Roster sorting #2

opened 2019-04-07 17:12:36 +00:00 by blue · 1 comment

Well, need to do sorting in roster, let's say, groups are on top, then active users, then all those xa, dnd, away, eatin', sleepin' whatever, then offline, then all those half subscribed and not found

Well, need to do sorting in roster, let's say, groups are on top, then active users, then all those xa, dnd, away, eatin', sleepin' whatever, then offline, then all those half subscribed and not found
blue added this to the 0.1.0 milestone 2019-04-07 17:12:36 +00:00
blue added the
label 2019-04-07 17:12:36 +00:00

First verstion is done, sorting is done in a way that first goes the groups, then contacts then rooms, contacts are sorted by their visible names

First verstion is done, sorting is done in a way that first goes the groups, then contacts then rooms, contacts are sorted by their visible names
blue closed this issue 2019-09-24 10:13:06 +00:00
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Reference: blue/squawk#2
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