rect.adjust(0, size.height() + textMargin, 0, 0);
QSize size = constrainAttachSize(info.size, option.rect.size());
QPoint start;
if (data.sentByMe) {
start = {option.rect.width() - size.width(),};
start.rx() += margin;
} else {
start = option.rect.topLeft();
QRect rect(start, size);
switch (info.preview) {
case Shared::Global::FileInfo::Preview::picture: {
QImage img(data.attach.localPath);
if (img.isNull()) {
emit invalidPath(;
} else {
painter->drawImage(rect, img);
default: {
QIcon icon = QIcon::fromTheme(info.mime.iconName());
int labelWidth = option.rect.width() - size.width() - margin;
QString elidedName = bodyMetrics.elidedText(, Qt::ElideMiddle, labelWidth);
QSize nameSize = bodyMetrics.boundingRect(QRect(start, QSize(labelWidth, 0)), 0, elidedName).size();
if (data.sentByMe) {
start.rx() -= nameSize.width() + margin;
painter->drawPixmap({start, size}, icon.pixmap(info.size));
start.rx() += size.width() + margin;
start.ry() += nameSize.height() + (size.height() - nameSize.height()) / 2;
painter->drawText(start, elidedName);
option.rect.adjust(0, size.height() + textMargin, 0, 0);
QPushButton * MessageDelegate::getButton(const Models::FeedItem& data) const