cdef class ClockEvent(object): cdef int _is_triggered cdef public ClockEvent next '''The next :class:`ClockEvent` in order they were scheduled. ''' cdef public ClockEvent prev '''The previous :class:`ClockEvent` in order they were scheduled. ''' cdef public object cid cdef public CyClockBase clock '''The :class:`CyClockBase` instance associated with the event. ''' cdef public int loop '''Whether this event repeats at intervals of :attr:`timeout`. ''' cdef public object weak_callback cdef public object callback cdef public double timeout '''The duration after scheduling when the callback should be executed. ''' cdef public double _last_dt cdef public double _dt cdef public list _del_queue cdef public object clock_ended_callback """A Optional callback for this event, which if provided is called by the clock when the clock is stopped and the event was not ticked. """ cdef public object weak_clock_ended_callback cdef public int release_ref """If True, the event should never release the reference to the callbacks. If False, a weakref may be created instead. """ cpdef get_callback(self) cpdef get_clock_ended_callback(self) cpdef cancel(self) cpdef release(self) cpdef tick(self, double curtime) cdef class FreeClockEvent(ClockEvent): cdef public int free '''Whether this event was scheduled as a free event. ''' cdef class CyClockBase(object): cdef public double _last_tick cdef public int max_iteration '''The maximum number of callback iterations at the end of the frame, before the next frame. If more iterations occur, a warning is issued. ''' cdef public double clock_resolution '''If the remaining time until the event timeout is less than :attr:`clock_resolution`, the clock will execute the callback even if it hasn't exactly timed out. If -1, the default, the resolution will be computed from config's ``maxfps``. Otherwise, the provided value is used. Defaults to -1. ''' cdef public double _max_fps cdef public ClockEvent _root_event '''The first event in the chain. Can be None. ''' cdef public ClockEvent _next_event '''During frame processing when we service the events, this points to the next event that will be processed. After ticking an event, we continue with :attr:`_next_event`. If a event that is canceled is the :attr:`_next_event`, :attr:`_next_event` is shifted to point to the after after this, or None if it's at the end of the chain. ''' cdef public ClockEvent _cap_event '''The cap event is the last event in the chain for each frame. For a particular frame, events may be added dynamically after this event, and the current frame should not process them. Similarly to :attr:`_next_event`, when canceling the :attr:`_cap_event`, :attr:`_cap_event` is shifted to the one previous to it. ''' cdef public ClockEvent _last_event '''The last event in the chain. New events are added after this. Can be None. ''' cdef public object _lock cdef public object _lock_acquire cdef public object _lock_release cdef public int has_started cdef public int has_ended cdef public object _del_safe_lock cdef public int _del_safe_done cpdef get_resolution(self) cpdef ClockEvent create_lifecycle_aware_trigger( self, callback, clock_ended_callback, timeout=*, interval=*, release_ref=*) cpdef ClockEvent create_trigger(self, callback, timeout=*, interval=*, release_ref=*) cpdef schedule_lifecycle_aware_del_safe(self, callback, clock_ended_callback) cpdef schedule_del_safe(self, callback) cpdef ClockEvent schedule_once(self, callback, timeout=*) cpdef ClockEvent schedule_interval(self, callback, timeout) cpdef unschedule(self, callback, all=*) cpdef _release_references(self) cpdef _process_del_safe_events(self) cpdef _process_events(self) cpdef _process_events_before_frame(self) cpdef get_min_timeout(self) cpdef get_events(self) cpdef get_before_frame_events(self) cpdef _process_clock_ended_del_safe_events(self) cpdef _process_clock_ended_callbacks(self) cdef class CyClockBaseFree(CyClockBase): cpdef FreeClockEvent create_lifecycle_aware_trigger_free( self, callback, clock_ended_callback, timeout=*, interval=*, release_ref=*) cpdef FreeClockEvent create_trigger_free(self, callback, timeout=*, interval=*, release_ref=*) cpdef FreeClockEvent schedule_once_free(self, callback, timeout=*) cpdef FreeClockEvent schedule_interval_free(self, callback, timeout) cpdef _process_free_events(self, double last_tick) cpdef get_min_free_timeout(self)