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<big><big><big><big>Created by Ingenious Design<br>
<small>by Douglas J. Del Tondo, Esq</small>.<br>
<big><big><span style="font-weight: bold;">Rigorously Scientific Assumptions Must Be Employed</span><br>
Richard Dawkins is the world's foremost defender of orthodox Darwinian evolution.<br>
Dawkins recently said in a radio interview on <a href=";feature=related">NPR in 2007</a>
and again in a video&nbsp;interview captured in Ben Stein's <span style="font-style: italic;">Expelled</span>(2008)
that it is a proper scientific endeavor to detect whether&nbsp;life
originated on earth by a designer as long as&nbsp;we&nbsp;posit/assume
this designer
(or designers) evolved elsewhere. With that objective and that
assumption, the
investigation of design-features in life on earth, etc.,&nbsp;would be
a purely scientific venture. It would also fit within Darwinian theory.
That theory assumes and proves, Dawkins claims, the ability to create
consciousness from pure matter by means of trial and error. Thus, as
long as all assumptions are materialistic, Dawkins says science can
intelligent design as the root cause for life on earth.<br>
I accept Dr. Dawkins' &nbsp;honesty and his intention behind what some
mockingly call&nbsp;the Alien Design Theory. As long as I vigorously
assume I am investigating an alien non-terrestrial culture, and I do
not ascribe to it&nbsp;supernatural powers to solve knotty problems of
causation,&nbsp;I am engaging in a legitimate scientific endeavor. <br>
Hence, I will reverse engineeer the steps involved in various puzzles to show how an ingenious design is <span style="font-weight: bold;">absolutely</span> <span style="font-weight: bold;">necessary</span>
for various phenomena in Nature. I will prove they were established by
an ingenious design harnessing the known laws of physics. Such a
pursuit is what Dawkins concedes is legitimate, and this is what every
scientist should accept as a legitimate scientific inquiry. I am not
ruling out miracles can happen or that God exists. (I believe in both.)
Rather, I am merely exploring what phenomena <span style="font-style: italic;">require</span> intelligence as an explanation, but which <span style="font-style: italic;">do not require</span> any assumption of a miracle whereby the intelligence <span style="font-style: italic;">has to be</span> God by classical definition. <br>
As a result, my inquiry is bounded on two sides so that it cannot be
used to establish a religious belief. It does not depend on miracles,
and it assumes the designer/ers evolved from matter. Therefore, I
envision one day this theory of Ingenious Design by Non-Terrestrial
Intelligence (ID-NTI) could be legally taught in a classroom. That's my
opinion as a lawyer.<br>
The reason it can be taught is that there is no religious content in
ID-NTI. It can only be argued such an
inquiry&nbsp;can&nbsp;scientifically confirm&nbsp;a belief in an alien
intelligence elsewhere. No one can say this scientific inquiry will
prove <span style="font-style: italic;">necessarily&nbsp;</span>the existence of God as classicly defined.<br>
That is not to say that a person of faith will be discouraged by such
evidence. They may claim such a designer or designers revealed by this
investigation could also have supernatural powers, and thus be God. But
that can only be addressed in a Metaphysics classroom. Science cannot
study <span style="font-style: italic;">by definition</span> the supernatural, even if it were intelligent. That's why such discussion will not be found within the ID-NTI movement.<br>
I am not merely being coy and quiet about who I think is the likely
designer, as the current ID movement was found in the Dover case to
represent (whether rightly or wrongly).<br>
Instead, I am agreeing to a materialist assumption that I am
investigating an alien non-terrestrial intelligence. I am personally
not a materialist, but a theist. Yet, my theism is irrelevant for this
investigation. Instead, I will offer theories that are purely
scientific of how an intelligence could create mechanisms or a means to
manipulate matter to form,&nbsp;for example, the Sloan Great Wall.<br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">The Example of the Sloan Great Wall</span><br>
The Sloan Great Wall is a good illustration of what ID-NTI represents.
This structure was discovered in 1985 by Geller and Huchra while
working as astrophysicists for the Harvard-Smithsonian Center of
Astrophysics. <br>
The Sloan Great Wall&nbsp;is a&nbsp;large scale space structure 1
billion light years over our North Pole. It is&nbsp;made of 11,000
galaxies who individually serve as nodes in a honeycomb structure.
Its&nbsp;overall exterior form is patterned, even in&nbsp;3-D, to
conform to the image of a&nbsp;little man with a head, two arms, a
torso and two legs (known as the Homonculus). <br>
In the chapter on the Great Wall, I will explain the origin of
this&nbsp;structure wholly by showing that some intelligence employing
the laws of physics in ingenious ways could levitate matter by
electromagnetism and stabilize it to conform precisely to the
Homonculus. By the same mechanism, an intelligent designer
could&nbsp;maintain the interior structure using 11,000&nbsp;galaxies
where each galaxy one-by-one is fitted as&nbsp;nodes within thousands
of&nbsp;hexagons. This is a&nbsp;feat that gravity alone could never
do, but an&nbsp;ingenious mechanism can do, and is the only plausible
and&nbsp;necessary explanation in <span style="font-style: italic;">Science </span>for the Sloan Great Wall.<br>
Thus, in the analysis of the Sloan Great Wall,&nbsp;I am not resorting
to explaining the unknown by miracles. My explanation does not depend
on the supernatural. Yet, at the same time, while I discuss this in
terms of an alien culture 1 billion light years from us,&nbsp;I am not
committed to materialism philosophically.&nbsp;I can discuss the same
facts later in Metaphysics. There I can&nbsp;propose non-scientific but
no less truth-seeking theorems to analyze whether&nbsp;this
intelligence is, in fact, God. But in science, I must make the
scientific assumption that consciousness is truly an emergent property
of matter, and that's all I am investigating in the Sloan Great Wall --
whether an intelligence one billion light years away exists, and I
assume it&nbsp;evolved naturalistically and lacks supernatural powers. <br>
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Ingenious Design by a Non-Terrestrial Intelligence</span><br>
This book/webpage
also seeks to establish&nbsp;the correct theorem to prove intelligent
design. The correct theorem, I believe, is&nbsp;to
prove simply an ingenious level of design. This is&nbsp;exhibited
multitude of specific engineering marvels in our universe.&nbsp;If we
are willing to challenge ourselves, and truly think hard, we can
perceive GENIUS of an extraordinary magnitude in natural mechanisms
that was not
conceivably produced by trial and error or wholly
unintelligent&nbsp;processes. This is true of&nbsp;DNA,
fractals, protein folding, irridescence in butterfly wings, human
and the Sloan Great Wall, etc., to just mention a few such phenemona.
Only by employing all our greatest
scientific minds to explain the engineering principles latent in
biological and natural structures can we pay proper respect to the
alien designer (or designers) that Dawkins conceded may be the proper <span style="font-style: italic;">scientific </span>explanation for a natural phenemonon.<br>
Hence, in this book/webpage, I have no&nbsp;intention to
prove&nbsp;that anything was created by a divine
being. That is for metaphysicists and/or natural history to determine
from other theorems not presented in this work. I wish them well, but
they are pursuing a different line of study than what science examines.
<span style="font-weight: bold;">Intelligent Design Movement Must Re-Invent Itself</span><br>
Intelligent design, to be truly scientific, must be ID-NTI. This may
not please the supporters of ID as presently established.
However,&nbsp;those ID scientists committed to science must concede
ID-NTI is the only way that in <span style="font-style: italic;">science</span>
the topic can be legitimately discussed. Science cannot function or be
useful if it is ever permitted to resolve&nbsp;any difficulty by resort
to&nbsp;a supernatural explanation. This is why trying to change the
definition of Science to permit ID <span style="font-style: italic;">without limits</span> to <span style="font-style: italic;">materialist assumptions</span> will never succeed.<br>
This is a book which is a work in progress. For the latest version, click below.<br>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;<a href="Lessons/CreatedbyIngeniousDesign.pdf">PDF Version </a>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; <a href="CBID-webpage.html.html">HTML Version</a><br>
Latest edit: June 23, 2008 <br>