""" Components/Swiper ================= .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/mdswiper-preview.gif :align: center Usage ===== .. code-block:: kv MDSwiper: MDSwiperItem: MDSwiperItem: MDSwiperItem: Example ======= .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang.builder import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp kv = ''' FitImage: source: "bg.jpg" radius: [dp(20),] MDScreen: md_bg_color: self.theme_cls.backgroundColor MDSwiper: size_hint_y: None height: root.height - dp(40) y: root.height - self.height - dp(20) MySwiper: MySwiper: MySwiper: MySwiper: MySwiper: ''' class Main(MDApp): def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" return Builder.load_string(kv) Main().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/swiper-example.gif :align: center .. warning:: The width of :class:`MDSwiperItem` is adjusted automatically. Consider changing that by :attr:`~MDSwiperItem.width_mult`. .. warning:: The width of :class:`MDSwiper` is automatically adjusted according to the width of the window. .. rubric:: :class:`~MDSwiper` provides the following events for use: .. code-block:: python __events__ = ( "on_swipe", "on_pre_swipe", "on_overswipe_right", "on_overswipe_left", "on_swipe_left", "on_swipe_right" ) .. code-block:: kv MDSwiper: on_swipe: print("on_swipe") on_pre_swipe: print("on_pre_swipe") on_overswipe_right: print("on_overswipe_right") on_overswipe_left: print("on_overswipe_left") on_swipe_left: print("on_swipe_left") on_swipe_right: print("on_swipe_right") """ __all__ = ("MDSwiperItem", "MDSwiper") import os from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.effects.dampedscroll import DampedScrollEffect from kivy.lang.builder import Builder from kivy.properties import ( BooleanProperty, NumericProperty, ObjectProperty, StringProperty, ) from kivy.uix.anchorlayout import AnchorLayout from kivy.uix.scrollview import ScrollView from kivy.utils import platform from kivymd import uix_path from kivymd.uix.boxlayout import MDBoxLayout with open( os.path.join(uix_path, "swiper", "swiper.kv"), encoding="utf-8" ) as kv_file: Builder.load_string(kv_file.read()) # TODO: Redesign this module according to the specification - # https://m3.material.io/components/carousel/overview class _ScrollViewHardStop(DampedScrollEffect): def stop(self, val, t=None): return super().stop(val, t=0.01) class _ItemsBox(AnchorLayout): _root = ObjectProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self._update) Window.bind(on_resize=self._set_size) def _update(self, *args): self._set_size() def _set_size(self, *args): window_size = Window.size self.size = [ window_size[0] - self._root.items_spacing * self._root.width_mult * 2, self._root.height, ] class MDSwiperItem(MDBoxLayout): """ Swiper item class. For more information, see in the :class:`~kivymd.uix.boxlayout.MDBoxLayout` class documentation. """ _root = ObjectProperty() _selected = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self._set_size) Window.bind(on_resize=self._set_size) def _set_size(self, *args): Clock.schedule_once(lambda x: self._root._reset_size()) if self._selected: self._selected_size() else: self._dismiss_size() def _selected_size(self): size = [ Window.size[0] - self._root.items_spacing * self._root.width_mult * 2, self._root.height, ] anim = Animation( size=size, d=self._root.size_duration, t=self._root.size_transition ) anim.start(self) def _dismiss_size(self): size = [ Window.size[0] - self._root.items_spacing * (1 + self._root.width_mult) * 2, self._root.height - self._root.items_spacing * 2, ] anim = Animation( size=size, d=self._root.size_duration, t=self._root.size_transition ) anim.start(self) class MDSwiper(ScrollView): """ Swiper class. For more information, see in the :class:`~kivy.uix.scrollview.ScrollView` class documentation. """ items_spacing = NumericProperty("20dp") """ The space between each :class:`MDSwiperItem`. :attr:`items_spacing` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `20dp`. """ transition_duration = NumericProperty(0.2) """ Duration of switching between :class:`MDSwiperItem`. :attr:`transition_duration` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `0.2`. """ size_duration = NumericProperty(0.2) """ Duration of changing the size of :class:`MDSwiperItem`. :attr:`transition_duration` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `0.2`. """ size_transition = StringProperty("out_quad") """ The type of animation used for changing the size of :class:`MDSwiperItem`. :attr:`size_transition` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `out_quad`. """ swipe_transition = StringProperty("out_quad") """ The type of animation used for swiping. :attr:`swipe_transition` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.StringProperty` and defaults to `out_quad`. """ swipe_distance = NumericProperty("70dp") """ Distance to move before swiping the :class:`MDSwiperItem`. :attr:`swipe_distance` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `70dp`. """ width_mult = NumericProperty(3) """ This number is multiplied by :attr:`items_spacing` x2 and then subtracted from the width of window to specify the width of :class:`MDSwiperItem`. So by decreasing the :attr:`width_mult` the width of :class:`MDSwiperItem` increases and vice versa. :attr:`width_mult` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.NumericProperty` and defaults to `3`. """ swipe_on_scroll = BooleanProperty(True) """ Wheter to swipe on mouse wheel scrolling or not. :attr:`swipe_on_scroll` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to `True`. """ _selected = 0 _start_touch_x = None __events__ = ( "on_swipe", "on_pre_swipe", "on_overswipe_right", "on_overswipe_left", "on_swipe_left", "on_swipe_right", ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.register_event_type("on_swipe") self.register_event_type("on_pre_swipe") self.register_event_type("on_overswipe_right") self.register_event_type("on_overswipe_left") self.register_event_type("on_swipe_left") self.register_event_type("on_swipe_right") self.effect_cls = _ScrollViewHardStop def add_widget(self, widget, index=0): if issubclass(widget.__class__, MDSwiperItem): widget._root = self items_box = _ItemsBox(_root=self) items_box.add_widget(widget) self.ids.anchor_scroll.add_widget(items_box) return else: return super().add_widget(widget, index=index) def remove_widget(self, widget): if not issubclass(widget.__class__, MDSwiperItem): return for item_box in self.ids.anchor_scroll.children: if widget in item_box.children: return self.ids.anchor_scroll.remove_widget(item_box) def set_current(self, index): """Switch to given :class:`MDSwiperItem` index.""" self._selected = index self.dispatch("on_pre_swipe") self._reset_size() self.dispatch("on_swipe") def get_current_index(self): """Returns the current :class:`MDSwiperItem` index.""" return self._selected def get_current_item(self): """Returns the current :class:`MDSwiperItem` instance.""" return list(reversed(self.ids.anchor_scroll.children))[ self._selected ].children[0] def get_items(self): """Returns the list of :class:`MDSwiperItem` children. .. note:: Use `get_items()` to get the list of children instead of `MDSwiper.children`. """ children = list(reversed(self.ids.anchor_scroll.children)) items = [item.children[0] for item in children] return items def _reset_size(self, *args): children = list(reversed(self.ids.anchor_scroll.children)) if not children: return child = children[self._selected] total_width = self.ids.anchor_scroll.width - Window.width if self.get_current_index() == 0: view_x = child.x - self.items_spacing elif self.get_current_index() == len(children) - 1: view_x = ( child.x - self.items_spacing * self.width_mult - self.items_spacing * 2 ) else: view_x = child.x - self.items_spacing * self.width_mult anim = Animation( scroll_x=view_x / total_width, d=self.transition_duration, t=self.swipe_transition, ) anim.start(self) for widget in children: widget.children[0]._dismiss_size() widget.children[0]._selected = False child.children[0]._selected_size() child.children[0]._selected = True def on_swipe(self): pass def on_pre_swipe(self): pass def on_overswipe_right(self): pass def on_overswipe_left(self): pass def on_swipe_left(self): pass def on_swipe_right(self): pass def swipe_left(self): previous_index = self._selected - 1 if previous_index == -1: self.set_current(0) self.dispatch("on_overswipe_left") else: self.set_current(previous_index) self.dispatch("on_swipe_left") def swipe_right(self): next_index = self._selected + 1 last_index = len(self.ids.anchor_scroll.children) - 1 if next_index == last_index + 1: self.set_current(last_index) self.dispatch("on_overswipe_right") else: self.set_current(next_index) self.dispatch("on_swipe_right") def on_scroll_start(self, touch, check_children=True): if platform in ["ios", "android"]: return super().on_scroll_start(touch) # on touch pad events if touch.button == "scrollright": self.swipe_left() elif touch.button == "scrollleft": self.swipe_right() return super().on_scroll_start(touch) def on_touch_down(self, touch): super().on_touch_down(touch) if not self.collide_point(touch.pos[0], touch.pos[1]): return if platform not in ["ios", "android"] and self.swipe_on_scroll: if touch.button == "scrolldown": self.swipe_right() elif touch.button == "scrollup": self.swipe_left() else: self._start_touch_x = touch.pos[0] else: self._start_touch_x = touch.pos[0] def on_touch_up(self, touch): super().on_touch_up(touch) if not self._start_touch_x: return if self._start_touch_x: touch_x_diff = abs(self._start_touch_x - touch.pos[0]) else: return if touch_x_diff <= self.swipe_distance: if touch_x_diff == 0: return self._reset_size() return # swipe to left if self._start_touch_x < touch.pos[0]: self.swipe_left() # swipe to right else: self.swipe_right() self._start_touch_x = None return