import kivy kivy.require('1.0.8') from import App from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from uix.custom_button import AnimatedButton from kivy.uix.scatter import Scatter from import ObjectProperty class gifScatter(Scatter): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(gifScatter, self).__init__() class zipScatter(Scatter): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(zipScatter, self).__init__() class jpgScatter(Scatter): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(jpgScatter, self).__init__() class Right_Frame(GridLayout): currentObj = ObjectProperty(None) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(Right_Frame, self).__init__() def on_value(self, *l): if self.currentObj: if abs(l[1]) <= 0: self.currentObj.anim_delay = -1 l[2].text = 'Animation speed: %f FPS' % 0 else: self.currentObj.anim_delay = 1 / l[1] l[2].text = 'Animation speed: %f FPS' % ( 1 / self.currentObj.anim_delay) else: l[0].max = 0 l[2].text = 'No Image selected' class mainclass(FloatLayout): currentObj = ObjectProperty(None) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(mainclass, self).__init__() # initialize variables self.sign = .10 # setup Layouts layout = GridLayout(size_hint=(1, 1), cols=3, rows=1) left_frame = GridLayout(size_hint=(.25, 1), cols=1) client_frame = FloatLayout(size_hint=(1, 1)) self.right_frame = Right_Frame() # setup buttons in left frame but_load_gif = AnimatedButton(text='load gif', halign='center') but_load_zip_png = AnimatedButton(text='load zipped\n png/s', halign='center') but_load_zip_jpg = AnimatedButton(text='load zipped\n jpg/s', halign='center') but_animated = AnimatedButton(text='animated button\n' 'made using\nSequenced Images\n press to animate', halign='center', background_normal='data/images/button_white.png', background_down='data/images/') but_animated_normal = AnimatedButton(text='borderless\n' 'animated button\npress to stop', halign='center', background_down='data/images/button_white.png', background_normal='data/images/') but_animated_borderless = AnimatedButton(text='Borderless', background_normal='data/images/info.png', background_down='data/images/', halign='center') but_animated_bordered = AnimatedButton(text='With Border', background_normal='data/images/info.png', background_down='data/images/', halign='center') # Handle button press/release def load_images(*l): if l[0].text == 'load gif' or l[0].text == 'load gif\n from cache': l[0].text = 'load gif\n from cache' sctr = gifScatter() if (l[0].text == 'load zipped\n png/s' or l[0].text == 'load zipped\n png/s from cache'): l[0].text = 'load zipped\n png/s from cache' sctr = zipScatter() if (l[0].text == 'load zipped\n jpg/s' or l[0].text == 'load zipped\n jpg/s from cache'): l[0].text = 'load zipped\n jpg/s from cache' sctr = jpgScatter() client_frame.add_widget(sctr, 1) # position scatter sctr.pos = (240 + self.sign, 200 + self.sign) self.sign += 10 if self.sign > 200: self.sign = 10 sctr.pos = (300, 200 - self.sign) # bind function on on_release but_load_gif.bind(on_release=load_images) but_load_zip_png.bind(on_release=load_images) but_load_zip_jpg.bind(on_release=load_images) # add widgets to left frame left_frame.add_widget(but_load_gif) left_frame.add_widget(but_load_zip_png) left_frame.add_widget(but_load_zip_jpg) left_frame.add_widget(but_animated) left_frame.add_widget(but_animated_normal) left_frame.add_widget(but_animated_borderless) left_frame.add_widget(but_animated_bordered) # set/remove border for borderless widgets (16,16,16,16) by default but_animated_normal.border = \ but_animated_borderless.border = (0, 0, 0, 0) # add widgets to the main layout layout.add_widget(left_frame) layout.add_widget(client_frame) layout.add_widget(self.right_frame) # add main layout to root self.add_widget(layout) def on_currentObj(self, *l): self.right_frame.currentObj = self.currentObj class mainApp(App): def build(self): upl = mainclass() upl.size_hint = (1, 1) upl.pos_hint = {'top': 0, 'right': 1} return upl if __name__ == '__main__': mainApp().run()