from __future__ import absolute_import import copy from . import (ExprNodes, PyrexTypes, MemoryView, ParseTreeTransforms, StringEncoding, Errors) from .ExprNodes import CloneNode, ProxyNode, TupleNode from .Nodes import FuncDefNode, CFuncDefNode, StatListNode, DefNode from ..Utils import OrderedSet class FusedCFuncDefNode(StatListNode): """ This node replaces a function with fused arguments. It deep-copies the function for every permutation of fused types, and allocates a new local scope for it. It keeps track of the original function in self.node, and the entry of the original function in the symbol table is given the 'fused_cfunction' attribute which points back to us. Then when a function lookup occurs (to e.g. call it), the call can be dispatched to the right function. node FuncDefNode the original function nodes [FuncDefNode] list of copies of node with different specific types py_func DefNode the fused python function subscriptable from Python space __signatures__ A DictNode mapping signature specialization strings to PyCFunction nodes resulting_fused_function PyCFunction for the fused DefNode that delegates to specializations fused_func_assignment Assignment of the fused function to the function name defaults_tuple TupleNode of defaults (letting PyCFunctionNode build defaults would result in many different tuples) specialized_pycfuncs List of synthesized pycfunction nodes for the specializations code_object CodeObjectNode shared by all specializations and the fused function fused_compound_types All fused (compound) types (e.g. floating[:]) """ __signatures__ = None resulting_fused_function = None fused_func_assignment = None defaults_tuple = None decorators = None child_attrs = StatListNode.child_attrs + [ '__signatures__', 'resulting_fused_function', 'fused_func_assignment'] def __init__(self, node, env): super(FusedCFuncDefNode, self).__init__(node.pos) self.nodes = [] self.node = node is_def = isinstance(self.node, DefNode) if is_def: # self.node.decorators = [] self.copy_def(env) else: self.copy_cdef(env) # Perform some sanity checks. If anything fails, it's a bug for n in self.nodes: assert not n.entry.type.is_fused assert not n.local_scope.return_type.is_fused if node.return_type.is_fused: assert not n.return_type.is_fused if not is_def and n.cfunc_declarator.optional_arg_count: assert n.type.op_arg_struct node.entry.fused_cfunction = self # Copy the nodes as AnalyseDeclarationsTransform will prepend # self.py_func to self.stats, as we only want specialized # CFuncDefNodes in self.nodes self.stats = self.nodes[:] def copy_def(self, env): """ Create a copy of the original def or lambda function for specialized versions. """ fused_compound_types = PyrexTypes.unique( [arg.type for arg in self.node.args if arg.type.is_fused]) fused_types = self._get_fused_base_types(fused_compound_types) permutations = PyrexTypes.get_all_specialized_permutations(fused_types) self.fused_compound_types = fused_compound_types if self.node.entry in env.pyfunc_entries: env.pyfunc_entries.remove(self.node.entry) for cname, fused_to_specific in permutations: copied_node = copy.deepcopy(self.node) # keep signature object identity for special casing in DefNode.analyse_declarations() copied_node.entry.signature = self.node.entry.signature self._specialize_function_args(copied_node.args, fused_to_specific) copied_node.return_type = self.node.return_type.specialize( fused_to_specific) copied_node.analyse_declarations(env) # copied_node.is_staticmethod = self.node.is_staticmethod # copied_node.is_classmethod = self.node.is_classmethod self.create_new_local_scope(copied_node, env, fused_to_specific) self.specialize_copied_def(copied_node, cname, self.node.entry, fused_to_specific, fused_compound_types) PyrexTypes.specialize_entry(copied_node.entry, cname) copied_node.entry.used = True env.entries[] = copied_node.entry if not self.replace_fused_typechecks(copied_node): break self.orig_py_func = self.node self.py_func = self.make_fused_cpdef(self.node, env, is_def=True) def copy_cdef(self, env): """ Create a copy of the original c(p)def function for all specialized versions. """ permutations = self.node.type.get_all_specialized_permutations() # print 'Node %s has %d specializations:' % (, # len(permutations)) # import pprint; pprint.pprint([d for cname, d in permutations]) # Prevent copying of the python function self.orig_py_func = orig_py_func = self.node.py_func self.node.py_func = None if orig_py_func: env.pyfunc_entries.remove(orig_py_func.entry) fused_types = self.node.type.get_fused_types() self.fused_compound_types = fused_types new_cfunc_entries = [] for cname, fused_to_specific in permutations: copied_node = copy.deepcopy(self.node) # Make the types in our CFuncType specific. type = copied_node.type.specialize(fused_to_specific) entry = copied_node.entry type.specialize_entry(entry, cname) # Reuse existing Entries (e.g. from .pxd files). for i, orig_entry in enumerate(env.cfunc_entries): if entry.cname == orig_entry.cname and type.same_as_resolved_type(orig_entry.type): copied_node.entry = env.cfunc_entries[i] if not copied_node.entry.func_cname: copied_node.entry.func_cname = entry.func_cname entry = copied_node.entry type = entry.type break else: new_cfunc_entries.append(entry) copied_node.type = type entry.type, type.entry = type, entry entry.used = (entry.used or self.node.entry.defined_in_pxd or env.is_c_class_scope or entry.is_cmethod) if self.node.cfunc_declarator.optional_arg_count: self.node.cfunc_declarator.declare_optional_arg_struct( type, env, fused_cname=cname) copied_node.return_type = type.return_type self.create_new_local_scope(copied_node, env, fused_to_specific) # Make the argument types in the CFuncDeclarator specific self._specialize_function_args(copied_node.cfunc_declarator.args, fused_to_specific) # If a cpdef, declare all specialized cpdefs (this # also calls analyse_declarations) copied_node.declare_cpdef_wrapper(env) if copied_node.py_func: env.pyfunc_entries.remove(copied_node.py_func.entry) self.specialize_copied_def( copied_node.py_func, cname, self.node.entry.as_variable, fused_to_specific, fused_types) if not self.replace_fused_typechecks(copied_node): break # replace old entry with new entries try: cindex = env.cfunc_entries.index(self.node.entry) except ValueError: env.cfunc_entries.extend(new_cfunc_entries) else: env.cfunc_entries[cindex:cindex+1] = new_cfunc_entries if orig_py_func: self.py_func = self.make_fused_cpdef(orig_py_func, env, is_def=False) else: self.py_func = orig_py_func def _get_fused_base_types(self, fused_compound_types): """ Get a list of unique basic fused types, from a list of (possibly) compound fused types. """ base_types = [] seen = set() for fused_type in fused_compound_types: fused_type.get_fused_types(result=base_types, seen=seen) return base_types def _specialize_function_args(self, args, fused_to_specific): for arg in args: if arg.type.is_fused: arg.type = arg.type.specialize(fused_to_specific) if arg.type.is_memoryviewslice: arg.type.validate_memslice_dtype(arg.pos) def create_new_local_scope(self, node, env, f2s): """ Create a new local scope for the copied node and append it to self.nodes. A new local scope is needed because the arguments with the fused types are already in the local scope, and we need the specialized entries created after analyse_declarations on each specialized version of the (CFunc)DefNode. f2s is a dict mapping each fused type to its specialized version """ node.create_local_scope(env) node.local_scope.fused_to_specific = f2s # This is copied from the original function, set it to false to # stop recursion node.has_fused_arguments = False self.nodes.append(node) def specialize_copied_def(self, node, cname, py_entry, f2s, fused_compound_types): """Specialize the copy of a DefNode given the copied node, the specialization cname and the original DefNode entry""" fused_types = self._get_fused_base_types(fused_compound_types) type_strings = [ PyrexTypes.specialization_signature_string(fused_type, f2s) for fused_type in fused_types ] node.specialized_signature_string = '|'.join(type_strings) node.entry.pymethdef_cname = PyrexTypes.get_fused_cname( cname, node.entry.pymethdef_cname) node.entry.doc = py_entry.doc node.entry.doc_cname = py_entry.doc_cname def replace_fused_typechecks(self, copied_node): """ Branch-prune fused type checks like if fused_t is int: ... Returns whether an error was issued and whether we should stop in in order to prevent a flood of errors. """ num_errors = Errors.num_errors transform = ParseTreeTransforms.ReplaceFusedTypeChecks( copied_node.local_scope) transform(copied_node) if Errors.num_errors > num_errors: return False return True def _fused_instance_checks(self, normal_types, pyx_code, env): """ Generate Cython code for instance checks, matching an object to specialized types. """ for specialized_type in normal_types: # all_numeric = all_numeric and specialized_type.is_numeric pyx_code.context.update( py_type_name=specialized_type.py_type_name(), specialized_type_name=specialized_type.specialization_string, ) pyx_code.put_chunk( u""" if isinstance(arg, {{py_type_name}}): dest_sig[{{dest_sig_idx}}] = '{{specialized_type_name}}'; break """) def _dtype_name(self, dtype): if dtype.is_typedef: return '___pyx_%s' % dtype return str(dtype).replace(' ', '_') def _dtype_type(self, dtype): if dtype.is_typedef: return self._dtype_name(dtype) return str(dtype) def _sizeof_dtype(self, dtype): if dtype.is_pyobject: return 'sizeof(void *)' else: return "sizeof(%s)" % self._dtype_type(dtype) def _buffer_check_numpy_dtype_setup_cases(self, pyx_code): "Setup some common cases to match dtypes against specializations" if pyx_code.indenter("if kind in b'iu':"): pyx_code.putln("pass") pyx_code.named_insertion_point("dtype_int") pyx_code.dedent() if pyx_code.indenter("elif kind == b'f':"): pyx_code.putln("pass") pyx_code.named_insertion_point("dtype_float") pyx_code.dedent() if pyx_code.indenter("elif kind == b'c':"): pyx_code.putln("pass") pyx_code.named_insertion_point("dtype_complex") pyx_code.dedent() if pyx_code.indenter("elif kind == b'O':"): pyx_code.putln("pass") pyx_code.named_insertion_point("dtype_object") pyx_code.dedent() match = "dest_sig[{{dest_sig_idx}}] = '{{specialized_type_name}}'" no_match = "dest_sig[{{dest_sig_idx}}] = None" def _buffer_check_numpy_dtype(self, pyx_code, specialized_buffer_types, pythran_types): """ Match a numpy dtype object to the individual specializations. """ self._buffer_check_numpy_dtype_setup_cases(pyx_code) for specialized_type in pythran_types+specialized_buffer_types: final_type = specialized_type if specialized_type.is_pythran_expr: specialized_type = specialized_type.org_buffer dtype = specialized_type.dtype pyx_code.context.update( itemsize_match=self._sizeof_dtype(dtype) + " == itemsize", signed_match="not (%s_is_signed ^ dtype_signed)" % self._dtype_name(dtype), dtype=dtype, specialized_type_name=final_type.specialization_string) dtypes = [ (dtype.is_int, pyx_code.dtype_int), (dtype.is_float, pyx_code.dtype_float), (dtype.is_complex, pyx_code.dtype_complex) ] for dtype_category, codewriter in dtypes: if dtype_category: cond = '{{itemsize_match}} and (arg.ndim) == %d' % ( specialized_type.ndim,) if dtype.is_int: cond += ' and {{signed_match}}' if final_type.is_pythran_expr: cond += ' and arg_is_pythran_compatible' if codewriter.indenter("if %s:" % cond): #codewriter.putln("print 'buffer match found based on numpy dtype'") codewriter.putln(self.match) codewriter.putln("break") codewriter.dedent() def _buffer_parse_format_string_check(self, pyx_code, decl_code, specialized_type, env): """ For each specialized type, try to coerce the object to a memoryview slice of that type. This means obtaining a buffer and parsing the format string. TODO: separate buffer acquisition from format parsing """ dtype = specialized_type.dtype if specialized_type.is_buffer: axes = [('direct', 'strided')] * specialized_type.ndim else: axes = specialized_type.axes memslice_type = PyrexTypes.MemoryViewSliceType(dtype, axes) memslice_type.create_from_py_utility_code(env) pyx_code.context.update( coerce_from_py_func=memslice_type.from_py_function, dtype=dtype) decl_code.putln( "{{memviewslice_cname}} {{coerce_from_py_func}}(object, int)") pyx_code.context.update( specialized_type_name=specialized_type.specialization_string, sizeof_dtype=self._sizeof_dtype(dtype)) pyx_code.put_chunk( u""" # try {{dtype}} if itemsize == -1 or itemsize == {{sizeof_dtype}}: memslice = {{coerce_from_py_func}}(arg, 0) if memslice.memview: __PYX_XDEC_MEMVIEW(&memslice, 1) # print 'found a match for the buffer through format parsing' %s break else: __pyx_PyErr_Clear() """ % self.match) def _buffer_checks(self, buffer_types, pythran_types, pyx_code, decl_code, env): """ Generate Cython code to match objects to buffer specializations. First try to get a numpy dtype object and match it against the individual specializations. If that fails, try naively to coerce the object to each specialization, which obtains the buffer each time and tries to match the format string. """ # The first thing to find a match in this loop breaks out of the loop pyx_code.put_chunk( u""" """ + (u"arg_is_pythran_compatible = False" if pythran_types else u"") + u""" if ndarray is not None: if isinstance(arg, ndarray): dtype = arg.dtype """ + (u"arg_is_pythran_compatible = True" if pythran_types else u"") + u""" elif __pyx_memoryview_check(arg): arg_base = arg.base if isinstance(arg_base, ndarray): dtype = arg_base.dtype else: dtype = None else: dtype = None itemsize = -1 if dtype is not None: itemsize = dtype.itemsize kind = ord(dtype.kind) dtype_signed = kind == 'i' """) pyx_code.indent(2) if pythran_types: pyx_code.put_chunk( u""" # Pythran only supports the endianness of the current compiler byteorder = dtype.byteorder if byteorder == "<" and not __Pyx_Is_Little_Endian(): arg_is_pythran_compatible = False elif byteorder == ">" and __Pyx_Is_Little_Endian(): arg_is_pythran_compatible = False if arg_is_pythran_compatible: cur_stride = itemsize shape = arg.shape strides = arg.strides for i in range(arg.ndim-1, -1, -1): if (strides[i]) != cur_stride: arg_is_pythran_compatible = False break cur_stride *= shape[i] else: arg_is_pythran_compatible = not (arg.flags.f_contiguous and (arg.ndim) > 1) """) pyx_code.named_insertion_point("numpy_dtype_checks") self._buffer_check_numpy_dtype(pyx_code, buffer_types, pythran_types) pyx_code.dedent(2) for specialized_type in buffer_types: self._buffer_parse_format_string_check( pyx_code, decl_code, specialized_type, env) def _buffer_declarations(self, pyx_code, decl_code, all_buffer_types, pythran_types): """ If we have any buffer specializations, write out some variable declarations and imports. """ decl_code.put_chunk( u""" ctypedef struct {{memviewslice_cname}}: void *memview void __PYX_XDEC_MEMVIEW({{memviewslice_cname}} *, int have_gil) bint __pyx_memoryview_check(object) """) pyx_code.local_variable_declarations.put_chunk( u""" cdef {{memviewslice_cname}} memslice cdef Py_ssize_t itemsize cdef bint dtype_signed cdef char kind itemsize = -1 """) if pythran_types: pyx_code.local_variable_declarations.put_chunk(u""" cdef bint arg_is_pythran_compatible cdef Py_ssize_t cur_stride """) pyx_code.imports.put_chunk( u""" cdef type ndarray ndarray = __Pyx_ImportNumPyArrayTypeIfAvailable() """) seen_typedefs = set() seen_int_dtypes = set() for buffer_type in all_buffer_types: dtype = buffer_type.dtype dtype_name = self._dtype_name(dtype) if dtype.is_typedef: if dtype_name not in seen_typedefs: seen_typedefs.add(dtype_name) decl_code.putln( 'ctypedef %s %s "%s"' % (dtype.resolve(), dtype_name, dtype.empty_declaration_code())) if buffer_type.dtype.is_int: if str(dtype) not in seen_int_dtypes: seen_int_dtypes.add(str(dtype)) pyx_code.context.update(dtype_name=dtype_name, dtype_type=self._dtype_type(dtype)) pyx_code.local_variable_declarations.put_chunk( u""" cdef bint {{dtype_name}}_is_signed {{dtype_name}}_is_signed = not (<{{dtype_type}}> -1 > 0) """) def _split_fused_types(self, arg): """ Specialize fused types and split into normal types and buffer types. """ specialized_types = PyrexTypes.get_specialized_types(arg.type) # Prefer long over int, etc by sorting (see type classes in specialized_types.sort() seen_py_type_names = set() normal_types, buffer_types, pythran_types = [], [], [] has_object_fallback = False for specialized_type in specialized_types: py_type_name = specialized_type.py_type_name() if py_type_name: if py_type_name in seen_py_type_names: continue seen_py_type_names.add(py_type_name) if py_type_name == 'object': has_object_fallback = True else: normal_types.append(specialized_type) elif specialized_type.is_pythran_expr: pythran_types.append(specialized_type) elif specialized_type.is_buffer or specialized_type.is_memoryviewslice: buffer_types.append(specialized_type) return normal_types, buffer_types, pythran_types, has_object_fallback def _unpack_argument(self, pyx_code): pyx_code.put_chunk( u""" # PROCESSING ARGUMENT {{arg_tuple_idx}} if {{arg_tuple_idx}} < len(args): arg = (args)[{{arg_tuple_idx}}] elif kwargs is not None and '{{}}' in kwargs: arg = (kwargs)['{{}}'] else: {{if arg.default}} arg = (defaults)[{{default_idx}}] {{else}} {{if arg_tuple_idx < min_positional_args}} raise TypeError("Expected at least %d argument%s, got %d" % ( {{min_positional_args}}, {{'"s"' if min_positional_args != 1 else '""'}}, len(args))) {{else}} raise TypeError("Missing keyword-only argument: '%s'" % "{{arg.default}}") {{endif}} {{endif}} """) def make_fused_cpdef(self, orig_py_func, env, is_def): """ This creates the function that is indexable from Python and does runtime dispatch based on the argument types. The function gets the arg tuple and kwargs dict (or None) and the defaults tuple as arguments from the Binding Fused Function's tp_call. """ from . import TreeFragment, Code, UtilityCode fused_types = self._get_fused_base_types([ arg.type for arg in self.node.args if arg.type.is_fused]) context = { 'memviewslice_cname': MemoryView.memviewslice_cname, 'func_args': self.node.args, 'n_fused': len(fused_types), 'min_positional_args': self.node.num_required_args - self.node.num_required_kw_args if is_def else sum(1 for arg in self.node.args if arg.default is None), 'name':, } pyx_code = Code.PyxCodeWriter(context=context) decl_code = Code.PyxCodeWriter(context=context) decl_code.put_chunk( u""" cdef extern from *: void __pyx_PyErr_Clear "PyErr_Clear" () type __Pyx_ImportNumPyArrayTypeIfAvailable() int __Pyx_Is_Little_Endian() """) decl_code.indent() pyx_code.put_chunk( u""" def __pyx_fused_cpdef(signatures, args, kwargs, defaults): # FIXME: use a typed signature - currently fails badly because # default arguments inherit the types we specify here! dest_sig = [None] * {{n_fused}} if kwargs is not None and not kwargs: kwargs = None cdef Py_ssize_t i # instance check body """) pyx_code.indent() # indent following code to function body pyx_code.named_insertion_point("imports") pyx_code.named_insertion_point("func_defs") pyx_code.named_insertion_point("local_variable_declarations") fused_index = 0 default_idx = 0 all_buffer_types = OrderedSet() seen_fused_types = set() for i, arg in enumerate(self.node.args): if arg.type.is_fused: arg_fused_types = arg.type.get_fused_types() if len(arg_fused_types) > 1: raise NotImplementedError("Determination of more than one fused base " "type per argument is not implemented.") fused_type = arg_fused_types[0] if arg.type.is_fused and fused_type not in seen_fused_types: seen_fused_types.add(fused_type) context.update( arg_tuple_idx=i, arg=arg, dest_sig_idx=fused_index, default_idx=default_idx, ) normal_types, buffer_types, pythran_types, has_object_fallback = self._split_fused_types(arg) self._unpack_argument(pyx_code) # 'unrolled' loop, first match breaks out of it if pyx_code.indenter("while 1:"): if normal_types: self._fused_instance_checks(normal_types, pyx_code, env) if buffer_types or pythran_types: env.use_utility_code(Code.UtilityCode.load_cached("IsLittleEndian", "ModuleSetupCode.c")) self._buffer_checks(buffer_types, pythran_types, pyx_code, decl_code, env) if has_object_fallback: pyx_code.context.update(specialized_type_name='object') pyx_code.putln(self.match) else: pyx_code.putln(self.no_match) pyx_code.putln("break") pyx_code.dedent() fused_index += 1 all_buffer_types.update(buffer_types) all_buffer_types.update(ty.org_buffer for ty in pythran_types) if arg.default: default_idx += 1 if all_buffer_types: self._buffer_declarations(pyx_code, decl_code, all_buffer_types, pythran_types) env.use_utility_code(Code.UtilityCode.load_cached("Import", "ImportExport.c")) env.use_utility_code(Code.UtilityCode.load_cached("ImportNumPyArray", "ImportExport.c")) pyx_code.put_chunk( u""" candidates = [] for sig in signatures: match_found = False src_sig = sig.strip('()').split('|') for i in range(len(dest_sig)): dst_type = dest_sig[i] if dst_type is not None: if src_sig[i] == dst_type: match_found = True else: match_found = False break if match_found: candidates.append(sig) if not candidates: raise TypeError("No matching signature found") elif len(candidates) > 1: raise TypeError("Function call with ambiguous argument types") else: return (signatures)[candidates[0]] """) fragment_code = pyx_code.getvalue() # print decl_code.getvalue() # print fragment_code from .Optimize import ConstantFolding fragment = TreeFragment.TreeFragment( fragment_code, level='module', pipeline=[ConstantFolding()]) ast = TreeFragment.SetPosTransform(self.node.pos)(fragment.root) UtilityCode.declare_declarations_in_scope( decl_code.getvalue(), env.global_scope()) ast.scope = env # FIXME: for static methods of cdef classes, we build the wrong signature here: first arg becomes 'self' ast.analyse_declarations(env) py_func = ast.stats[-1] # the DefNode self.fragment_scope = ast.scope if isinstance(self.node, DefNode): py_func.specialized_cpdefs = self.nodes[:] else: py_func.specialized_cpdefs = [n.py_func for n in self.nodes] return py_func def update_fused_defnode_entry(self, env): copy_attributes = ( 'name', 'pos', 'cname', 'func_cname', 'pyfunc_cname', 'pymethdef_cname', 'doc', 'doc_cname', 'is_member', 'scope' ) entry = self.py_func.entry for attr in copy_attributes: setattr(entry, attr, getattr(self.orig_py_func.entry, attr)) = self.py_func.doc = self.orig_py_func.doc env.entries.pop('__pyx_fused_cpdef', None) if isinstance(self.node, DefNode): env.entries[] = entry else: env.entries[].as_variable = entry env.pyfunc_entries.append(entry) self.py_func.entry.fused_cfunction = self for node in self.nodes: if isinstance(self.node, DefNode): node.fused_py_func = self.py_func else: node.py_func.fused_py_func = self.py_func node.entry.as_variable = entry self.synthesize_defnodes() self.stats.append(self.__signatures__) def analyse_expressions(self, env): """ Analyse the expressions. Take care to only evaluate default arguments once and clone the result for all specializations """ for fused_compound_type in self.fused_compound_types: for fused_type in fused_compound_type.get_fused_types(): for specialization_type in fused_type.types: if specialization_type.is_complex: specialization_type.create_declaration_utility_code(env) if self.py_func: self.__signatures__ = self.__signatures__.analyse_expressions(env) self.py_func = self.py_func.analyse_expressions(env) self.resulting_fused_function = self.resulting_fused_function.analyse_expressions(env) self.fused_func_assignment = self.fused_func_assignment.analyse_expressions(env) self.defaults = defaults = [] for arg in self.node.args: if arg.default: arg.default = arg.default.analyse_expressions(env) defaults.append(ProxyNode(arg.default)) else: defaults.append(None) for i, stat in enumerate(self.stats): stat = self.stats[i] = stat.analyse_expressions(env) if isinstance(stat, FuncDefNode): for arg, default in zip(stat.args, defaults): if default is not None: arg.default = CloneNode(default).coerce_to(arg.type, env) if self.py_func: args = [CloneNode(default) for default in defaults if default] self.defaults_tuple = TupleNode(self.pos, args=args) self.defaults_tuple = self.defaults_tuple.analyse_types(env, skip_children=True).coerce_to_pyobject(env) self.defaults_tuple = ProxyNode(self.defaults_tuple) self.code_object = ProxyNode(self.specialized_pycfuncs[0].code_object) fused_func = self.resulting_fused_function.arg fused_func.defaults_tuple = CloneNode(self.defaults_tuple) fused_func.code_object = CloneNode(self.code_object) for i, pycfunc in enumerate(self.specialized_pycfuncs): pycfunc.code_object = CloneNode(self.code_object) pycfunc = self.specialized_pycfuncs[i] = pycfunc.analyse_types(env) pycfunc.defaults_tuple = CloneNode(self.defaults_tuple) return self def synthesize_defnodes(self): """ Create the __signatures__ dict of PyCFunctionNode specializations. """ if isinstance(self.nodes[0], CFuncDefNode): nodes = [node.py_func for node in self.nodes] else: nodes = self.nodes signatures = [StringEncoding.EncodedString(node.specialized_signature_string) for node in nodes] keys = [ExprNodes.StringNode(node.pos, value=sig) for node, sig in zip(nodes, signatures)] values = [ExprNodes.PyCFunctionNode.from_defnode(node, binding=True) for node in nodes] self.__signatures__ = ExprNodes.DictNode.from_pairs(self.pos, zip(keys, values)) self.specialized_pycfuncs = values for pycfuncnode in values: pycfuncnode.is_specialization = True def generate_function_definitions(self, env, code): if self.py_func: self.py_func.pymethdef_required = True self.fused_func_assignment.generate_function_definitions(env, code) for stat in self.stats: if isinstance(stat, FuncDefNode) and stat.entry.used: code.mark_pos(stat.pos) stat.generate_function_definitions(env, code) def generate_execution_code(self, code): # Note: all def function specialization are wrapped in PyCFunction # nodes in the self.__signatures__ dictnode. for default in self.defaults: if default is not None: default.generate_evaluation_code(code) if self.py_func: self.defaults_tuple.generate_evaluation_code(code) self.code_object.generate_evaluation_code(code) for stat in self.stats: code.mark_pos(stat.pos) if isinstance(stat, ExprNodes.ExprNode): stat.generate_evaluation_code(code) else: stat.generate_execution_code(code) if self.__signatures__: self.resulting_fused_function.generate_evaluation_code(code) code.putln( "((__pyx_FusedFunctionObject *) %s)->__signatures__ = %s;" % (self.resulting_fused_function.result(), self.__signatures__.result())) code.put_giveref(self.__signatures__.result()) self.__signatures__.generate_post_assignment_code(code) self.__signatures__.free_temps(code) self.fused_func_assignment.generate_execution_code(code) # Dispose of results self.resulting_fused_function.generate_disposal_code(code) self.resulting_fused_function.free_temps(code) self.defaults_tuple.generate_disposal_code(code) self.defaults_tuple.free_temps(code) self.code_object.generate_disposal_code(code) self.code_object.free_temps(code) for default in self.defaults: if default is not None: default.generate_disposal_code(code) default.free_temps(code) def annotate(self, code): for stat in self.stats: stat.annotate(code)