2024-01-06 03:08:22 +00:00

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# -*-mode: doctest; tab-width: 0; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8-unix -*-
== testserver box testing ==
>>> import os # doctest: +REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE
This is a Python doctest file that is executable documentation.
It is built to run in the host against a Vagranted VirtualBox, and is run
from the directory that contains the box's {{{.vagrant}}} subdirectory.
>>> import subprocess
>>> import sys
>>> import time
And, now run tests locally
>>> sys.stderr.write("Running tests locally" +'\n')
=== Box settings ===
We'll need the settings defined in {{{/usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.yml}}}
>>> import yaml
>>> sFacts = open('/usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.yml', 'rt').read()
>>> assert sFacts
>>> dFacts = yaml.safe_load(sFacts)
=== .gitconfig ===
We have a .gitconfig file in this directory that has our template
of what we need up in the box to checkout from
You can edit the file and customize it, and we will use it as a
Python string template, so look out for the {{{%()s}}} template fields.
>>> sDir = '/var/local/share/doc/txt'
>>> sFile = os.path.join(sDir, 'example.gitconfig')
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sFile), "ERROR: File not found " +sFile
>>> sGitConfig = open(sFile, 'r').read()
>>> assert sGitConfig, "ERROR: Nothing in " +sFile
We will look for the environment variables:
* {{{AAA_CERT}}} for the filename of your example certificate
* {{{AAA_KEY}}} for the filename of your example key
>>> sCertFile = os.environ.get('AAA_CERT')
>>> assert sCertFile, "ERROR: we need AAA_CERT set in the environment"
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sCertFile), "ERROR: the AAA_CERT in the environment is not a file"
>>> sKeyFile = os.environ.get('AAA_KEY')
>>> assert sKeyFile, "ERROR: we need AAA_KEY set in the environment"
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sKeyFile), "ERROR: the AAA_KEY in the environment is not a file"
>>> sIdentityFile = os.path.expandvars('$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa')
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sIdentityFile), "ERROR: the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa is not a file"
The directory we push to should have been created by Ansible.
>>> sBoxHome = dFacts['BOX_HOME']
>>> sDir = sBoxHome +'/etc/ssl/keys'
>>> run( "[ -d " +sDir +" ] || mkdir -p " +sDir) or None
We will push these files up to the box so that we can use them.
>>> sUser = os.environ.get('USERNAME') or os.environ.get('USER')
>>> sTo = 'dd of=%s/' % (sDir, sUser,)
>>> ssh_run_with_stdin(sTo, sKeyFile) or None
>>> sTo = 'dd of=%s/' % (sDir, sUser,)
>>> ssh_run_with_stdin(sTo, sCertFile) or None
>>> sTo = 'dd of=%s/' % (sDir, sUser,)
>>> ssh_run_with_stdin(sTo, sIdentityFile) or None
>>> sToDir = '%s/%s@*' % (sDir, sUser,)
>>> run( "chown 600 " +sToDir) or None
Now we have the cert and key up we can write our templated {{{~/.gitconfig}}}
>>> sTempDir = os.environ.get('temp') or os.environ.get('TMP') or '/tmp'
>>> assert os.path.isdir(sTempDir)
>>> sFile = os.path.join(sTempDir, '.gitconfig')
>>> oFile = open(sFile, 'w')
>>> sGitConfig = sGitConfig % dict(USER=sUser, KEYSDIR=sDir,
... BOX_HOME=sBoxHome)
>>> try:
... oFile.write(sGitConfig)
... finally:
... oFile.close()
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sFile)
>>> sTo = sBoxHome +'/.gitconfig'
>>> ssh_run_with_stdin('dd of=' +sTo, sFile) or None
>>> sys.stderr.write("Wrote templated .gitconfig to " +sFile +'\n')