2018-09-18 15:17:34 +03:00
var self = this;
var isGlobalPage;
docs.forEach(function(doc, i) {
// we only need to check this once
if (typeof isGlobalPage === 'undefined') {
isGlobalPage = (doc.kind === 'globalobj');
<?js if (doc.kind === 'mainpage' || (doc.kind === 'package')) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('mainpage.tmpl', doc) ?>
<?js } else if (doc.kind === 'source') { ?>
<?js= self.partial('source.tmpl', doc) ?>
<?js } else { ?>
<?js if (!doc.longname || doc.kind !== 'module') { ?>
<h2><?js if (doc.attribs) { ?><span class="attribs"><?js= doc.attribs ?></span><?js }
if (doc.ancestors && doc.ancestors.length) { ?>
<span class="ancestors"><?js= doc.ancestors.join('') ?></span><?js
?><?js= doc.name ?><?js
if (doc.variation) { ?>
<sup class="variation"><?js= doc.variation ?></sup><?js }
if (doc.signature && !doc.hideconstructor) { ?><?js= doc.signature ?><?js } ?></h2>
<?js if (doc.classdesc) { ?>
<div class="class-description"><?js= doc.classdesc ?></div>
<?js } ?>
<?js } else if (doc.kind === 'module' && doc.modules) { ?>
<?js doc.modules.forEach(function(module) { ?>
<?js if (module.classdesc) { ?>
<div class="class-description"><?js= module.classdesc ?></div>
<?js } ?>
<?js }) ?>
<?js } ?>
<div class="container-overview">
<?js if (doc.kind === 'module' && doc.modules) { ?>
<?js if (doc.description) { ?>
<div class="description"><?js= doc.description ?></div>
<?js } ?>
<?js doc.modules.forEach(function(module) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', module) ?>
<?js }) ?>
<?js } else if (doc.kind === 'class' || (doc.kind === 'namespace' && doc.signature)) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', doc) ?>
<?js } else { ?>
<?js if (doc.description) { ?>
<div class="description"><?js= doc.description ?></div>
<?js } ?>
<?js= self.partial('details.tmpl', doc) ?>
<?js if (doc.examples && doc.examples.length) { ?>
<h3>Example<?js= doc.examples.length > 1? 's':'' ?></h3>
<?js= self.partial('examples.tmpl', doc.examples) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (doc.augments && doc.augments.length) { ?>
<h3 class="subsection-title">Extends</h3>
<?js= self.partial('augments.tmpl', doc) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (doc.requires && doc.requires.length) { ?>
<h3 class="subsection-title">Requires</h3>
<ul><?js doc.requires.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(r, r) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
var classes = self.find({kind: 'class', memberof: doc.longname});
if (!isGlobalPage && classes && classes.length) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Classes</h3>
<dl class="article-sub-classes"><?js classes.forEach(function(c) { ?>
<dt><?js= self.linkto(c.longname, c.name) ?></dt>
<dd><?js if (c.summary) { ?><?js= c.summary ?><?js } ?></dd>
<?js }); ?></dl>
<?js } ?>
var interfaces = self.find({kind: 'interface', memberof: doc.longname});
if (!isGlobalPage && interfaces && interfaces.length) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Interfaces</h3>
<dl><?js interfaces.forEach(function(i) { ?>
<dt><?js= self.linkto(i.longname, i.name) ?></dt>
<dd><?js if (i.summary) { ?><?js= i.summary ?><?js } ?></dd>
<?js }); ?></dl>
<?js } ?>
var mixins = self.find({kind: 'mixin', memberof: doc.longname});
if (!isGlobalPage && mixins && mixins.length) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Mixins</h3>
<dl><?js mixins.forEach(function(m) { ?>
<dt><?js= self.linkto(m.longname, m.name) ?></dt>
<dd><?js if (m.summary) { ?><?js= m.summary ?><?js } ?></dd>
<?js }); ?></dl>
<?js } ?>
var namespaces = self.find({kind: 'namespace', memberof: doc.longname});
if (!isGlobalPage && namespaces && namespaces.length) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Namespaces</h3>
<dl><?js namespaces.forEach(function(n) { ?>
<dt><?js= self.linkto(n.longname, n.name) ?></dt>
<dd><?js if (n.summary) { ?><?js= n.summary ?><?js } ?></dd>
<?js }); ?></dl>
<?js } ?>
var members = self.find({kind: 'member', memberof: isGlobalPage ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
// symbols that are assigned to module.exports are not globals, even though they're not a memberof anything
if (isGlobalPage && members && members.length && members.forEach) {
members = members.filter(function(m) {
return m.longname && m.longname.indexOf('module:') !== 0;
if (members && members.length && members.forEach) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Members</h3>
<?js members.forEach(function(p) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('members.tmpl', p) ?>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
var methods = self.find({kind: 'function', memberof: isGlobalPage ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
if (methods && methods.length && methods.forEach) {
2018-09-18 17:41:21 +03:00
<div class="min-methods">
<div class="title">Methods list:</div>
<div class="list">
<?js methods.forEach(function(m) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('method_list.tmpl', m) ?>
<?js }); ?>
2018-09-18 15:17:34 +03:00
<h3 class="subsection-title methods">Methods</h3>
<?js methods.forEach(function(m) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', m) ?>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
var typedefs = self.find({kind: 'typedef', memberof: isGlobalPage ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
if (typedefs && typedefs.length && typedefs.forEach) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Type Definitions</h3>
<?js typedefs.forEach(function(e) {
if (e.signature) {
<?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', e) ?>
else {
<?js= self.partial('members.tmpl', e) ?>
}); ?>
<?js } ?>
var events = self.find({kind: 'event', memberof: isGlobalPage ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
if (events && events.length && events.forEach) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Events</h3>
<?js events.forEach(function(e) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', e) ?>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js }); ?>