from import App from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout class DropFile(Button): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(DropFile, self).__init__(**kwargs) # get app instance to add function from widget app = App.get_running_app() # add function to the list app.drops.append(self.on_drop_file) def on_drop_file(self, widget, filename): # a function catching a dropped file # if it's dropped in the widget's area if self.collide_point(*Window.mouse_pos): # on_drop_file's filename is bytes (py3) self.text = filename.decode('utf-8') class DropApp(App): def build(self): # set an empty list that will be later populated # with functions from widgets themselves self.drops = [] # bind handling function to 'on_drop_file' Window.bind(on_drop_file=self.handledrops) box = BoxLayout() dropleft = DropFile(text='left') box.add_widget(dropleft) dropright = DropFile(text='right') box.add_widget(dropright) return box def handledrops(self, *args): # this will execute each function from list with arguments from # Window.on_drop_file # # make sure `Window.on_drop_file` works on your system first, # otherwise the example won't work at all for func in self.drops: func(*args) DropApp().run()