2024-09-15 15:12:16 +03:00

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from cpython.ref cimport PyObject
cdef dict cache_properties_per_cls
cdef class ObjectWithUid(object):
cdef readonly int uid
cdef class Observable(ObjectWithUid):
cdef object __fbind_mapping
cdef object bound_uid
cdef class EventDispatcher(ObjectWithUid):
cdef dict __event_stack
cdef dict __properties
cdef dict __storage
cdef object __weakref__
cdef public set _kwargs_applied_init
cdef public object _proxy_ref
cpdef dict properties(self)
cdef enum BoundLock:
# the state of the BoundCallback, i.e. whether it can be deleted
unlocked # whether the BoundCallback is unlocked and can be deleted
locked # whether the BoundCallback is locked and cannot be deleted
deleted # whether the locked BoundCallback was marked for deletion
cdef class BoundCallback:
cdef object func
cdef tuple largs
cdef dict kwargs
cdef int is_ref # if func is a ref to the function
cdef BoundLock lock # see BoundLock
cdef BoundCallback next # next callback in chain
cdef BoundCallback prev # previous callback in chain
cdef object uid # the uid given for this callback, None if not given
cdef EventObservers observers
cdef void set_largs(self, tuple largs)
cdef class EventObservers:
# If dispatching should occur in normal or reverse order of binding.
cdef int dispatch_reverse
# If in dispatch, the value parameter is dispatched or ignored.
cdef int dispatch_value
# The first callback bound
cdef BoundCallback first_callback
# The last callback bound
cdef BoundCallback last_callback
# The uid to assign to the next bound callback.
cdef object uid
cdef inline BoundCallback make_callback(self, object observer, tuple largs, dict kwargs, int is_ref, uid=*)
cdef inline void bind(self, object observer, object src_observer, int is_ref) except *
cdef inline object fbind(self, object observer, tuple largs, dict kwargs, int is_ref)
cdef inline BoundCallback fbind_callback(self, object observer, tuple largs, dict kwargs, int is_ref)
cdef inline void fbind_existing_callback(self, BoundCallback callback)
cdef inline void unbind(self, object observer, int stop_on_first) except *
cdef inline void funbind(self, object observer, tuple largs, dict kwargs) except *
cdef inline object unbind_uid(self, object uid)
cdef inline object unbind_callback(self, BoundCallback callback)
cdef inline void remove_callback(self, BoundCallback callback, int force=*) except *
cdef inline object _dispatch(
self, object f, tuple slargs, dict skwargs, object obj, object value, tuple largs, dict kwargs)
cdef inline int dispatch(self, object obj, object value, tuple largs, dict kwargs, int stop_on_true) except 2