
134 lines
4.7 KiB

import json
import requests
import time
from os.path import exists
from loguru import logger
from pyfzf.pyfzf import FzfPrompt
fzf = FzfPrompt()
conf_file = 'config.json'
default_conf = {
'instance': '',
'public_list_instances': [
'enable_server_transcoding': False,
'external_transcoder_http_proxy_path': "",
'track_activity_history': False,
'prefetch_playlist': True,
'enable_persistent_cache': False,
'mpv_volume': 100,
'show_like_button': True,
'show_artist_name_in_albums': False
def set_defaults(corrected_config=None):
conf_rewrite = default_conf
if corrected_config:
conf_rewrite = corrected_config
with open(conf_file, 'wt') as f:
f.write(json.dumps(conf_rewrite, indent=4))
def check_config():
'''Check config and remove or add keys if not found in default config'''
with open(conf_file, 'rt') as f:
loaded_config = json.loads(
correct_conf = {}
for k, v in loaded_config.items():
if k in default_conf.keys():
correct_conf[k] = v
logger.warning(f'{k} from config will be removed. Value: {v}')
for k, v in default_conf.items():
if k not in correct_conf.keys():
correct_conf[k] = v
logger.warning(f'{k} added in config. Value: {v}')
return correct_conf
if not exists(conf_file):
def get_config(key):
'''return value from config by key'''
with open(conf_file, 'rt') as f:
loaded_config = json.loads(
return loaded_config.get(key)
def set_config(key, value):
'''set value new value config by key'''
read_conf = check_config()
with open(conf_file, 'wt') as f:
read_conf[key] = value
f.write(json.dumps(read_conf, indent=4))
def get_new_funkwhale_servers():
# Uses official API for getting new instances
public_server_api = ''
now = int(time.time())
timeback = now - 86400
request_public_servers = {
'from': f"{timeback}",
'to': f"{now}",
'queries': [
'refId': "A",
'intervalMs': 60000,
'maxDataPoints': 1174,
'datasourceId': 1,
'rawSql': "SELECT * FROM (\n SELECT\n DISTINCT on (c.domain) c.domain as \"Name\",\n c.up as \"Is up\",\n coalesce(c.open_registrations, false) as \"Open registrations\",\n coalesce(anonymous_can_listen, false) as \"Anonymous can listen\",\n coalesce(c.usage_users_total, 0) as \"Total users\",\n coalesce(c.usage_users_active_month, 0) as \"Active users (this month)\",\n coalesce(c.software_version_major, 0)::text || '.' || coalesce(c.software_version_minor, 0)::text || '.' || coalesce(c.software_version_patch, 0)::text as \"Version\",\n c.time as \"Last checked\",\n d.first_seen as \"First seen\"\n FROM checks as c\n INNER JOIN domains AS d ON = c.domain\n WHERE d.blocked = false AND c.up = true AND c.time > now() - INTERVAL '7 days'\n AND c.anonymous_can_listen IN ('true')\n AND c.open_registrations IN ('true','false')\n\n ORDER BY c.domain, c.time DESC\n) as t ORDER BY \"Active users (this month)\" DESC",
'format': "table"
r =, json=request_public_servers)
results = r.json()
new_instances = []
if results:
new_instances_list = results['results']['A']['tables'][0]['rows']
exists_instances = get_config('public_list_instances')
for i in new_instances_list:
if i[0] not in exists_instances and i[1]:
return new_instances
except: # If any errors then return empty list
return []