2018-09-18 15:17:34 +03:00
var data = obj;
var self = this;
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
<?js if (data.kind === 'class' && data.classdesc) { ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'namespace') { ?>
2018-10-10 14:00:35 +03:00
<h4 class="name bold" id="<?js= id ?>"><?js= data.attribs + (kind === 'class' ? 'new ' : '')
2018-09-18 15:17:34 +03:00
+ "<span class='method-name'>" + name + "</span>" + (data.signature || '') ?></h4>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.summary) { ?>
<p class="summary"><?js= summary ?></p>
<?js } ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.description && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
2018-10-10 14:00:35 +03:00
<div class="desc bdotted">
2018-09-25 00:09:33 +03:00
<?js= this.replace_enters_to_br(data.description) ?>
2018-09-18 15:17:34 +03:00
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.augments && data.alias && data.alias.indexOf('module:') === 0) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('augments.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (kind === 'event' && data.type && data.type.names) {?>
<?js= self.partial('type.tmpl', data.type.names) ?>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data['this']) { ?>
<ul><li><?js= this.linkto(data['this'], data['this']) ?></li></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.params && params.length && !data.hideconstructor) { ?>
2018-10-10 14:00:35 +03:00
<div class="desc bdotted part">
2018-09-25 15:14:18 +03:00
<div class="title">Params</div>
<?js= this.partial('full_method/params_full.tmpl', params) ?>
2018-09-18 15:17:34 +03:00
<?js } ?>
<?js= this.partial('details.tmpl', data) ?>
<?js if (data.kind !== 'module' && data.requires && data.requires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js data.requires.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(r) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.fires && fires.length) { ?>
<ul><?js fires.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.listens && listens.length) { ?>
<h5>Listens to Events:</h5>
<ul><?js listens.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.listeners && listeners.length) { ?>
<h5>Listeners of This Event:</h5>
<ul><?js listeners.forEach(function(f) { ?>
<li><?js= self.linkto(f) ?></li>
<?js }); ?></ul>
<?js } ?>
<?js if (data.exceptions && exceptions.length) { ?>
<?js if (exceptions.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
exceptions.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('exceptions.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.returns && returns.length) { ?>
<?js if (returns.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
returns.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.yields && yields.length) { ?>
<?js if (yields.length > 1) { ?><ul><?js
yields.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<li><?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?></li>
<?js });
?></ul><?js } else {
yields.forEach(function(r) { ?>
<?js= self.partial('returns.tmpl', r) ?>
<?js });
} } ?>
<?js if (data.examples && examples.length) { ?>
<h5>Example<?js= examples.length > 1? 's':'' ?></h5>
<?js= this.partial('examples.tmpl', examples) ?>
<?js } ?>