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# -*-mode: doctest; tab-width: 0; py-indent-offset: 4; coding: utf-8-unix -*-
== testserver box testing ==
>>> import os # doctest: +REPORT_ONLY_FIRST_FAILURE
This is a Python doctest file that is executable documentation.
It is built to run in the host against a Vagranted VirtualBox, and is run
from the directory that contains the box's {{{.vagrant}}} subdirectory.
>>> import subprocess
>>> import sys
>>> import time
And, now run tests locally
>>> sys.stderr.write("Running tests locally" +'\n')
=== Box settings ===
We'll need the settings defined in {{{/usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.yml}}}
>>> import yaml
>>> sFacts = open('/usr/local/etc/testforge/testforge.yml', 'rt').read()
>>> assert sFacts
>>> dFacts = yaml.safe_load(sFacts)
=== .gitconfig ===
We have a .gitconfig file in this directory that has our template
of what we need up in the box to checkout from https://git.example.com
You can edit the file and customize it, and we will use it as a
Python string template, so look out for the {{{%()s}}} template fields.
>>> sDir = '/var/local/share/doc/txt'
>>> sFile = os.path.join(sDir, 'example.gitconfig')
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sFile), "ERROR: File not found " +sFile
>>> sGitConfig = open(sFile, 'r').read()
>>> assert sGitConfig, "ERROR: Nothing in " +sFile
We will look for the environment variables:
* {{{AAA_CERT}}} for the filename of your example certificate
* {{{AAA_KEY}}} for the filename of your example key
>>> sCertFile = os.environ.get('AAA_CERT')
>>> assert sCertFile, "ERROR: we need AAA_CERT set in the environment"
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sCertFile), "ERROR: the AAA_CERT in the environment is not a file"
>>> sKeyFile = os.environ.get('AAA_KEY')
>>> assert sKeyFile, "ERROR: we need AAA_KEY set in the environment"
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sKeyFile), "ERROR: the AAA_KEY in the environment is not a file"
>>> sIdentityFile = os.path.expandvars('$HOME/.ssh/id_rsa')
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sIdentityFile), "ERROR: the file ~/.ssh/id_rsa is not a file"
The directory we push to should have been created by Ansible.
>>> sBoxHome = dFacts['BOX_HOME']
>>> sDir = sBoxHome +'/etc/ssl/keys'
>>> run( "[ -d " +sDir +" ] || mkdir -p " +sDir) or None
We will push these files up to the box so that we can use them.
>>> sUser = os.environ.get('USERNAME') or os.environ.get('USER')
>>> sTo = 'dd of=%s/%s@example.com-nodes.key' % (sDir, sUser,)
>>> ssh_run_with_stdin(sTo, sKeyFile) or None
>>> sTo = 'dd of=%s/%s@example.com-clcerts.key' % (sDir, sUser,)
>>> ssh_run_with_stdin(sTo, sCertFile) or None
>>> sTo = 'dd of=%s/%s@example.com-id_rsa' % (sDir, sUser,)
>>> ssh_run_with_stdin(sTo, sIdentityFile) or None
>>> sToDir = '%s/%s@*' % (sDir, sUser,)
>>> run( "chown 600 " +sToDir) or None
Now we have the cert and key up we can write our templated {{{~/.gitconfig}}}
>>> sTempDir = os.environ.get('temp') or os.environ.get('TMP') or '/tmp'
>>> assert os.path.isdir(sTempDir)
>>> sFile = os.path.join(sTempDir, '.gitconfig')
>>> oFile = open(sFile, 'w')
>>> sGitConfig = sGitConfig % dict(USER=sUser, KEYSDIR=sDir,
... BOX_HOME=sBoxHome)
>>> try:
... oFile.write(sGitConfig)
... finally:
... oFile.close()
>>> assert os.path.isfile(sFile)
>>> sTo = sBoxHome +'/.gitconfig'
>>> ssh_run_with_stdin('dd of=' +sTo, sFile) or None
>>> sys.stderr.write("Wrote templated .gitconfig to " +sFile +'\n')