first commit

This commit is contained in:
Aleksey Chichenkov 2018-09-18 15:17:34 +03:00
commit 058104b10f
59 changed files with 14719 additions and 0 deletions

.idea/docs.iml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
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.idea/misc.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
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.idea/modules.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
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.idea/workspace.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
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conf.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
"tags": {
"allowUnknownTags": true
"recurseDepth": 10,
"source": {
"include": ["docfiles"],
"includePattern": ".+\\.js(doc|x)?$",
"excludePattern": "(^|\\/|\\\\)_"
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"plugins": [],
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docfiles/models.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* Менеджер моделей.<br>
* Представляет собой интерфейс для доступа ко всем моделям<br>
* Позволяет по адресу модели, получить на нее ссылку.<br>
* @namespace Models
function Models() {
* Вернет ссылку на модель. В качестве идентификатора следует указать адрес дерева.
* @public
* @function get
* @param {v2.address} address Адрес модели
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Models
this.get = function (address) {

docfiles/trees.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
* Менеджер деревьев.<br>
* Представляет собой интерфейс для доступа ко всем деревьям<br>
* Позволяет по тегу дерева получить на него ссылку.<br>
* На текущий момент содержит в себе: <br>
* - global_tree (Основное дерево)<br>
* - global_attribute_tree (Дерево, которое предоставляет доступ к атрибутам)<br>
* - desktop_tree (Представляет рабочий стол)<br>
* - remote_modules_tree (Представляет собой дерево сборщиков)<br>
* - scheme_tree (Топология)<br>
* - user_attribute_tree (Пользовательские данные)<br>
* @namespace Trees
function Trees() {
* Вернет ссылку на дерево. В качестве идентификатора следует указать тег дерева.
* @public
* @function get
* @param {v2.string} treeTag Тег дерева. Например: "rmt", "uat"
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Trees
this.get = function (treeTag) {
* Возвращает булевое значение о существовании дерева
* @public
* @function is_tree_exist
* @param {v2.string} treeTag Тег дерева. Например: "rmt", "uat"
* @returns {boolean}
* @memberof Trees
this.is_tree_exist = function (treeTag) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* @class DesktopTree
* @extends Trees.GlobalAttributeTree
* @memberof Trees
function DesktopTree() {
* @class Node
* @extends Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node
* @memberof Trees.DesktopTree
function Node() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
* Отнаследовано от глобального дерева. <br>
* Ноды этого дерева имеют доступ к атрибутам
* @class GlobalAttributeTree
* @extends Trees.GlobalTree
* @memberof Trees
function GlobalAttributeTree() {
* @class Node
* @extends Trees.GlobalTree.Node
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree
function Node() {
* Возвращает список всех атрибутов, включая динамические <br>
* <br> Работает через промис.
* @public
* @function attributes
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node
this.attributes = function() {
* Возвращает список базовых атрибутов ноды (их нельзя удалить) <br>
* <br> Работает через промис.
* @public
* @function base_attributes
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node
this.base_attributes = function() {
* Возвращает менеджер атрибутов ноды.
* @public
* @function am
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node
*/ = function() {
* Интерфейс позволяющей пользователю работать с атрибутами ноды
* @class Attributes
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node
function Attributes() {
* Возвращает список атрибутов ноды
* @public
* @function attributes
* @returns {,}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node.Attributes
this.attributes = function() {
* Возвращает список базовых атрибутов ноды
* @public
* @function base_attributes
* @returns {}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node.Attributes
this.base_attributes = function() {
* Возвращает ссылку на атрибут ноды
* @public
* @function get
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node.Attributes
this.get = function(attributeName) {
* Проверяет наличие любого атрибута у ноды
* @public
* @function is_exist_attribute
* @params {v2.string} attributeName
* @returns {boolean}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node.Attributes
this.is_exist_attribute = function(attributeName) {
* Провеляет наличие базового атрибута у ноды
* @public
* @function has_base_attribute
* @params {v2.string} attributeName
* @returns {boolean}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node.Attributes
this.has_base_attribute = function(attributeName) {
* Добавляет динамические атрибуты в ноду
* @public
* @function add
* @returns {v2.model_type}
* @params {} attributes список атрибутов
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node.Attributes
this.add = function(attributes) {
* Удаляет динамические атрибуты из ноды
* @public
* @function remove
* @returns {v2.model_type}
* @params {v2.set(v2.string)} attributes
* @memberof Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node.Attributes
this.remove = function(attributes) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
* Глобальное дерево, от которого отнаследованы все остальные. <br>
* Копирует идеологию ядра. <br>
* Ноды этого дерева имеют доступ только к списку своих потомков.
* @class GlobalTree
* @memberof Trees
function GlobalTree() {
* Возвращает ссылку на ноду. В качестве идентификатора надо указать идентификатор ноды.<br>
* <br> Работает через промис.
* @public
* @function get
* @param {v2.integer} nodeId Уникальный идентификатор ноды в дереве
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree
this.get = function(nodeId) {
* Позволяет удалить динамический атрибут ноды. <br>
* Возвращает булевое значение об операции
* @public
* @function remove
* @param {v2.string} nodeId Уникальный идентификатор ноды в дереве
* @returns {boolean}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree
this.remove = function(nodeId) {
* Возвращает адрес дерева в системе
* @public
* @function sys_addr
* @returns {v2.address}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree
this.sys_addr = function() {
* Нода дерева.<br>
* Представляет интефрейс для доступа к данным глобальной ноды в ядре.<br>
* Позволяет узнать потомков ноды<br>
* @class Node
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree
function Node() {
* Возвращает ссылку на атрибут ноды.<br>
* <br> Работает через промис.
* @public
* @function get
* @param {v2.string} attributeName Имя атрибута
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree.Node
this.get = function(attributeName) {
* Добавляет новый динамический атрибут в ноду.<br>
* Ничего не возвращает.
* @public
* @function add_node
* @param {} _attrs
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree.Node
this.add_node = function(_attrs) {
* Возвращает уникальный идентификатор ноды.
* @public
* @function id
* @returns {v2.integer}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree.Node
*/ = function() {
* Возвращает список потомков ноды.<br>
* <br> Работает через промис.
* @public
* @function children
* @returns {tools.promise.native}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree.Node
this.children = function() {
* Доступ к менеджеру детей
* @public
* @function cm
* @returns {Children}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree.Node
*/ = function() {
* Интерфейс позволяющей пользователю работать с потомками ноды
* @class Children
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree.Node
function Children() {
* Возвращает список потомков ноды
* @public
* @function get
* @returns {v2.list(v2.integer.type)}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree.Node.Children
this.children = function(attributeName) {
* Возвращает тип ноды, по ее идентификатору
* @public
* @function get_type_by_id
* @returns {v2.model_type}
* @memberof Trees.GlobalTree.Node.Children
this.get_type_by_id = function(attributeName) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Created by Aleksey Chichenkov <> on 9/17/18.
* @class RemoteModulesTree
* @extends Trees.GlobalAttributeTree
* @memberof Trees
function RemoteModulesTree() {
* @class Node
* @extends Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node
* @memberof Trees.RemoteModulesTree
function Node() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* @class SchemeTree
* @extends Trees.GlobalTree
* @memberof Trees
function SchemeTree() {
* @class Node
* @extends Trees.GlobalTree.Node
* @memberof Trees.SchemeTree
function Node() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* @class UserAttributeTree
* @extends Trees.GlobalAttributeTree
* @memberof Trees
function UserAttributeTree() {
* @class Node
* @extends Trees.GlobalAttributeTree.Node
* @memberof Trees.UserAttributeTree
function Node() {

4 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
rm -rf ../documentation
jsdoc -c conf.json

readme.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
Установить nodejs
Установить npm
Установить JSDoc
npm install -g jsdoc
или пойти на сайт
jsdoc -c conf.json

templates/initi/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
The default template for JSDoc 3 uses: [the Taffy Database library]( and the [Underscore Template library](
## Generating Typeface Fonts
The default template uses the [OpenSans]( typeface. The font files can be regenerated as follows:
1. Open the [OpenSans page at Font Squirrel](<>).
2. Click on the 'Webfont Kit' tab.
3. Either leave the subset drop-down as 'Western Latin (Default)', or, if we decide we need more glyphs, than change it to 'No Subsetting'.
4. Click the 'DOWNLOAD @FONT-FACE KIT' button.
5. For each typeface variant we plan to use, copy the 'eot', 'svg' and 'woff' files into the 'templates/default/static/fonts' directory.

templates/initi/publish.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
'use strict';
var doop = require('jsdoc/util/doop');
var env = require('jsdoc/env');
var fs = require('jsdoc/fs');
var helper = require('jsdoc/util/templateHelper');
var logger = require('jsdoc/util/logger');
var path = require('jsdoc/path');
var taffy = require('taffydb').taffy;
var template = require('jsdoc/template');
var util = require('util');
var htmlsafe = helper.htmlsafe;
var linkto = helper.linkto;
var resolveAuthorLinks = helper.resolveAuthorLinks;
var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var data;
var view;
var outdir = path.normalize(env.opts.destination);
function find(spec) {
return helper.find(data, spec);
function tutoriallink(tutorial) {
return helper.toTutorial(tutorial, null, {
tag: 'em',
classname: 'disabled',
prefix: 'Tutorial: '
function getAncestorLinks(doclet) {
return helper.getAncestorLinks(data, doclet);
function hashToLink(doclet, hash) {
var url;
if ( !/^(#.+)/.test(hash) ) {
return hash;
url = helper.createLink(doclet);
url = url.replace(/(#.+|$)/, hash);
return '<a href="' + url + '">' + hash + '</a>';
function needsSignature(doclet) {
var needsSig = false;
// function and class definitions always get a signature
if (doclet.kind === 'function' || doclet.kind === 'class') {
needsSig = true;
// typedefs that contain functions get a signature, too
else if (doclet.kind === 'typedef' && doclet.type && doclet.type.names &&
doclet.type.names.length) {
for (var i = 0, l = doclet.type.names.length; i < l; i++) {
if (doclet.type.names[i].toLowerCase() === 'function') {
needsSig = true;
// and namespaces that are functions get a signature (but finding them is a
// bit messy)
else if (doclet.kind === 'namespace' && doclet.meta && doclet.meta.code &&
doclet.meta.code.type && doclet.meta.code.type.match(/[Ff]unction/)) {
needsSig = true;
return needsSig;
function getSignatureAttributes(item) {
var attributes = [];
if (item.optional) {
if (item.nullable === true) {
else if (item.nullable === false) {
return attributes;
function updateItemName(item) {
var attributes = getSignatureAttributes(item);
var itemName = || '';
if (item.variable) {
itemName = '&hellip;' + itemName;
if (attributes && attributes.length) {
itemName = util.format( '%s<span class="signature-attributes">%s</span>', itemName,
attributes.join(', ') );
return itemName;
function addParamAttributes(params) {
return params.filter(function(param) {
return &&'.') === -1;
function buildItemTypeStrings(item) {
var types = [];
if (item && item.type && item.type.names) {
item.type.names.forEach(function(name) {
types.push( linkto(name, htmlsafe(name)) );
return types;
function buildAttribsString(attribs) {
var attribsString = '';
if (attribs && attribs.length) {
attribsString = htmlsafe( util.format('(%s) ', attribs.join(', ')) );
return attribsString;
function addNonParamAttributes(items) {
var types = [];
items.forEach(function(item) {
types = types.concat( buildItemTypeStrings(item) );
return types;
function addSignatureParams(f) {
var params = f.params ? addParamAttributes(f.params) : [];
f.signature = util.format( '%s(%s)', (f.signature || ''), params.join(', ') );
function addSignatureReturns(f) {
var attribs = [];
var attribsString = '';
var returnTypes = [];
var returnTypesString = '';
var source = f.yields || f.returns;
// jam all the return-type attributes into an array. this could create odd results (for example,
// if there are both nullable and non-nullable return types), but let's assume that most people
// who use multiple @return tags aren't using Closure Compiler type annotations, and vice-versa.
if (source) {
source.forEach(function(item) {
helper.getAttribs(item).forEach(function(attrib) {
if (attribs.indexOf(attrib) === -1) {
attribsString = buildAttribsString(attribs);
if (source) {
returnTypes = addNonParamAttributes(source);
if (returnTypes.length) {
returnTypesString = util.format( ' &rarr; %s{%s}', attribsString, returnTypes.join('|') );
f.signature = '<span class="signature">' + (f.signature || '') + '</span>' +
'<span class="type-signature">' + returnTypesString + '</span>';
function addSignatureTypes(f) {
var types = f.type ? buildItemTypeStrings(f) : [];
f.signature = (f.signature || '') + '<span class="type-signature">' +
(types.length ? ' :' + types.join('|') : '') + '</span>';
function addAttribs(f) {
var attribs = helper.getAttribs(f);
var attribsString = buildAttribsString(attribs);
f.attribs = util.format('<span class="type-signature">%s</span>', attribsString);
function shortenPaths(files, commonPrefix) {
Object.keys(files).forEach(function(file) {
files[file].shortened = files[file].resolved.replace(commonPrefix, '')
// always use forward slashes
.replace(/\\/g, '/');
return files;
function getPathFromDoclet(doclet) {
if (!doclet.meta) {
return null;
return doclet.meta.path && doclet.meta.path !== 'null' ?
path.join(doclet.meta.path, doclet.meta.filename) :
function generate(title, docs, filename, resolveLinks) {
var docData;
var html;
var outpath;
resolveLinks = resolveLinks !== false;
docData = {
env: env,
title: title,
docs: docs
outpath = path.join(outdir, filename);
html = view.render('container.tmpl', docData);
if (resolveLinks) {
html = helper.resolveLinks(html); // turn {@link foo} into <a href="foodoc.html">foo</a>
fs.writeFileSync(outpath, html, 'utf8');
function generateSourceFiles(sourceFiles, encoding) {
encoding = encoding || 'utf8';
Object.keys(sourceFiles).forEach(function(file) {
var source;
// links are keyed to the shortened path in each doclet's `meta.shortpath` property
var sourceOutfile = helper.getUniqueFilename(sourceFiles[file].shortened);
helper.registerLink(sourceFiles[file].shortened, sourceOutfile);
try {
source = {
kind: 'source',
code: helper.htmlsafe( fs.readFileSync(sourceFiles[file].resolved, encoding) )
catch (e) {
logger.error('Error while generating source file %s: %s', file, e.message);
generate('Source: ' + sourceFiles[file].shortened, [source], sourceOutfile,
* Look for classes or functions with the same name as modules (which indicates that the module
* exports only that class or function), then attach the classes or functions to the `module`
* property of the appropriate module doclets. The name of each class or function is also updated
* for display purposes. This function mutates the original arrays.
* @private
* @param {Array.<module:jsdoc/doclet.Doclet>} doclets - The array of classes and functions to
* check.
* @param {Array.<module:jsdoc/doclet.Doclet>} modules - The array of module doclets to search.
function attachModuleSymbols(doclets, modules) {
var symbols = {};
// build a lookup table
doclets.forEach(function(symbol) {
symbols[symbol.longname] = symbols[symbol.longname] || [];
modules.forEach(function(module) {
if (symbols[module.longname]) {
module.modules = symbols[module.longname]
// Only show symbols that have a description. Make an exception for classes, because
// we want to show the constructor-signature heading no matter what.
.filter(function(symbol) {
return symbol.description || symbol.kind === 'class';
.map(function(symbol) {
symbol = doop(symbol);
if (symbol.kind === 'class' || symbol.kind === 'function') { ='module:', '(require("') + '"))';
return symbol;
function buildMemberNav(items, itemHeading, itemsSeen, linktoFn) {
var nav = '';
if (items.length) {
var itemsNav = '';
items.forEach(function(item) {
var displayName;
if ( !, 'longname') ) {
itemsNav += '<li>' + linktoFn('', + '</li>';
else if ( !, item.longname) ) {
if (env.conf.templates.default.useLongnameInNav) {
displayName = item.longname;
} else {
displayName = item.longname;
itemsNav += '<li>' + linktoFn(item.longname, displayName.replace(/\b(module|event):/g, '')) + '</li>';
itemsSeen[item.longname] = true;
if (itemsNav !== '') {
nav += '<h3>' + itemHeading + '</h3><ul>' + itemsNav + '</ul>';
return nav;
function buildMemberNavNamespace(items, itemHeading, itemsSeen, linktoFn) {
var nav = '';
if (items.length) {
var itemsNav = '';
items.forEach(function(item) {
var displayName;
if ( !, 'longname') ) {
itemsNav += '<li>' + linktoFn('', + '</li>';
else if ( !, item.longname) ) {
displayName = item.longname;
var arr = displayName.split(".");
var end_id = arr.length - 1;
var last = arr.pop();
var prev_name = arr.join(".");
var res = "";
// res += "<span title='"+item.comment+"'>";
if (arr.length > 0) res += "<span class='__prev'>" +prev_name+ ".</span>";
res += "<span class='__end'>" +last+ "</span>";
itemsNav += '<li>' + linktoFn(item.longname, res.replace(/\b(module|event):/g, '')) + '</li>';
// itemsNav += "</span>";
itemsSeen[item.longname] = true;
if (itemsNav !== '') {
nav += '<h3>' + itemHeading + '</h3><ul>' + itemsNav + '</ul>';
return nav;
function buildMemberNavNamespacesTree(items, itemHeading, itemsSeen, linktoFn) {
var nav = '';
var restored_items = restoreSourceTree(items);
var recursive_generate_namespaces_old = function (_tree) {
var items = _tree.items;
var a = 0;
var res = "";
if (_tree.item_data) res = "<ul class=\"sub-menu\" id=\"" + + "\">";
if (_tree.item_data) res += "<li>" + linktoFn(_tree.item_data.longname,\b(module|event):/g, '')) + "</li>";
while (a < items.length) {
var name = items[a];
var data = _tree[name];
res += recursive_generate_namespaces(data);
if (_tree.item_data) res += "</ul>";
return res;
var g_id = 0;
var recursive_generate_namespaces = function (_tree) {
var lgid = g_id++;
var items = _tree.items;
var a = 0;
var res = "";
if (_tree.item_data) res = "<li>";
if (_tree.item_data) res += "<input type=\"radio\" class=\"mostrar-menu\" id=\"menu" + lgid + "\">";
if (items.length != 0 && _tree.item_data) res += "<label for=\"menu" + lgid + "\" class=\"ampliar\"></label>";
if (_tree.item_data) res += linktoFn(_tree.item_data.longname,\b(module|event):/g, ''));
if (items.length != 0) {
if (_tree.item_data) res += "<ul>";
while (a < items.length) {
var name = items[a];
var data = _tree[name];
res += recursive_generate_namespaces(data);
if (_tree.item_data) res += "</ul>";
if (_tree.item_data) res += "</li>";
return res;
var req_res = recursive_generate_namespaces(restored_items);
if (items.length) {
var itemsNav = '';
itemsNav += req_res;
if (itemsNav !== '') {
nav += '<h3>' + itemHeading + '</h3><ul class="menu-arbol">' + itemsNav + '</ul>';
return nav;
function restoreSourceTree(items) {
var out_tree = {items:[]};
var a = 0;
while( a < items.length){
var item = items[a];
var path = item.longname.split(".");
// console.log(item.longname);
var cur_path = out_tree;
var b = 0;
while(b < path.length){
var hop = path[b];
var is_exist = !!cur_path[hop];
// console.log("current hop: " + hop);
// console.log("new hop: " + hop);
cur_path[hop] = {};
cur_path[hop].item_data = item;
cur_path[hop].items = [];
} else {
// console.log("exist hop: " + hop);
cur_path = cur_path[hop];
// console.log("------------");
return out_tree;
function linktoTutorial(longName, name) {
return tutoriallink(name);
function linktoExternal(longName, name) {
return linkto(longName, name.replace(/(^"|"$)/g, ''));
* Create the navigation sidebar.
* @param {object} members The members that will be used to create the sidebar.
* @param {array<object>} members.classes
* @param {array<object>} members.externals
* @param {array<object>} members.globals
* @param {array<object>} members.mixins
* @param {array<object>} members.modules
* @param {array<object>} members.namespaces
* @param {array<object>} members.tutorials
* @param {array<object>}
* @param {array<object>} members.interfaces
* @return {string} The HTML for the navigation sidebar.
function buildNav(members) {
var globalNav;
var nav = '<h2><a href="index.html">Home</a></h2>';
var seen = {};
var seenTutorials = {};
nav += buildMemberNav(members.modules, 'Modules', {}, linkto);
nav += buildMemberNav(members.externals, 'Externals', seen, linktoExternal);
nav += buildMemberNavNamespace(members.namespaces, 'Managers', seen, linkto);
nav += buildMemberNavNamespace(members.classes, 'Classes', seen, linkto);
nav += buildMemberNav(, 'Events', seen, linkto);
// nav += buildMemberNavNamespaces(members.namespaces, 'Namespaces', seen, linkto);
// nav += buildMemberNav(members.namespaces, 'Namespaces', seen, linkto);
nav += buildMemberNav(members.mixins, 'Mixins', seen, linkto);
nav += buildMemberNav(members.tutorials, 'Tutorials', seenTutorials, linktoTutorial);
nav += buildMemberNav(members.interfaces, 'Interfaces', seen, linkto);
if (members.globals.length) {
globalNav = '';
members.globals.forEach(function(g) {
if ( g.kind !== 'typedef' && !, g.longname) ) {
globalNav += '<li>' + linkto(g.longname, + '</li>';
seen[g.longname] = true;
if (!globalNav) {
// turn the heading into a link so you can actually get to the global page
nav += '<h3>' + linkto('global', 'Global') + '</h3>';
else {
nav += '<h3>Global</h3><ul>' + globalNav + '</ul>';
return nav;
@param {TAFFY} taffyData See <>.
@param {object} opts
@param {Tutorial} tutorials
exports.publish = function(taffyData, opts, tutorials) {
var classes;
var conf;
var externals;
var files;
var fromDir;
var globalUrl;
var indexUrl;
var interfaces;
var members;
var mixins;
var modules;
var namespaces;
var outputSourceFiles;
var packageInfo;
var packages;
var sourceFilePaths = [];
var sourceFiles = {};
var staticFileFilter;
var staticFilePaths;
var staticFiles;
var staticFileScanner;
var templatePath;
data = taffyData;
conf = env.conf.templates || {};
conf.default = conf.default || {};
templatePath = path.normalize(opts.template);
view = new template.Template( path.join(templatePath, 'tmpl') );
// claim some special filenames in advance, so the All-Powerful Overseer of Filename Uniqueness
// doesn't try to hand them out later
indexUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename('index');
// don't call registerLink() on this one! 'index' is also a valid longname
globalUrl = helper.getUniqueFilename('global');
helper.registerLink('global', globalUrl);
// set up templating
view.layout = conf.default.layoutFile ?
path.basename(conf.default.layoutFile) ) :
// set up tutorials for helper
data = helper.prune(data);
data.sort('longname, version, since');
data().each(function(doclet) {
var sourcePath;
doclet.attribs = '';
if (doclet.examples) {
doclet.examples = {
var caption;
var code;
if (example.match(/^\s*<caption>([\s\S]+?)<\/caption>(\s*[\n\r])([\s\S]+)$/i)) {
caption = RegExp.$1;
code = RegExp.$3;
return {
caption: caption || '',
code: code || example
if (doclet.see) {
doclet.see.forEach(function(seeItem, i) {
doclet.see[i] = hashToLink(doclet, seeItem);
// build a list of source files
if (doclet.meta) {
sourcePath = getPathFromDoclet(doclet);
sourceFiles[sourcePath] = {
resolved: sourcePath,
shortened: null
if (sourceFilePaths.indexOf(sourcePath) === -1) {
// update outdir if necessary, then create outdir
packageInfo = ( find({kind: 'package'}) || [] )[0];
if (packageInfo && {
outdir = path.join( outdir,, (packageInfo.version || '') );
// copy the template's static files to outdir
fromDir = path.join(templatePath, 'static');
staticFiles =, 3);
staticFiles.forEach(function(fileName) {
var toDir = fs.toDir( fileName.replace(fromDir, outdir) );
fs.copyFileSync(fileName, toDir);
// copy user-specified static files to outdir
if (conf.default.staticFiles) {
// The canonical property name is `include`. We accept `paths` for backwards compatibility
// with a bug in JSDoc 3.2.x.
staticFilePaths = conf.default.staticFiles.include ||
conf.default.staticFiles.paths ||
staticFileFilter = new (require('jsdoc/src/filter')).Filter(conf.default.staticFiles);
staticFileScanner = new (require('jsdoc/src/scanner')).Scanner();
staticFilePaths.forEach(function(filePath) {
var extraStaticFiles;
filePath = path.resolve(env.pwd, filePath);
extraStaticFiles = staticFileScanner.scan([filePath], 10, staticFileFilter);
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var toDir = fs.toDir( fileName.replace(sourcePath, outdir) );
fs.copyFileSync(fileName, toDir);
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sourceFiles = shortenPaths( sourceFiles, path.commonPrefix(sourceFilePaths) );
data().each(function(doclet) {
var docletPath;
var url = helper.createLink(doclet);
helper.registerLink(doclet.longname, url);
// add a shortened version of the full path
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docletPath = sourceFiles[docletPath].shortened;
if (docletPath) {
doclet.meta.shortpath = docletPath;
data().each(function(doclet) {
var url = helper.longnameToUrl[doclet.longname];
if (url.indexOf('#') > -1) { = helper.longnameToUrl[doclet.longname].split(/#/).pop();
else { =;
if ( needsSignature(doclet) ) {
// do this after the urls have all been generated
data().each(function(doclet) {
doclet.ancestors = getAncestorLinks(doclet);
if (doclet.kind === 'member') {
if (doclet.kind === 'constant') {
doclet.kind = 'member';
members = helper.getMembers(data);
members.tutorials = tutorials.children;
// output pretty-printed source files by default
outputSourceFiles = conf.default && conf.default.outputSourceFiles !== false;
// add template helpers
view.find = find;
view.linkto = linkto;
view.resolveAuthorLinks = resolveAuthorLinks;
view.tutoriallink = tutoriallink;
view.htmlsafe = htmlsafe;
view.outputSourceFiles = outputSourceFiles;
// once for all
view.nav = buildNav(members);
attachModuleSymbols( find({ longname: {left: 'module:'} }), members.modules );
// generate the pretty-printed source files first so other pages can link to them
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generateSourceFiles(sourceFiles, opts.encoding);
if (members.globals.length) { generate('Global', [{kind: 'globalobj'}], globalUrl); }
// index page displays information from package.json and lists files
files = find({kind: 'file'});
packages = find({kind: 'package'});
kind: 'mainpage',
readme: opts.readme,
longname: (opts.mainpagetitle) ? opts.mainpagetitle : 'Main Page'
).concat(files), indexUrl);
// set up the lists that we'll use to generate pages
classes = taffy(members.classes);
modules = taffy(members.modules);
namespaces = taffy(members.namespaces);
mixins = taffy(members.mixins);
externals = taffy(members.externals);
interfaces = taffy(members.interfaces);
Object.keys(helper.longnameToUrl).forEach(function(longname) {
var myClasses = helper.find(classes, {longname: longname});
var myExternals = helper.find(externals, {longname: longname});
var myInterfaces = helper.find(interfaces, {longname: longname});
var myMixins = helper.find(mixins, {longname: longname});
var myModules = helper.find(modules, {longname: longname});
var myNamespaces = helper.find(namespaces, {longname: longname});
if (myModules.length) {
generate('Module: ' + myModules[0].name, myModules, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);
if (myClasses.length) {
generate('Class: ' + myClasses[0].name, myClasses, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);
if (myNamespaces.length) {
generate('Namespace: ' + myNamespaces[0].name, myNamespaces, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);
if (myMixins.length) {
generate('Mixin: ' + myMixins[0].name, myMixins, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);
if (myExternals.length) {
generate('External: ' + myExternals[0].name, myExternals, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);
if (myInterfaces.length) {
generate('Interface: ' + myInterfaces[0].name, myInterfaces, helper.longnameToUrl[longname]);
// TODO: move the tutorial functions to templateHelper.js
function generateTutorial(title, tutorial, filename) {
var tutorialData = {
title: title,
header: tutorial.title,
content: tutorial.parse(),
children: tutorial.children
var tutorialPath = path.join(outdir, filename);
var html = view.render('tutorial.tmpl', tutorialData);
// yes, you can use {@link} in tutorials too!
html = helper.resolveLinks(html); // turn {@link foo} into <a href="foodoc.html">foo</a>
fs.writeFileSync(tutorialPath, html, 'utf8');
// tutorials can have only one parent so there is no risk for loops
function saveChildren(node) {
node.children.forEach(function(child) {
generateTutorial('Tutorial: ' + child.title, child, helper.tutorialToUrl(;

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@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
Apache License
Version 2.0, January 2004
1. Definitions.
"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction,
and distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document.
"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by
the copyright owner that is granting the License.
"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all
other entities that control, are controlled by, or are under common
control with that entity. For the purposes of this definition,
"control" means (i) the power, direct or indirect, to cause the
direction or management of such entity, whether by contract or
otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the
outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity.
"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity
exercising permissions granted by this License.
"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications,
including but not limited to software source code, documentation
source, and configuration files.
"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical
transformation or translation of a Source form, including but
not limited to compiled object code, generated documentation,
and conversions to other media types.
"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or
Object form, made available under the License, as indicated by a
copyright notice that is included in or attached to the work
(an example is provided in the Appendix below).
"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object
form, that is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the
editorial revisions, annotations, elaborations, or other modifications
represent, as a whole, an original work of authorship. For the purposes
of this License, Derivative Works shall not include works that remain
separable from, or merely link (or bind by name) to the interfaces of,
the Work and Derivative Works thereof.
"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including
the original version of the Work and any modifications or additions
to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally
submitted to Licensor for inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner
or by an individual or Legal Entity authorized to submit on behalf of
the copyright owner. For the purposes of this definition, "submitted"
means any form of electronic, verbal, or written communication sent
to the Licensor or its representatives, including but not limited to
communication on electronic mailing lists, source code control systems,
and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf of, the
Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but
excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise
designated in writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution."
"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity
on behalf of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and
subsequently incorporated within the Work.
2. Grant of Copyright License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of,
publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the
Work and such Derivative Works in Source or Object form.
3. Grant of Patent License. Subject to the terms and conditions of
this License, each Contributor hereby grants to You a perpetual,
worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable
(except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made,
use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work,
where such license applies only to those patent claims licensable
by such Contributor that are necessarily infringed by their
Contribution(s) alone or by combination of their Contribution(s)
with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was submitted. If You
institute patent litigation against any entity (including a
cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work
or a Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct
or contributory patent infringement, then any patent licenses
granted to You under this License for that Work shall terminate
as of the date such litigation is filed.
4. Redistribution. You may reproduce and distribute copies of the
Work or Derivative Works thereof in any medium, with or without
modifications, and in Source or Object form, provided that You
meet the following conditions:
(a) You must give any other recipients of the Work or
Derivative Works a copy of this License; and
(b) You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that You changed the files; and
(c) You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works
that You distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and
attribution notices from the Source form of the Work,
excluding those notices that do not pertain to any part of
the Derivative Works; and
(d) If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its
distribution, then any Derivative Works that You distribute must
include a readable copy of the attribution notices contained
within such NOTICE file, excluding those notices that do not
pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at least one
of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed
as part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or
documentation, if provided along with the Derivative Works; or,
within a display generated by the Derivative Works, if and
wherever such third-party notices normally appear. The contents
of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only and
do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution
notices within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside
or as an addendum to the NOTICE text from the Work, provided
that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed
as modifying the License.
You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and
may provide additional or different license terms and conditions
for use, reproduction, or distribution of Your modifications, or
for any such Derivative Works as a whole, provided Your use,
reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise complies with
the conditions stated in this License.
5. Submission of Contributions. Unless You explicitly state otherwise,
any Contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the Work
by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and conditions of
this License, without any additional terms or conditions.
Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify
the terms of any separate license agreement you may have executed
with Licensor regarding such Contributions.
6. Trademarks. This License does not grant permission to use the trade
names, trademarks, service marks, or product names of the Licensor,
except as required for reasonable and customary use in describing the
origin of the Work and reproducing the content of the NOTICE file.
7. Disclaimer of Warranty. Unless required by applicable law or
agreed to in writing, Licensor provides the Work (and each
Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS,
implied, including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are solely responsible for determining the
appropriateness of using or redistributing the Work and assume any
risks associated with Your exercise of permissions under this License.
8. Limitation of Liability. In no event and under no legal theory,
whether in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise,
unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate and grossly
negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be
liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special,
incidental, or consequential damages of any character arising as a
result of this License or out of the use or inability to use the
Work (including but not limited to damages for loss of goodwill,
work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, or any and all
other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. While redistributing
the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to offer,
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity,
or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this
License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only
on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf
of any other Contributor, and only if You agree to indemnify,
defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any liability
incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason
of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability.
APPENDIX: How to apply the Apache License to your work.
To apply the Apache License to your work, attach the following
boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by brackets "[]"
replaced with your own identifying information. (Don't include
the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the appropriate
comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend that a
file or class name and description of purpose be included on the
same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier
identification within third-party archives.
Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner]
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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var data = obj;
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<?js } ?>
var mixins = self.find({kind: 'mixin', memberof: doc.longname});
if (!isGlobalPage && mixins && mixins.length) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Mixins</h3>
<dl><?js mixins.forEach(function(m) { ?>
<dt><?js= self.linkto(m.longname, ?></dt>
<dd><?js if (m.summary) { ?><?js= m.summary ?><?js } ?></dd>
<?js }); ?></dl>
<?js } ?>
var namespaces = self.find({kind: 'namespace', memberof: doc.longname});
if (!isGlobalPage && namespaces && namespaces.length) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Namespaces</h3>
<dl><?js namespaces.forEach(function(n) { ?>
<dt><?js= self.linkto(n.longname, ?></dt>
<dd><?js if (n.summary) { ?><?js= n.summary ?><?js } ?></dd>
<?js }); ?></dl>
<?js } ?>
var members = self.find({kind: 'member', memberof: isGlobalPage ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
// symbols that are assigned to module.exports are not globals, even though they're not a memberof anything
if (isGlobalPage && members && members.length && members.forEach) {
members = members.filter(function(m) {
return m.longname && m.longname.indexOf('module:') !== 0;
if (members && members.length && members.forEach) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Members</h3>
<?js members.forEach(function(p) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('members.tmpl', p) ?>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
var methods = self.find({kind: 'function', memberof: isGlobalPage ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
if (methods && methods.length && methods.forEach) {
<h3 class="subsection-title methods">Methods</h3>
<?js methods.forEach(function(m) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', m) ?>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
var typedefs = self.find({kind: 'typedef', memberof: isGlobalPage ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
if (typedefs && typedefs.length && typedefs.forEach) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Type Definitions</h3>
<?js typedefs.forEach(function(e) {
if (e.signature) {
<?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', e) ?>
else {
<?js= self.partial('members.tmpl', e) ?>
}); ?>
<?js } ?>
var events = self.find({kind: 'event', memberof: isGlobalPage ? {isUndefined: true} : doc.longname});
if (events && events.length && events.forEach) {
<h3 class="subsection-title">Events</h3>
<?js events.forEach(function(e) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('method.tmpl', e) ?>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js }); ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
var data = obj;
var self = this;
var defaultObjectClass = '';
// Check if the default value is an object or array; if so, apply code highlighting
if (data.defaultvalue && (data.defaultvaluetype === 'object' || data.defaultvaluetype === 'array')) {
data.defaultvalue = "<pre class=\"prettyprint\"><code>" + data.defaultvalue + "</code></pre>";
defaultObjectClass = ' class="object-value"';
var properties =;
if (properties && properties.length && properties.forEach && !data.hideconstructor) {
<h5 class="subsection-title">Properties:</h5>
<?js= this.partial('properties.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js } ?>
<dl class="details">
<?js if (data.version) {?>
<dt class="tag-version">Version:</dt>
<dd class="tag-version"><ul class="dummy"><li><?js= version ?></li></ul></dd>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.since) {?>
<dt class="tag-since">Since:</dt>
<dd class="tag-since"><ul class="dummy"><li><?js= since ?></li></ul></dd>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.inherited && data.inherits && !data.overrides) { ?>
<dt class="inherited-from">Inherited From:</dt>
<dd class="inherited-from"><ul class="dummy"><li>
<?js= this.linkto(data.inherits, this.htmlsafe(data.inherits)) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.overrides) { ?>
<dt class="tag-overrides">Overrides:</dt>
<dd class="tag-overrides"><ul class="dummy"><li>
<?js= this.linkto(data.overrides, this.htmlsafe(data.overrides)) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.implementations && data.implementations.length) { ?>
<dt class="implementations">Implementations:</dt>
<dd class="implementations"><ul>
<?js data.implementations.forEach(function(impl) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(impl, self.htmlsafe(impl)) ?></li>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.implements && data.implements.length) { ?>
<dt class="implements">Implements:</dt>
<dd class="implements"><ul>
<?js data.implements.forEach(function(impl) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(impl, self.htmlsafe(impl)) ?></li>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.mixes && data.mixes.length) { ?>
<dt class="mixes">Mixes In:</dt>
<dd class="mixes"><ul>
<?js data.mixes.forEach(function(a) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(a, a) ?></li>
<?js }); ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.deprecated) { ?>
<dt class="important tag-deprecated">Deprecated:</dt><?js
if (data.deprecated === true) { ?><dd class="yes-def tag-deprecated"><ul class="dummy"><li>Yes</li></ul></dd><?js }
else { ?><dd><ul class="dummy"><li><?js= data.deprecated ?></li></ul></dd><?js }
<?js } ?>
<?js if ( && author.length) {?>
<dt class="tag-author">Author:</dt>
<dd class="tag-author">
<ul><?js author.forEach(function(a) { ?>
<li><?js= self.resolveAuthorLinks(a) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.copyright) {?>
<dt class="tag-copyright">Copyright:</dt>
<dd class="tag-copyright"><ul class="dummy"><li><?js= copyright ?></li></ul></dd>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.license) {?>
<dt class="tag-license">License:</dt>
<dd class="tag-license"><ul class="dummy"><li><?js= license ?></li></ul></dd>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.defaultvalue) {?>
<dt class="tag-default">Default Value:</dt>
<dd class="tag-default"><ul class="dummy">
<li<?js= defaultObjectClass ?>><?js= data.defaultvalue ?></li>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.meta && self.outputSourceFiles) {?>
<dt class="tag-source">Source:</dt>
<dd class="tag-source"><ul class="dummy"><li>
<?js= self.linkto(meta.shortpath) ?>, <?js= self.linkto(meta.shortpath, 'line ' + meta.lineno, null, 'line' + meta.lineno) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.tutorials && tutorials.length) {?>
<dt class="tag-tutorial">Tutorials:</dt>
<dd class="tag-tutorial">
<ul><?js tutorials.forEach(function(t) { ?>
<li><?js= self.tutoriallink(t) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.see && see.length) {?>
<dt class="tag-see">See:</dt>
<dd class="tag-see">
<ul><?js see.forEach(function(s) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(s) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.todo && todo.length) {?>
<dt class="tag-todo">To Do:</dt>
<dd class="tag-todo">
<ul><?js todo.forEach(function(t) { ?>
<li><?js= t ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
<?js var data = obj; ?>
<pre><code><?js= data ?></code></pre>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
var data = obj;
var self = this;
data.forEach(function(example) {
if (example.caption) {
<p class="code-caption"><?js= example.caption ?></p>
<?js } ?>
<pre class="prettyprint"><code><?js= self.htmlsafe(example.code) ?></code></pre>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
var data = obj;
<?js if (data.description && data.type && data.type.names) { ?>
<div class="param-desc">
<?js= data.description ?>
<?js= this.partial('type.tmpl', data.type.names) ?>
<?js } else { ?>
<div class="param-desc">
<?js if (data.description) { ?>
<?js= data.description ?>
<?js } else if (data.type && data.type.names) { ?>
<?js= this.partial('type.tmpl', data.type.names) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>JSDoc: <?js= title ?></title>
<script src="scripts/prettify/prettify.js"> </script>
<script src="scripts/prettify/lang-css.js"> </script>
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
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<div id="main">
<h1 class="page-title"><?js= title ?></h1>
<?js= content ?>
<?js= this.nav ?>
<br class="clear">
Documentation generated by <a href="">JSDoc <?js= env.version.number ?></a><?js if(env.conf.templates && env.conf.templates.default && env.conf.templates.default.includeDate !== false) { ?> on <?js= (new Date()) ?><?js } ?>
<script> prettyPrint(); </script>
<script src="scripts/linenumber.js"> </script>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
var data = obj;
var self = this;
<?js if (data.kind === 'package') { ?>
<h3><?js= ?> <?js= data.version ?></h3>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.readme) { ?>
<article><?js= data.readme ?></article>
<?js } ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
var data = obj;
var self = this;
<h4 class="name" id="<?js= id ?>"><?js= data.attribs + name + (data.signature ? data.signature : '') ?></h4>
<?js if (data.summary) { ?>
<p class="summary"><?js= summary ?></p>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.description) { ?>
<div class="description">
<?js= data.description ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.type && data.type.names) {?>
<?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', data.type.names) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js= this.partial('details.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js if (data.fires && fires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js fires.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.examples && examples.length) { ?>
<h5>Example<?js= examples.length > 1? 's':'' ?></h5>
<?js= this.partial('examples.tmpl', examples) ?>
<?js } ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
var data = obj;
var self = this;
console.log("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sdfasdfasdfasdf !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
<?js if (data.kind === 'class' && data.classdesc) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'namespace') { ?>
<h4 class="name" id="<?js= id ?>"><?js= data.attribs + (kind === 'class' ? 'new ' : '')
+ "<span class='method-name'>" + name + "</span>" + (data.signature || '') ?></h4>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.summary) { ?>
<p class="summary"><?js= summary ?></p>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.description && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
<div class="description">
<?js= data.description ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.augments && data.alias && data.alias.indexOf('module:') === 0) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('augments.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (kind === 'event' && data.type && data.type.names) {?>
<?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', data.type.names) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data['this']) { ?>
<ul><li><?js= this.linkto(data['this'], data['this']) ?></li></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.params && params.length && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
<?js= this.partial('params.tmpl', params) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js= this.partial('details.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.requires && data.requires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js data.requires.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(r) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.fires && fires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js fires.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.listens && listens.length) { ?>
<h5>Listens to Events:</h5>
<ul><?js listens.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.listeners && listeners.length) { ?>
<h5>Listeners of This Event:</h5>
<ul><?js listeners.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.exceptions && exceptions.length) { ?>
<?js if (exceptions.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.returns && returns.length) { ?>
<?js if (returns.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.yields && yields.length) { ?>
<?js if (yields.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
yields.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
yields.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.examples && examples.length) { ?>
<h5>Example<?js= examples.length > 1? 's':'' ?></h5>
<?js= this.partial('examples.tmpl', examples) ?>
<?js } ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
var data = obj;
var self = this;
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
<?js if (data.kind === 'class' && data.classdesc) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'namespace') { ?>
<h4 class="name" id="<?js= id ?>"><?js= data.attribs + (kind === 'class' ? 'new ' : '')
+ "<span class='method-name'>" + name + "</span>" + (data.signature || '') ?></h4>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.summary) { ?>
<p class="summary"><?js= summary ?></p>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.description && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
<div class="description">
<?js= data.description ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.augments && data.alias && data.alias.indexOf('module:') === 0) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('augments.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (kind === 'event' && data.type && data.type.names) {?>
<?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', data.type.names) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data['this']) { ?>
<ul><li><?js= this.linkto(data['this'], data['this']) ?></li></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.params && params.length && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
<?js= this.partial('params.tmpl', params) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js= this.partial('details.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.requires && data.requires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js data.requires.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(r) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.fires && fires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js fires.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.listens && listens.length) { ?>
<h5>Listens to Events:</h5>
<ul><?js listens.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.listeners && listeners.length) { ?>
<h5>Listeners of This Event:</h5>
<ul><?js listeners.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.exceptions && exceptions.length) { ?>
<?js if (exceptions.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.returns && returns.length) { ?>
<?js if (returns.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.yields && yields.length) { ?>
<?js if (yields.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
yields.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
yields.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.examples && examples.length) { ?>
<h5>Example<?js= examples.length > 1? 's':'' ?></h5>
<?js= this.partial('examples.tmpl', examples) ?>
<?js } ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
var params = obj;
/* sort subparams under their parent params (like opts.classname) */
var parentParam = null;
params.forEach(function(param, i) {
var paramRegExp;
if (!param) {
if (parentParam && && {
try {
paramRegExp = new RegExp('^(?:' + + '(?:\\[\\])*)\\.(.+)$');
catch (e) {
// there's probably a typo in the JSDoc comment that resulted in a weird
// parameter name
if ( paramRegExp.test( ) { = RegExp.$1;
parentParam.subparams = parentParam.subparams || [];
params[i] = null;
else {
parentParam = param;
else {
parentParam = param;
/* determine if we need extra columns, "attributes" and "default" */
params.hasAttributes = false;
params.hasDefault = false;
params.hasName = false;
params.forEach(function(param) {
if (!param) { return; }
if (param.optional || param.nullable || param.variable) {
params.hasAttributes = true;
if ( {
params.hasName = true;
if (typeof param.defaultvalue !== 'undefined') {
params.hasDefault = true;
<table class="params">
<?js if (params.hasName) {?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (params.hasAttributes) {?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (params.hasDefault) {?>
<?js } ?>
<th class="last">Description</th>
var self = this;
params.forEach(function(param) {
if (!param) { return; }
<?js if (params.hasName) {?>
<td class="name"><code><?js= ?></code></td>
<?js } ?>
<td class="type">
<?js if (param.type && param.type.names) {?>
<?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', param.type.names) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (params.hasAttributes) {?>
<td class="attributes">
<?js if (param.optional) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (param.nullable) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (param.variable) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (params.hasDefault) {?>
<td class="default">
<?js if (typeof param.defaultvalue !== 'undefined') { ?>
<?js= self.htmlsafe(param.defaultvalue) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<td class="description last"><?js= param.description ?><?js if (param.subparams) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('params.tmpl', param.subparams) ?>
<?js } ?></td>
<?js }); ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
var data = obj;
var props = data.subprops ||;
/* sort subprops under their parent props (like opts.classname) */
var parentProp = null;
props.forEach(function(prop, i) {
if (!prop) { return; }
if ( parentProp && && + '.') === 0 ) { =;
parentProp.subprops = parentProp.subprops || [];
props[i] = null;
else {
parentProp = prop;
/* determine if we need extra columns, "attributes" and "default" */
props.hasAttributes = false;
props.hasDefault = false;
props.hasName = false;
props.forEach(function(prop) {
if (!prop) { return; }
if (prop.optional || prop.nullable) {
props.hasAttributes = true;
if ( {
props.hasName = true;
if (typeof prop.defaultvalue !== 'undefined' && !data.isEnum) {
props.hasDefault = true;
<table class="props">
<?js if (props.hasName) {?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (props.hasAttributes) {?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (props.hasDefault) {?>
<?js } ?>
<th class="last">Description</th>
var self = this;
props.forEach(function(prop) {
if (!prop) { return; }
<?js if (props.hasName) {?>
<td class="name"><code><?js= ?></code></td>
<?js } ?>
<td class="type">
<?js if (prop.type && prop.type.names) {?>
<?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', prop.type.names) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (props.hasAttributes) {?>
<td class="attributes">
<?js if (prop.optional) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (prop.nullable) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (props.hasDefault) {?>
<td class="default">
<?js if (typeof prop.defaultvalue !== 'undefined') { ?>
<?js= self.htmlsafe(prop.defaultvalue) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<td class="description last"><?js= prop.description ?><?js if (prop.subprops) { ?>
<h6>Properties</h6><?js= self.partial('properties.tmpl', prop) ?>
<?js } ?></td>
<?js }); ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
var data = obj || {};
if (data.description) {
<div class="param-desc">
<?js= description ?>
<?js } ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
var data = obj;
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code><?js= data.code ?></code></pre>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<?js if (children.length > 0) { ?>
var self = this;
children.forEach(function(t) { ?>
<li><?js= self.tutoriallink( ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<h2><?js= header ?></h2>
<?js= content ?>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
var data = obj;
var self = this;
data.forEach(function(name, i) { ?>
<span class="param-type"><?js= self.linkto(name, self.htmlsafe(name)) ?></span>
<?js if (i < data.length-1) { ?>|<?js } ?>
<?js }); ?>