2024-09-15 15:12:16 +03:00

148 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# :Copyright: © 2020 Günter Milde.
# :License: Released under the terms of the `2-Clause BSD license`_, in short:
# Copying and distribution of this file, with or without modification,
# are permitted in any medium without royalty provided the copyright
# notice and this notice are preserved.
# This file is offered as-is, without any warranty.
# .. _2-Clause BSD license: https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
# Revision: $Revision: 9302 $
# Date: $Date: 2022-12-02 18:14:05 +0100 (Fr, 02. Dez 2022) $
A parser for CommonMark Markdown text using `recommonmark`__.
__ https://pypi.org/project/recommonmark/
.. important:: This module is provisional
* The "recommonmark" package is unmaintained and deprecated.
This wrapper module will be removed in a future Docutils version.
* The API is not settled and may change with any minor Docutils version.
from docutils import Component
from docutils import nodes
# If possible, import Sphinx's 'addnodes'
from sphinx import addnodes
except ImportError:
# stub to prevent errors if Sphinx isn't installed
import sys
import types
class pending_xref(nodes.Inline, nodes.Element): ... # NoQA
sys.modules['sphinx'] = sphinx = types.ModuleType('sphinx')
sphinx.addnodes = addnodes = types.SimpleNamespace()
addnodes.pending_xref = pending_xref
import recommonmark
from recommonmark.parser import CommonMarkParser
except ImportError as err:
raise ImportError(
'Parsing "recommonmark" Markdown flavour requires the\n'
' package https://pypi.org/project/recommonmark.'
) from err
if recommonmark.__version__ < '0.6.0':
raise ImportError('The installed version of "recommonmark" is too old.'
' Update with "pip install -U recommonmark".')
# auxiliary function for `document.findall()`
def is_literal(node):
return isinstance(node, (nodes.literal, nodes.literal_block))
class Parser(CommonMarkParser):
"""MarkDown parser based on recommonmark.
This parser is provisional:
the API is not settled and may change with any minor Docutils version.
supported = ('recommonmark', 'commonmark', 'markdown', 'md')
"""Formats this parser supports."""
config_section = 'recommonmark parser'
config_section_dependencies = ('parsers',)
def get_transforms(self):
return Component.get_transforms(self) # + [AutoStructify]
def parse(self, inputstring, document):
"""Use the upstream parser and clean up afterwards.
# check for exorbitantly long lines
for i, line in enumerate(inputstring.split('\n')):
if len(line) > document.settings.line_length_limit:
error = document.reporter.error(
'Line %d exceeds the line-length-limit.'%(i+1))
# pass to upstream parser
CommonMarkParser.parse(self, inputstring, document)
except Exception as err:
if document.settings.traceback:
raise err
error = document.reporter.error('Parsing with "recommonmark" '
'returned the error:\n%s'%err)
# Post-Processing
# ---------------
# merge adjoining Text nodes:
for node in document.findall(nodes.TextElement):
children = node.children
i = 0
while i+1 < len(children):
if (isinstance(children[i], nodes.Text)
and isinstance(children[i+1], nodes.Text)):
children[i] = nodes.Text(children[i]+children.pop(i+1))
children[i].parent = node
i += 1
# add "code" class argument to literal elements (inline and block)
for node in document.findall(is_literal):
if 'code' not in node['classes']:
# move "language" argument to classes
for node in document.findall(nodes.literal_block):
if 'language' in node.attributes:
del node['language']
# replace raw nodes if raw is not allowed
if not document.settings.raw_enabled:
for node in document.findall(nodes.raw):
warning = document.reporter.warning('Raw content disabled.')
node.parent.replace(node, warning)
# drop pending_xref (Sphinx cross reference extension)
for node in document.findall(addnodes.pending_xref):
reference = node.children[0]
if 'name' not in reference:
reference['name'] = nodes.fully_normalize_name(
node.parent.replace(node, reference)
def visit_document(self, node):
"""Dummy function to prevent spurious warnings.
cf. https://github.com/readthedocs/recommonmark/issues/177
# Overwrite parent method with version that
# doesn't pass deprecated `rawsource` argument to nodes.Text:
def visit_text(self, mdnode):