
1021 B

OcapPub: Towards networks of consent

This paper released under the Apache License version 2.0; see LICENSE.txt for details.

Conceptual overview


The mess we're in

Don't pretend we can prevent what we can't


(Note that things in the anti-solutions category aren't necessarily "things that aren't useful", but rather "things that end up causing problems if they're the foundation".)

Blocklists, allow-lists, and perimeter security

Access Control Lists

Content-centric filtering

Reputation scoring

Going back to centralization

A way forward: networks of consent

Must we boil the ocean?

Key concepts

Object capabilities (ocaps)

Ocaps meet ActivityPub objects/actors

True names, public profiles, private profiles

Accountability and revocation in an ocap system

Rights amplification and group-style permissions

Future work

