''' Builder ====== Class used for the registering and application of rules for specific widgets. ''' import sys from os import environ from os.path import join from copy import copy from types import CodeType from functools import partial from kivy.factory import Factory from kivy.lang.parser import ( Parser, ParserException, _handlers, global_idmap, ParserRuleProperty, ) from kivy.logger import Logger from kivy.utils import QueryDict from kivy.cache import Cache from kivy import kivy_data_dir from kivy.context import register_context from kivy.resources import resource_find from kivy._event import Observable, EventDispatcher __all__ = ('Observable', 'Builder', 'BuilderBase', 'BuilderException') trace = Logger.trace # late import Instruction = None # delayed calls are canvas expression triggered during an loop. It is one # directional linked list of args to call call_fn with. Each element is a list # whose last element points to the next list of args to execute when # Builder.sync is called. _delayed_start = None class BuilderException(ParserException): '''Exception raised when the Builder fails to apply a rule on a widget. ''' pass def get_proxy(widget): try: return widget.proxy_ref except AttributeError: return widget def custom_callback(__kvlang__, idmap, *largs, **kwargs): idmap['args'] = largs exec(__kvlang__.co_value, idmap) def call_fn(args, instance, v): element, key, value, rule, idmap = args if __debug__: trace('Lang: call_fn %s, key=%s, value=%r, %r' % ( element, key, value, rule.value)) rule.count += 1 e_value = eval(value, idmap) if __debug__: trace('Lang: call_fn => value=%r' % (e_value, )) setattr(element, key, e_value) def delayed_call_fn(args, instance, v): # it's already on the list if args[-1] is not None: return global _delayed_start if _delayed_start is None: _delayed_start = args args[-1] = StopIteration else: args[-1] = _delayed_start _delayed_start = args def update_intermediates(base, keys, bound, s, fn, args, instance, value): ''' Function that is called when an intermediate property is updated and `rebind` of that property is True. In that case, we unbind all bound funcs that were bound to attrs of the old value of the property and rebind them to the new value of the property. For example, if the rule is `self.a.b.c.d`, then when b is changed, we unbind from `b`, `c` and `d`, if they were bound before (they were not None and `rebind` of the respective properties was True) and we rebind to the new values of the attrs `b`, `c``, `d` that are not None and `rebind` is True. :Parameters: `base` A (proxied) ref to the base widget, `self` in the example above. `keys` A list of the name off the attrs of `base` being watched. In the example above it'd be `['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']`. `bound` A list 4-tuples, each tuple being (widget, attr, callback, uid) representing callback functions bound to the attributed `attr` of `widget`. `uid` is returned by `fbind` when binding. The callback may be None, in which case the attr was not bound, but is there to be able to walk the attr tree. E.g. in the example above, if `b` was not an eventdispatcher, `(_b_ref_, `c`, None)` would be added to the list so we can get to `c` and `d`, which may be eventdispatchers and their attrs. `s` The index in `keys` of the of the attr that needs to be updated. That is all the keys from `s` and further will be rebound, since the `s` key was changed. In bound, the corresponding index is `s - 1`. If `s` is None, we start from 1 (first attr). `fn` The function to be called args, `args` on bound callback. ''' # first remove all the old bound functions from `s` and down. for f, k, fun, uid in bound[s:]: if fun is None: continue try: f.unbind_uid(k, uid) except ReferenceError: pass del bound[s:] # find the first attr from which we need to start rebinding. f = getattr(*bound[-1][:2]) if f is None: fn(args, None, None) return s += 1 append = bound.append # bind all attrs, except last to update_intermediates for val in keys[s:-1]: # if we need to dynamically rebind, bindm otherwise just # add the attr to the list if isinstance(f, (EventDispatcher, Observable)): prop = f.property(val, True) if prop is not None and getattr(prop, 'rebind', False): # fbind should not dispatch, otherwise # update_intermediates might be called in the middle # here messing things up uid = f.fbind( val, update_intermediates, base, keys, bound, s, fn, args) append([f.proxy_ref, val, update_intermediates, uid]) else: append([f.proxy_ref, val, None, None]) else: append([getattr(f, 'proxy_ref', f), val, None, None]) f = getattr(f, val, None) if f is None: break s += 1 # for the last attr we bind directly to the setting function, # because that attr sets the value of the rule. if isinstance(f, (EventDispatcher, Observable)): uid = f.fbind(keys[-1], fn, args) if uid: append([f.proxy_ref, keys[-1], fn, uid]) # when we rebind we have to update the # rule with the most recent value, otherwise, the value might be wrong # and wouldn't be updated since we might not have tracked it before. # This only happens for a callback when rebind was True for the prop. fn(args, None, None) def create_handler(iself, element, key, value, rule, idmap, delayed=False): idmap = copy(idmap) idmap.update(global_idmap) idmap['self'] = iself.proxy_ref bound_list = _handlers[iself.uid][key] handler_append = bound_list.append # we need a hash for when delayed, so we don't execute duplicate canvas # callbacks from the same handler during a sync op if delayed: fn = delayed_call_fn args = [element, key, value, rule, idmap, None] # see _delayed_start else: fn = call_fn args = (element, key, value, rule, idmap) # bind every key.value if rule.watched_keys is not None: for keys in rule.watched_keys: base = idmap.get(keys[0]) if base is None: continue f = base = getattr(base, 'proxy_ref', base) bound = [] was_bound = False append = bound.append # bind all attrs, except last to update_intermediates k = 1 for val in keys[1:-1]: # if we need to dynamically rebind, bindm otherwise # just add the attr to the list if isinstance(f, (EventDispatcher, Observable)): prop = f.property(val, True) if prop is not None and getattr(prop, 'rebind', False): # fbind should not dispatch, otherwise # update_intermediates might be called in the middle # here messing things up uid = f.fbind( val, update_intermediates, base, keys, bound, k, fn, args) append([f.proxy_ref, val, update_intermediates, uid]) was_bound = True else: append([f.proxy_ref, val, None, None]) elif not isinstance(f, type): append([getattr(f, 'proxy_ref', f), val, None, None]) else: append([f, val, None, None]) f = getattr(f, val, None) if f is None: break k += 1 # for the last attr we bind directly to the setting # function, because that attr sets the value of the rule. if isinstance(f, (EventDispatcher, Observable)): uid = f.fbind(keys[-1], fn, args) # f is not None if uid: append([f.proxy_ref, keys[-1], fn, uid]) was_bound = True if was_bound: handler_append(bound) try: return eval(value, idmap), bound_list except Exception as e: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise BuilderException(rule.ctx, rule.line, '{}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e), cause=tb) class BuilderBase(object): '''The Builder is responsible for creating a :class:`Parser` for parsing a kv file, merging the results into its internal rules, templates, etc. By default, :class:`Builder` is a global Kivy instance used in widgets that you can use to load other kv files in addition to the default ones. ''' def __init__(self): super(BuilderBase, self).__init__() self._match_cache = {} self._match_name_cache = {} self.files = [] self.dynamic_classes = {} self.templates = {} self.rules = [] self.rulectx = {} @classmethod def create_from(cls, builder): """Creates a instance of the class, and initializes to the state of ``builder``. :param builder: The builder to initialize from. :return: A new instance of this class. """ obj = cls() obj._match_cache = copy(builder._match_cache) obj._match_name_cache = copy(builder._match_name_cache) obj.files = copy(builder.files) obj.dynamic_classes = copy(builder.dynamic_classes) obj.templates = copy(builder.templates) obj.rules = list(builder.rules) assert not builder.rulectx obj.rulectx = dict(builder.rulectx) return obj def load_file(self, filename, encoding='utf8', **kwargs): '''Insert a file into the language builder and return the root widget (if defined) of the kv file. :parameters: `rulesonly`: bool, defaults to False If True, the Builder will raise an exception if you have a root widget inside the definition. `encoding`: File character encoding. Defaults to utf-8, ''' filename = resource_find(filename) or filename if __debug__: trace('Lang: load file %s, using %s encoding', filename, encoding) kwargs['filename'] = filename with open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as fd: data = fd.read() return self.load_string(data, **kwargs) def unload_file(self, filename): '''Unload all rules associated with a previously imported file. .. versionadded:: 1.0.8 .. warning:: This will not remove rules or templates already applied/used on current widgets. It will only effect the next widgets creation or template invocation. ''' # remove rules and templates filename = resource_find(filename) or filename self.rules = [x for x in self.rules if x[1].ctx.filename != filename] self._clear_matchcache() templates = {} for x, y in self.templates.items(): if y[2] != filename: templates[x] = y self.templates = templates if filename in self.files: self.files.remove(filename) # unregister all the dynamic classes Factory.unregister_from_filename(filename) def load_string(self, string, **kwargs): '''Insert a string into the Language Builder and return the root widget (if defined) of the kv string. :Parameters: `rulesonly`: bool, defaults to False If True, the Builder will raise an exception if you have a root widget inside the definition. `filename`: str, defaults to None If specified, the filename used to index the kv rules. The filename parameter can be used to unload kv strings in the same way as you unload kv files. This can be achieved using pseudo file names e.g.:: Build.load_string(""" : Label: text="Hello" """, filename="myrule.kv") can be unloaded via:: Build.unload_file("myrule.kv") ''' kwargs.setdefault('rulesonly', False) self._current_filename = fn = kwargs.get('filename', None) # put a warning if a file is loaded multiple times if fn in self.files: Logger.warning( 'Lang: The file {} is loaded multiples times, ' 'you might have unwanted behaviors.'.format(fn)) try: # parse the string parser = Parser(content=string, filename=fn) # merge rules with our rules self.rules.extend(parser.rules) self._clear_matchcache() # add the template found by the parser into ours for name, cls, template in parser.templates: self.templates[name] = (cls, template, fn) Factory.register(name, cls=partial(self.template, name), is_template=True, warn=True) # register all the dynamic classes for name, baseclasses in parser.dynamic_classes.items(): Factory.register(name, baseclasses=baseclasses, filename=fn, warn=True) # create root object is exist if kwargs['rulesonly'] and parser.root: filename = kwargs.get('rulesonly', '') raise Exception('The file <%s> contain also non-rules ' 'directives' % filename) # save the loaded files only if there is a root without # template/dynamic classes if fn and (parser.templates or parser.dynamic_classes or parser.rules): self.files.append(fn) if parser.root: widget = Factory.get(parser.root.name)(__no_builder=True) rule_children = [] widget.apply_class_lang_rules( root=widget, rule_children=rule_children) self._apply_rule( widget, parser.root, parser.root, rule_children=rule_children) for child in rule_children: child.dispatch('on_kv_post', widget) widget.dispatch('on_kv_post', widget) return widget finally: self._current_filename = None def template(self, *args, **ctx): '''Create a specialized template using a specific context. .. versionadded:: 1.0.5 With templates, you can construct custom widgets from a kv lang definition by giving them a context. Check :ref:`Template usage `. ''' # Prevent naming clash with whatever the user might be putting into the # ctx as key. name = args[0] if name not in self.templates: raise Exception('Unknown <%s> template name' % name) baseclasses, rule, fn = self.templates[name] key = '%s|%s' % (name, baseclasses) cls = Cache.get('kv.lang', key) if cls is None: rootwidgets = [] for basecls in baseclasses.split('+'): rootwidgets.append(Factory.get(basecls)) cls = type(name, tuple(rootwidgets), {}) Cache.append('kv.lang', key, cls) widget = cls() # in previous versions, ``ctx`` is passed as is as ``template_ctx`` # preventing widgets in it from be collected by the GC. This was # especially relevant to AccordionItem's title_template. proxy_ctx = {k: get_proxy(v) for k, v in ctx.items()} self._apply_rule(widget, rule, rule, template_ctx=proxy_ctx) return widget def apply_rules( self, widget, rule_name, ignored_consts=set(), rule_children=None, dispatch_kv_post=False): '''Search all the rules that match the name `rule_name` and apply them to `widget`. .. versionadded:: 1.10.0 :Parameters: `widget`: :class:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget` The widget to whom the matching rules should be applied to. `ignored_consts`: set A set or list type whose elements are property names for which constant KV rules (i.e. those that don't create bindings) of that widget will not be applied. This allows e.g. skipping constant rules that overwrite a value initialized in python. `rule_children`: list If not ``None``, it should be a list that will be populated with all the widgets created by the kv rules being applied. .. versionchanged:: 1.11.0 `dispatch_kv_post`: bool Normally the class `Widget` dispatches the `on_kv_post` event to widgets created during kv rule application. But if the rules are manually applied by calling :meth:`apply`, that may not happen, so if this is `True`, we will dispatch the `on_kv_post` event where needed after applying the rules to `widget` (we won't dispatch it for `widget` itself). Defaults to False. .. versionchanged:: 1.11.0 ''' rules = self.match_rule_name(rule_name) if __debug__: trace('Lang: Found %d rules for %s' % (len(rules), rule_name)) if not rules: return if dispatch_kv_post: rule_children = rule_children if rule_children is not None else [] for rule in rules: self._apply_rule( widget, rule, rule, ignored_consts=ignored_consts, rule_children=rule_children) if dispatch_kv_post: for w in rule_children: w.dispatch('on_kv_post', widget) def apply(self, widget, ignored_consts=set(), rule_children=None, dispatch_kv_post=False): '''Search all the rules that match the widget and apply them. :Parameters: `widget`: :class:`~kivy.uix.widget.Widget` The widget whose class rules should be applied to this widget. `ignored_consts`: set A set or list type whose elements are property names for which constant KV rules (i.e. those that don't create bindings) of that widget will not be applied. This allows e.g. skipping constant rules that overwrite a value initialized in python. `rule_children`: list If not ``None``, it should be a list that will be populated with all the widgets created by the kv rules being applied. .. versionchanged:: 1.11.0 `dispatch_kv_post`: bool Normally the class `Widget` dispatches the `on_kv_post` event to widgets created during kv rule application. But if the rules are manually applied by calling :meth:`apply`, that may not happen, so if this is `True`, we will dispatch the `on_kv_post` event where needed after applying the rules to `widget` (we won't dispatch it for `widget` itself). Defaults to False. .. versionchanged:: 1.11.0 ''' rules = self.match(widget) if __debug__: trace('Lang: Found %d rules for %s' % (len(rules), widget)) if not rules: return if dispatch_kv_post: rule_children = rule_children if rule_children is not None else [] for rule in rules: self._apply_rule( widget, rule, rule, ignored_consts=ignored_consts, rule_children=rule_children) if dispatch_kv_post: for w in rule_children: w.dispatch('on_kv_post', widget) def _clear_matchcache(self): self._match_cache.clear() self._match_name_cache.clear() def _apply_rule(self, widget, rule, rootrule, template_ctx=None, ignored_consts=set(), rule_children=None): # widget: the current instantiated widget # rule: the current rule # rootrule: the current root rule (for children of a rule) # will collect reference to all the id in children assert rule not in self.rulectx self.rulectx[rule] = rctx = { 'ids': {'root': widget.proxy_ref}, 'set': [], 'hdl': []} # extract the context of the rootrule (not rule!) assert rootrule in self.rulectx rctx = self.rulectx[rootrule] # if a template context is passed, put it as "ctx" if template_ctx is not None: rctx['ids']['ctx'] = QueryDict(template_ctx) # if we got an id, put it in the root rule for a later global usage if rule.id: # use only the first word as `id` discard the rest. rule.id = rule.id.split('#', 1)[0].strip() rctx['ids'][rule.id] = widget.proxy_ref # set id name as a attribute for root widget so one can in python # code simply access root_widget.id_name _ids = dict(rctx['ids']) _root = _ids.pop('root') _new_ids = _root.ids for _key, _value in _ids.items(): if _value == _root: # skip on self continue _new_ids[_key] = _value _root.ids = _new_ids # first, ensure that the widget have all the properties used in # the rule if not, they will be created as ObjectProperty. rule.create_missing(widget) # build the widget canvas if rule.canvas_before: with widget.canvas.before: self._build_canvas(widget.canvas.before, widget, rule.canvas_before, rootrule) if rule.canvas_root: with widget.canvas: self._build_canvas(widget.canvas, widget, rule.canvas_root, rootrule) if rule.canvas_after: with widget.canvas.after: self._build_canvas(widget.canvas.after, widget, rule.canvas_after, rootrule) # create children tree Factory_get = Factory.get Factory_is_template = Factory.is_template for crule in rule.children: cname = crule.name if cname in ('canvas', 'canvas.before', 'canvas.after'): raise ParserException( crule.ctx, crule.line, 'Canvas instructions added in kv must ' 'be declared before child widgets.') # depending if the child rule is a template or not, we are not # having the same approach cls = Factory_get(cname) if Factory_is_template(cname): # we got a template, so extract all the properties and # handlers, and push them in a "ctx" dictionary. ctx = {} idmap = copy(global_idmap) idmap.update({'root': rctx['ids']['root']}) if 'ctx' in rctx['ids']: idmap.update({'ctx': rctx['ids']['ctx']}) try: for prule in crule.properties.values(): value = prule.co_value if type(value) is CodeType: value = eval(value, idmap) ctx[prule.name] = value for prule in crule.handlers: value = eval(prule.value, idmap) ctx[prule.name] = value except Exception as e: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise BuilderException( prule.ctx, prule.line, '{}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e), cause=tb) # create the template with an explicit ctx child = cls(**ctx) widget.add_widget(child) # reference it on our root rule context if crule.id: rctx['ids'][crule.id] = child else: # we got a "normal" rule, construct it manually # we can't construct it without __no_builder=True, because the # previous implementation was doing the add_widget() before # apply(), and so, we could use "self.parent". child = cls(__no_builder=True) widget.add_widget(child) child.apply_class_lang_rules( root=rctx['ids']['root'], rule_children=rule_children) self._apply_rule( child, crule, rootrule, rule_children=rule_children) if rule_children is not None: rule_children.append(child) # append the properties and handlers to our final resolution task if rule.properties: rctx['set'].append((widget.proxy_ref, list(rule.properties.values()))) for key, crule in rule.properties.items(): # clear previously applied rules if asked if crule.ignore_prev: Builder.unbind_property(widget, key) if rule.handlers: rctx['hdl'].append((widget.proxy_ref, rule.handlers)) # if we are applying another rule that the root one, then it's done for # us! if rootrule is not rule: del self.rulectx[rule] return # normally, we can apply a list of properties with a proper context try: rule = None for widget_set, rules in reversed(rctx['set']): for rule in rules: assert isinstance(rule, ParserRuleProperty) key = rule.name value = rule.co_value if type(value) is CodeType: value, bound = create_handler( widget_set, widget_set, key, value, rule, rctx['ids']) # if there's a rule if (widget_set != widget or bound or key not in ignored_consts): setattr(widget_set, key, value) else: if (widget_set != widget or key not in ignored_consts): setattr(widget_set, key, value) except Exception as e: if rule is not None: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise BuilderException(rule.ctx, rule.line, '{}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e), cause=tb) raise e # build handlers try: crule = None for widget_set, rules in rctx['hdl']: for crule in rules: assert isinstance(crule, ParserRuleProperty) assert crule.name.startswith('on_') key = crule.name if not widget_set.is_event_type(key): key = key[3:] idmap = copy(global_idmap) idmap.update(rctx['ids']) idmap['self'] = widget_set.proxy_ref if not widget_set.fbind(key, custom_callback, crule, idmap): raise AttributeError(key) # hack for on_parent if crule.name == 'on_parent': Factory.Widget.parent.dispatch(widget_set.__self__) except Exception as e: if crule is not None: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise BuilderException( crule.ctx, crule.line, '{}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e), cause=tb) raise e # rule finished, forget it del self.rulectx[rootrule] def match(self, widget): '''Return a list of :class:`ParserRule` objects matching the widget. ''' cache = self._match_cache k = (widget.__class__, tuple(widget.cls)) if k in cache: return cache[k] rules = [] for selector, rule in self.rules: if selector.match(widget): if rule.avoid_previous_rules: del rules[:] rules.append(rule) cache[k] = rules return rules def match_rule_name(self, rule_name): '''Return a list of :class:`ParserRule` objects matching the widget. ''' cache = self._match_name_cache rule_name = str(rule_name) k = rule_name.lower() if k in cache: return cache[k] rules = [] for selector, rule in self.rules: if selector.match_rule_name(rule_name): if rule.avoid_previous_rules: del rules[:] rules.append(rule) cache[k] = rules return rules def sync(self): '''Execute all the waiting operations, such as the execution of all the expressions related to the canvas. .. versionadded:: 1.7.0 ''' global _delayed_start next_args = _delayed_start if next_args is None: return while next_args is not StopIteration: # is this try/except still needed? yes, in case widget died in this # frame after the call was scheduled try: call_fn(next_args[:-1], None, None) except ReferenceError: pass args = next_args next_args = args[-1] args[-1] = None _delayed_start = None def unbind_widget(self, uid): '''Unbind all the handlers created by the KV rules of the widget. The :attr:`kivy.uix.widget.Widget.uid` is passed here instead of the widget itself, because Builder is using it in the widget destructor. This effectively clears all the KV rules associated with this widget. For example: .. code-block:: python >>> w = Builder.load_string(\''' ... Widget: ... height: self.width / 2. if self.disabled else self.width ... x: self.y + 50 ... \''') >>> w.size [100, 100] >>> w.pos [50, 0] >>> w.width = 500 >>> w.size [500, 500] >>> Builder.unbind_widget(w.uid) >>> w.width = 222 >>> w.y = 500 >>> w.size [222, 500] >>> w.pos [50, 500] .. versionadded:: 1.7.2 ''' if uid not in _handlers: return for prop_callbacks in _handlers[uid].values(): for callbacks in prop_callbacks: for f, k, fn, bound_uid in callbacks: if fn is None: # it's not a kivy prop. continue try: f.unbind_uid(k, bound_uid) except ReferenceError: # proxy widget is already gone, that's cool :) pass del _handlers[uid] def unbind_property(self, widget, name): '''Unbind the handlers created by all the rules of the widget that set the name. This effectively clears all the rules of widget that take the form:: name: rule For example: .. code-block:: python >>> w = Builder.load_string(\''' ... Widget: ... height: self.width / 2. if self.disabled else self.width ... x: self.y + 50 ... \''') >>> w.size [100, 100] >>> w.pos [50, 0] >>> w.width = 500 >>> w.size [500, 500] >>> Builder.unbind_property(w, 'height') >>> w.width = 222 >>> w.size [222, 500] >>> w.y = 500 >>> w.pos [550, 500] .. versionadded:: 1.9.1 ''' uid = widget.uid if uid not in _handlers: return prop_handlers = _handlers[uid] if name not in prop_handlers: return for callbacks in prop_handlers[name]: for f, k, fn, bound_uid in callbacks: if fn is None: # it's not a kivy prop. continue try: f.unbind_uid(k, bound_uid) except ReferenceError: # proxy widget is already gone, that's cool :) pass del prop_handlers[name] if not prop_handlers: del _handlers[uid] def _build_canvas(self, canvas, widget, rule, rootrule): global Instruction if Instruction is None: Instruction = Factory.get('Instruction') idmap = copy(self.rulectx[rootrule]['ids']) for crule in rule.children: name = crule.name if name == 'Clear': canvas.clear() continue instr = Factory.get(name)() if not isinstance(instr, Instruction): raise BuilderException( crule.ctx, crule.line, 'You can add only graphics Instruction in canvas.') try: for prule in crule.properties.values(): key = prule.name value = prule.co_value if type(value) is CodeType: value, _ = create_handler( widget, instr.proxy_ref, key, value, prule, idmap, True) setattr(instr, key, value) except Exception as e: tb = sys.exc_info()[2] raise BuilderException( prule.ctx, prule.line, '{}: {}'.format(e.__class__.__name__, e), cause=tb) #: Main instance of a :class:`BuilderBase`. Builder: BuilderBase = register_context('Builder', BuilderBase) Builder.load_file(join(kivy_data_dir, 'style.kv'), rulesonly=True) if 'KIVY_PROFILE_LANG' in environ: import atexit from html import escape def match_rule(fn, index, rule): if rule.ctx.filename != fn: return for prop, prp in rule.properties.items(): if prp.line != index: continue yield prp for child in rule.children: for r in match_rule(fn, index, child): yield r if rule.canvas_root: for r in match_rule(fn, index, rule.canvas_root): yield r if rule.canvas_before: for r in match_rule(fn, index, rule.canvas_before): yield r if rule.canvas_after: for r in match_rule(fn, index, rule.canvas_after): yield r def dump_builder_stats(): html = [ '' '', ''] files = {x[1].ctx.filename for x in Builder.rules} for fn in files: try: with open(fn) as f: lines = f.readlines() except (IOError, TypeError) as e: continue html += ['

', fn, '

', ''] count = 0 for index, line in enumerate(lines): line = line.rstrip() line = escape(line) matched_prp = [] for psn, rule in Builder.rules: matched_prp.extend(match_rule(fn, index, rule)) count = sum({x.count for x in matched_prp}) color = (255, 155, 155) if count else (255, 255, 255) html += [''.format(color), '', '', '', ''] html += ['
', str(index + 1), '', str(count), '
', line, '
'] html += [''] with open('builder_stats.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as fd: fd.write(''.join(html)) print('Profiling written at builder_stats.html') atexit.register(dump_builder_stats)