2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
name: MLC Release workflow
run-name: ${{ gitea.actor }} is running MLC Release workflow on release ${{ gitea.event.release.tag_name }}
types: [published]
runs-on: archlinux
- name: Download the release tarball
2023-10-10 23:09:25 +00:00
run: curl -sL ${{ gitea.server_url }}/${{ gitea.repository }}/archive/${{ gitea.event.release.tag_name }}.tar.gz --output tarball.tar.gz
2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
- name: Calculate SHA256 for the tarball
2023-10-10 20:48:38 -03:00
run: echo "tbSum=$(sha256sum tarball.tar.gz | cut -d ' ' -f 1)" >> $GITHUB_ENV
2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
- name: Unarchive tarball
2023-10-10 23:00:59 +00:00
run: tar -xvzf tarball.tar.gz
2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
2023-10-11 16:19:28 -03:00
- name: Clone the AUR repository
run: |
2023-10-11 16:22:39 -03:00
echo "${{ secrets.DEPLOY_TO_AUR_PRIVATE_KEY }}" > key
2023-10-11 17:09:54 -03:00
chmod 600 key
2023-10-11 17:07:18 -03:00
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i key -o 'IdentitiesOnly yes' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'" git clone ssh://aur@aur.archlinux.org/mlc.git aur
2023-10-11 17:11:23 -03:00
chmod 777 -R aur
2023-10-11 16:19:28 -03:00
cd aur
git config user.name ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_TO_AUR_USER_NAME }}
git config user.email ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_TO_AUR_EMAIL }}
2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
2023-10-10 21:28:06 -03:00
2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
- name: Copy PKGBUILD to the directory
run: cp mlc/packaging/Archlinux/PKGBUILD aur/
2023-10-11 16:19:28 -03:00
- name: Put SHA256 sum to PKGBUILD file, and generate .SRCINFO
2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
working-directory: aur
2023-10-11 16:19:28 -03:00
run: |
sed -i "/sha256sums=/c\sha256sums=('${{ env.tbSum }}')" PKGBUILD
sudo -u build makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO
2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
2023-10-11 16:19:28 -03:00
- name: Commit package to aur
2023-10-10 13:24:46 -03:00
working-directory: aur
2023-10-11 16:19:28 -03:00
run: |
git commit -m "${{ gitea.event.release.body }}"
2023-10-11 17:07:18 -03:00
GIT_SSH_COMMAND="ssh -i ../key -o 'IdentitiesOnly yes' -o 'StrictHostKeyChecking no'" git push