from import App from kivy.extras.highlight import KivyLexer from kivy.uix.spinner import Spinner, SpinnerOption from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.codeinput import CodeInput from kivy.uix.behaviors import EmacsBehavior from kivy.uix.popup import Popup from import ListProperty from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.core.text import LabelBase from pygments import lexers import codecs import os example_text = ''' ---------------------Python---------------------------------- import kivy kivy.require('1.0.6') # replace with your current kivy version ! from import App from kivy.uix.button import Button class MyApp(App): def build(self): return Button(text='Hello World') if __name__ == '__main__': MyApp().run() ----------------------Java----------------------------------- public static byte toUnsignedByte(int intVal) { byte byteVal; return (byte)(intVal & 0xFF); } ---------------------kv lang--------------------------------- #:kivy 1.0 : canvas: Color: rgb: .5, .5, .5 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size ---------------------HTML------------------------------------
----------------------Emacs key bindings--------------------- This CodeInput inherits from EmacsBehavior, so you can use Emacs key bindings if you want! To try out Emacs key bindings, set the "Key bindings" option to "Emacs". Experiment with the shortcuts below on some of the text in this window (just be careful not to delete the cheat sheet before you have made note of the commands!) Shortcut Description -------- ----------- Control + a Move cursor to the beginning of the line Control + e Move cursor to the end of the line Control + f Move cursor one character to the right Control + b Move cursor one character to the left Alt + f Move cursor to the end of the word to the right Alt + b Move cursor to the start of the word to the left Alt + Backspace Delete text left of the cursor to the beginning of word Alt + d Delete text right of the cursor to the end of the word Alt + w Copy selection Control + w Cut selection Control + y Paste selection ''' class Fnt_SpinnerOption(SpinnerOption): pass class LoadDialog(Popup): def load(self, path, selection): self.choosen_file = [None, ] self.choosen_file = selection Window.title = selection[0][selection[0].rfind(os.sep) + 1:] self.dismiss() def cancel(self): self.dismiss() class SaveDialog(Popup): def save(self, path, selection): _file =, 'w', encoding='utf8') _file.write(self.text) Window.title = selection[selection.rfind(os.sep) + 1:] _file.close() self.dismiss() def cancel(self): self.dismiss() class CodeInputWithBindings(EmacsBehavior, CodeInput): '''CodeInput with keybindings. To add more bindings, add the behavior before CodeInput in the class definition. ''' pass class CodeInputTest(App): files = ListProperty([None, ]) def build(self): b = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') languages = Spinner( text='language', values=sorted(['KvLexer', ] + list(lexers.LEXERS.keys()))) languages.bind(text=self.change_lang) menu = BoxLayout( size_hint_y=None, height='30pt') fnt_size = Spinner( text='12', values=list(map(str, list(range(5, 40))))) fnt_size.bind(text=self._update_size) fonts = [ file for file in LabelBase._font_dirs_files if file.endswith('.ttf')] fnt_name = Spinner( text='RobotoMono', option_cls=Fnt_SpinnerOption, values=fonts) fnt_name.bind(text=self._update_font) mnu_file = Spinner( text='File', values=('Open', 'SaveAs', 'Save', 'Close')) mnu_file.bind(text=self._file_menu_selected) key_bindings = Spinner( text='Key bindings', values=('Default key bindings', 'Emacs key bindings')) key_bindings.bind(text=self._bindings_selected) menu.add_widget(mnu_file) menu.add_widget(fnt_size) menu.add_widget(fnt_name) menu.add_widget(languages) menu.add_widget(key_bindings) b.add_widget(menu) self.codeinput = CodeInputWithBindings( lexer=KivyLexer(), font_size=12, text=example_text, key_bindings='default', ) b.add_widget(self.codeinput) return b def _update_size(self, instance, size): self.codeinput.font_size = float(size) def _update_font(self, instance, fnt_name): instance.font_name = self.codeinput.font_name = fnt_name def _file_menu_selected(self, instance, value): if value == 'File': return instance.text = 'File' if value == 'Open': if not hasattr(self, 'load_dialog'): self.load_dialog = LoadDialog() self.load_dialog.bind(choosen_file=self.setter('files')) elif value == 'SaveAs': if not hasattr(self, 'saveas_dialog'): self.saveas_dialog = SaveDialog() self.saveas_dialog.text = self.codeinput.text elif value == 'Save': if self.files[0]: _file =[0], 'w', encoding='utf8') _file.write(self.codeinput.text) _file.close() elif value == 'Close': if self.files[0]: self.codeinput.text = '' Window.title = 'untitled' def _bindings_selected(self, instance, value): value = value.split(' ')[0] self.codeinput.key_bindings = value.lower() def on_files(self, instance, values): if not values[0]: return _file =[0], 'r', encoding='utf8') self.codeinput.text = _file.close() def change_lang(self, instance, z): if z == 'KvLexer': lx = KivyLexer() else: lx = lexers.get_lexer_by_name(lexers.LEXERS[z][2][0]) self.codeinput.lexer = lx if __name__ == '__main__': CodeInputTest().run()