Usage: mlc [action] [arguments] [flags] Actions: convert - converts music config - prints default config help - prints this page Default action is `convert`, so it can be omitted Arguments work only for `convert` action first - collection source second - collection destination Flags: -c (--config) - sets custom config instead of default one -h (--help) - sets action to help, and prints this page Examples: `mlc ~/Music comile/latest` - reads config file from `~/.config/mlc.conf` - if there was not - creates default that changes nothing - creates directory `conpile` in the CURRENT directory if it was not created before - create `latest` directory in `compile` dirrectory if it was not created before - searches for music in `~/Music` directory - converts all music to `comile/latest` directory - copies all other files found in `~/Music` to `comile/latest` - any file name overlap will be overriden `mlc config > myConfig.conf` - prints default config to standard output - unix operator `>` redirects output to a file `myConfig.conf` `mlc rip -c myConfig.conf` - reads file `myConfig.conf` from current directory - if `myConfig.conf` has a valid `source` entry - uses it and uses `rip` as destination - if `myConfig.conf` has a valid `destination` entry - uses it and uses `rip` as source - if both present (don't do this way) - it depends on the order, who comes first - defines behaviour - the rest is the same from the first example apart from default config