''' Showcase of Kivy Features ========================= This showcases many features of Kivy. You should see a menu bar across the top with a demonstration area below. The first demonstration is the accordion layout. You can see, but not edit, the kv language code for any screen by pressing the bug or 'show source' icon. Scroll through the demonstrations using the left and right icons in the top right or selecting from the menu bar. The file showcase.kv describes the main container, while each demonstration pane is described in a separate .kv file in the data/screens directory. The image data/background.png provides the gradient background while the icons in data/icon directory are used in the control bar. The file data/faust_github.jpg is used in the Scatter pane. The icons are from `http://www.gentleface.com/free_icon_set.html` and licensed as Creative Commons - Attribution and Non-commercial Use Only; they sell a commercial license. The file android.txt is used to package the application for use with the Kivy Launcher Android application. For Android devices, you can copy/paste this directory into /sdcard/kivy/showcase on your Android device. ''' from time import time from kivy.app import App from os.path import dirname, join from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.properties import ( NumericProperty, StringProperty, BooleanProperty, ListProperty, ) from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen class ShowcaseScreen(Screen): fullscreen = BooleanProperty(False) def add_widget(self, *args, **kwargs): if 'content' in self.ids: return self.ids.content.add_widget(*args, **kwargs) return super(ShowcaseScreen, self).add_widget(*args, **kwargs) class ShowcaseApp(App): index = NumericProperty(-1) current_title = StringProperty() time = NumericProperty(0) show_sourcecode = BooleanProperty(False) sourcecode = StringProperty() screen_names = ListProperty([]) hierarchy = ListProperty([]) def build(self): self.title = 'hello world' Clock.schedule_interval(self._update_clock, 1 / 60.) self.screens = {} self.available_screens = sorted([ 'Buttons', 'ToggleButton', 'Sliders', 'ProgressBar', 'Switches', 'CheckBoxes', 'TextInputs', 'Accordions', 'FileChoosers', 'Carousel', 'Bubbles', 'CodeInput', 'DropDown', 'Spinner', 'Scatter', 'Splitter', 'TabbedPanel + Layouts', 'RstDocument', 'Popups', 'ScreenManager']) self.screen_names = self.available_screens curdir = dirname(__file__) self.available_screens = [join(curdir, 'data', 'screens', '{}.kv'.format(fn).lower()) for fn in self.available_screens] self.go_next_screen() def on_pause(self): return True def on_resume(self): pass def on_current_title(self, instance, value): self.root.ids.spnr.text = value def go_previous_screen(self): self.index = (self.index - 1) % len(self.available_screens) screen = self.load_screen(self.index) sm = self.root.ids.sm sm.switch_to(screen, direction='right') self.current_title = screen.name self.update_sourcecode() def go_next_screen(self): self.index = (self.index + 1) % len(self.available_screens) screen = self.load_screen(self.index) sm = self.root.ids.sm sm.switch_to(screen, direction='left') self.current_title = screen.name self.update_sourcecode() def go_screen(self, idx): self.index = idx self.root.ids.sm.switch_to(self.load_screen(idx), direction='left') self.update_sourcecode() def go_hierarchy_previous(self): ahr = self.hierarchy if len(ahr) == 1: return if ahr: ahr.pop() if ahr: idx = ahr.pop() self.go_screen(idx) def load_screen(self, index): if index in self.screens: return self.screens[index] screen = Builder.load_file(self.available_screens[index]) self.screens[index] = screen return screen def read_sourcecode(self): fn = self.available_screens[self.index] with open(fn) as fd: return fd.read() def toggle_source_code(self): self.show_sourcecode = not self.show_sourcecode if self.show_sourcecode: height = self.root.height * .3 else: height = 0 Animation(height=height, d=.3, t='out_quart').start( self.root.ids.sv) self.update_sourcecode() def update_sourcecode(self): if not self.show_sourcecode: self.root.ids.sourcecode.focus = False return self.root.ids.sourcecode.text = self.read_sourcecode() self.root.ids.sv.scroll_y = 1 def showcase_floatlayout(self, layout): def add_button(*t): if not layout.get_parent_window(): return if len(layout.children) > 5: layout.clear_widgets() layout.add_widget(Builder.load_string(''' #:import random random.random Button: size_hint: random(), random() pos_hint: {'x': random(), 'y': random()} text: 'size_hint x: {} y: {}\\n pos_hint x: {} y: {}'.format(\ self.size_hint_x, self.size_hint_y, self.pos_hint['x'],\ self.pos_hint['y']) ''')) Clock.schedule_once(add_button, 1) Clock.schedule_once(add_button) def showcase_boxlayout(self, layout): def add_button(*t): if not layout.get_parent_window(): return if len(layout.children) > 5: layout.orientation = 'vertical'\ if layout.orientation == 'horizontal' else 'horizontal' layout.clear_widgets() layout.add_widget(Builder.load_string(''' Button: text: self.parent.orientation if self.parent else '' ''')) Clock.schedule_once(add_button, 1) Clock.schedule_once(add_button) def showcase_gridlayout(self, layout): def add_button(*t): if not layout.get_parent_window(): return if len(layout.children) > 15: layout.rows = 3 if layout.rows is None else None layout.cols = None if layout.rows == 3 else 3 layout.clear_widgets() layout.add_widget(Builder.load_string(''' Button: text: 'rows: {}\\ncols: {}'.format(self.parent.rows, self.parent.cols)\ if self.parent else '' ''')) Clock.schedule_once(add_button, 1) Clock.schedule_once(add_button) def showcase_stacklayout(self, layout): orientations = ('lr-tb', 'tb-lr', 'rl-tb', 'tb-rl', 'lr-bt', 'bt-lr', 'rl-bt', 'bt-rl') def add_button(*t): if not layout.get_parent_window(): return if len(layout.children) > 11: layout.clear_widgets() cur_orientation = orientations.index(layout.orientation) layout.orientation = orientations[cur_orientation - 1] layout.add_widget(Builder.load_string(''' Button: text: self.parent.orientation if self.parent else '' size_hint: .2, .2 ''')) Clock.schedule_once(add_button, 1) Clock.schedule_once(add_button) def showcase_anchorlayout(self, layout): def change_anchor(self, *l): if not layout.get_parent_window(): return anchor_x = ('left', 'center', 'right') anchor_y = ('top', 'center', 'bottom') if layout.anchor_x == 'left': layout.anchor_y = anchor_y[anchor_y.index(layout.anchor_y) - 1] layout.anchor_x = anchor_x[anchor_x.index(layout.anchor_x) - 1] Clock.schedule_once(change_anchor, 1) Clock.schedule_once(change_anchor, 1) def _update_clock(self, dt): self.time = time() if __name__ == '__main__': ShowcaseApp().run()