''' Kivy framework ============== Kivy is an open source library for developing multi-touch applications. It is cross-platform (Linux/OSX/Windows/Android/iOS) and released under the terms of the `MIT License `_. It comes with native support for many multi-touch input devices, a growing library of multi-touch aware widgets and hardware accelerated OpenGL drawing. Kivy is designed to let you focus on building custom and highly interactive applications as quickly and easily as possible. With Kivy, you can take full advantage of the dynamic nature of Python. There are thousands of high-quality, free libraries that can be integrated in your application. At the same time, performance-critical parts are implemented using `Cython `_. See http://kivy.org for more information. ''' __all__ = ( 'require', 'parse_kivy_version', 'kivy_configure', 'kivy_register_post_configuration', 'kivy_options', 'kivy_base_dir', 'kivy_modules_dir', 'kivy_data_dir', 'kivy_shader_dir', 'kivy_icons_dir', 'kivy_home_dir', 'kivy_config_fn', 'kivy_usermodules_dir', 'kivy_examples_dir' ) import sys import shutil from getopt import getopt, GetoptError import os from os import environ, mkdir from os.path import dirname, join, basename, exists, expanduser import pkgutil import re import importlib from kivy.logger import Logger, LOG_LEVELS from kivy.utils import platform from kivy._version import __version__, RELEASE as _KIVY_RELEASE, \ _kivy_git_hash, _kivy_build_date # internals for post-configuration __kivy_post_configuration = [] if platform == 'macosx' and sys.maxsize < 9223372036854775807: r = '''Unsupported Python version detected!: Kivy requires a 64 bit version of Python to run on OS X. We strongly advise you to use the version of Python that is provided by Apple (don't use ports, fink or homebrew unless you know what you're doing). See http://kivy.org/docs/installation/installation-macosx.html for details. ''' Logger.critical(r) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: Logger.critical( 'Unsupported Python version detected!: Kivy 2.0.0 and higher does not ' 'support Python 2. Please upgrade to Python 3, or downgrade Kivy to ' '1.11.0 - the last Kivy release that still supports Python 2.') def parse_kivy_version(version): """Parses the kivy version as described in :func:`require` into a 3-tuple of ([x, y, z], 'rc|a|b|dev|post', 'N') where N is the tag revision. The last two elements may be None. """ m = re.match( '^([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+?)(rc|a|b|\\.dev|\\.post)?([0-9]+)?$', version) if m is None: raise Exception('Revision format must be X.Y.Z[-tag]') major, minor, micro, tag, tagrev = m.groups() if tag == '.dev': tag = 'dev' if tag == '.post': tag = 'post' return [int(major), int(minor), int(micro)], tag, tagrev def require(version): '''Require can be used to check the minimum version required to run a Kivy application. For example, you can start your application code like this:: import kivy kivy.require('1.0.1') If a user attempts to run your application with a version of Kivy that is older than the specified version, an Exception is raised. The Kivy version string is built like this:: X.Y.Z[tag[tagrevision]] X is the major version Y is the minor version Z is the bugfixes revision The tag is optional, but may be one of '.dev', '.post', 'a', 'b', or 'rc'. The tagrevision is the revision number of the tag. .. warning:: You must not ask for a version with a tag, except -dev. Asking for a 'dev' version will just warn the user if the current Kivy version is not a -dev, but it will never raise an exception. You must not ask for a version with a tagrevision. ''' # user version revision, tag, tagrev = parse_kivy_version(version) # current version sysrevision, systag, systagrev = parse_kivy_version(__version__) if tag and not systag: Logger.warning('Application requested a dev version of Kivy. ' '(You have %s, but the application requires %s)' % ( __version__, version)) # not tag rev (-alpha-1, -beta-x) allowed. if tagrev is not None: raise Exception('Revision format must not contain any tagrevision') # finally, checking revision if sysrevision < revision: raise Exception('The version of Kivy installed on this system ' 'is too old. ' '(You have %s, but the application requires %s)' % ( __version__, version)) def kivy_configure(): '''Call post-configuration of Kivy. This function must be called if you create the window yourself. ''' for callback in __kivy_post_configuration: callback() def get_includes(): '''Retrieves the directories containing includes needed to build new Cython modules with Kivy as a dependency. Currently returns the location of the kivy.graphics module. .. versionadded:: 1.9.1 ''' root_dir = dirname(__file__) return [join(root_dir, 'graphics'), join(root_dir, 'tools', 'gles_compat'), join(root_dir, 'include')] def kivy_register_post_configuration(callback): '''Register a function to be called when kivy_configure() is called. .. warning:: Internal use only. ''' __kivy_post_configuration.append(callback) def kivy_usage(): '''Kivy Usage: %s [KIVY OPTION...] [-- PROGRAM OPTIONS]:: Options placed after a '-- ' separator, will not be touched by kivy, and instead passed to your program. Set KIVY_NO_ARGS=1 in your environment or before you import Kivy to disable Kivy's argument parser. -h, --help Prints this help message. -d, --debug Shows debug log. -a, --auto-fullscreen Force 'auto' fullscreen mode (no resolution change). Uses your display's resolution. This is most likely what you want. -c, --config section:key[:value] Set a custom [section] key=value in the configuration object. -f, --fullscreen Force running in fullscreen mode. -k, --fake-fullscreen Force 'fake' fullscreen mode (no window border/decoration). Uses the resolution specified by width and height in your config. -w, --windowed Force running in a window. -p, --provider id:provider[,options] Add an input provider (eg: ccvtable1:tuio, -m mod, --module=mod Activate a module (use "list" to get a list of available modules). -r, --rotation Rotate the window's contents (0, 90, 180, 270). -s, --save Save current Kivy configuration. --size=640x480 Size of window geometry. --dpi=96 Manually overload the Window DPI (for testing only.) ''' print(kivy_usage.__doc__ % (basename(sys.argv[0]))) #: Global settings options for kivy kivy_options = { 'window': ('egl_rpi', 'sdl2', 'pygame', 'sdl', 'x11'), 'text': ('pil', 'sdl2', 'pygame', 'sdlttf'), 'video': ( 'gstplayer', 'ffmpeg', 'ffpyplayer', 'null'), 'audio': ( 'gstplayer', 'pygame', 'ffpyplayer', 'sdl2', 'avplayer'), 'image': ('tex', 'imageio', 'dds', 'sdl2', 'pygame', 'pil', 'ffpy', 'gif'), 'camera': ('opencv', 'gi', 'avfoundation', 'android', 'picamera'), 'spelling': ('enchant', 'osxappkit', ), 'clipboard': ( 'android', 'winctypes', 'xsel', 'xclip', 'dbusklipper', 'nspaste', 'sdl2', 'pygame', 'dummy', 'gtk3', )} # Read environment for option in kivy_options: key = 'KIVY_%s' % option.upper() if key in environ: try: if type(kivy_options[option]) in (list, tuple): kivy_options[option] = environ[key].split(',') else: kivy_options[option] = environ[key].lower() in \ ('true', '1', 'yes') except Exception: Logger.warning('Core: Wrong value for %s environment key' % key) Logger.exception('') # Extract all needed path in kivy #: Kivy directory kivy_base_dir = dirname(sys.modules[__name__].__file__) #: Kivy modules directory kivy_modules_dir = environ.get('KIVY_MODULES_DIR', join(kivy_base_dir, 'modules')) #: Kivy data directory kivy_data_dir = environ.get('KIVY_DATA_DIR', join(kivy_base_dir, 'data')) #: Kivy binary deps directory kivy_binary_deps_dir = environ.get('KIVY_BINARY_DEPS', join(kivy_base_dir, 'binary_deps')) #: Kivy glsl shader directory kivy_shader_dir = join(kivy_data_dir, 'glsl') #: Kivy icons config path (don't remove the last '') kivy_icons_dir = join(kivy_data_dir, 'icons', '') #: Kivy user-home storage directory kivy_home_dir = '' #: Kivy configuration filename kivy_config_fn = '' #: Kivy user modules directory kivy_usermodules_dir = '' #: Kivy examples directory kivy_examples_dir = '' for examples_dir in ( join(dirname(dirname(__file__)), 'examples'), join(sys.exec_prefix, 'share', 'kivy-examples'), join(sys.prefix, 'share', 'kivy-examples'), '/usr/share/kivy-examples', '/usr/local/share/kivy-examples', expanduser('~/.local/share/kivy-examples')): if exists(examples_dir): kivy_examples_dir = examples_dir break def _patch_mod_deps_win(dep_mod, mod_name): import site dep_bins = [] for d in [sys.prefix, site.USER_BASE]: p = join(d, 'share', mod_name, 'bin') if os.path.isdir(p): os.environ["PATH"] = p + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"] if hasattr(os, 'add_dll_directory'): os.add_dll_directory(p) dep_bins.append(p) dep_mod.dep_bins = dep_bins # if there are deps, import them so they can do their magic. _packages = [] try: from kivy import deps as old_deps for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(old_deps.__path__): if not ispkg: continue if modname.startswith('gst'): _packages.insert(0, (importer, modname, 'kivy.deps')) else: _packages.append((importer, modname, 'kivy.deps')) except ImportError: pass try: import kivy_deps for importer, modname, ispkg in pkgutil.iter_modules(kivy_deps.__path__): if not ispkg: continue if modname.startswith('gst'): _packages.insert(0, (importer, modname, 'kivy_deps')) else: _packages.append((importer, modname, 'kivy_deps')) except ImportError: pass _logging_msgs = [] for importer, modname, package in _packages: try: module_spec = importer.find_spec(modname) mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(module_spec) module_spec.loader.exec_module(mod) version = '' if hasattr(mod, '__version__'): version = ' {}'.format(mod.__version__) _logging_msgs.append( 'deps: Successfully imported "{}.{}"{}'. format(package, modname, version)) if modname.startswith('gst') and version == '0.3.3': _patch_mod_deps_win(mod, modname) except ImportError as e: Logger.warning( 'deps: Error importing dependency "{}.{}": {}'. format(package, modname, str(e))) # Don't go further if we generate documentation if any(name in sys.argv[0] for name in ( 'sphinx-build', 'autobuild.py', 'sphinx' )): environ['KIVY_DOC'] = '1' if 'sphinx-build' in sys.argv[0]: environ['KIVY_DOC_INCLUDE'] = '1' if any('pytest' in arg for arg in sys.argv): environ['KIVY_UNITTEST'] = '1' if any('pyinstaller' in arg.lower() for arg in sys.argv): environ['KIVY_PACKAGING'] = '1' if not environ.get('KIVY_DOC_INCLUDE'): # Configuration management if 'KIVY_HOME' in environ: kivy_home_dir = expanduser(environ['KIVY_HOME']) else: user_home_dir = expanduser('~') if platform == 'android': user_home_dir = environ['ANDROID_APP_PATH'] elif platform == 'ios': user_home_dir = join(expanduser('~'), 'Documents') kivy_home_dir = join(user_home_dir, '.kivy') kivy_config_fn = join(kivy_home_dir, 'config.ini') kivy_usermodules_dir = join(kivy_home_dir, 'mods') icon_dir = join(kivy_home_dir, 'icon') if 'KIVY_NO_CONFIG' not in environ: if not exists(kivy_home_dir): mkdir(kivy_home_dir) if not exists(kivy_usermodules_dir): mkdir(kivy_usermodules_dir) if not exists(icon_dir): try: shutil.copytree(join(kivy_data_dir, 'logo'), icon_dir) except: Logger.exception('Error when copying logo directory') # configuration from kivy.config import Config # Set level of logger level = LOG_LEVELS.get(Config.get('kivy', 'log_level')) Logger.setLevel(level=level) # Can be overridden in command line if ('KIVY_UNITTEST' not in environ and 'KIVY_PACKAGING' not in environ and environ.get('KIVY_NO_ARGS', "false") not in ('true', '1', 'yes')): # save sys argv, otherwise, gstreamer use it and display help.. sys_argv = sys.argv sys.argv = sys.argv[:1] try: opts, args = getopt(sys_argv[1:], 'hp:fkawFem:sr:dc:', [ 'help', 'fullscreen', 'windowed', 'fps', 'event', 'module=', 'save', 'fake-fullscreen', 'auto-fullscreen', 'multiprocessing-fork', 'display=', 'size=', 'rotate=', 'config=', 'debug', 'dpi=']) except GetoptError as err: Logger.error('Core: %s' % str(err)) kivy_usage() sys.exit(2) mp_fork = None try: for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '--multiprocessing-fork': mp_fork = True break except: pass # set argv to the non-read args sys.argv = sys_argv[0:1] + args if mp_fork is not None: # Needs to be first opt for support_freeze to work sys.argv.insert(1, '--multiprocessing-fork') else: opts = [] args = [] need_save = False for opt, arg in opts: if opt in ('-h', '--help'): kivy_usage() sys.exit(0) elif opt in ('-p', '--provider'): try: pid, args = arg.split(':', 1) Config.set('input', pid, args) except ValueError: # when we are doing an executable on macosx with # pyinstaller, they are passing information with -p. so # it will conflict with our current -p option. since the # format is not the same, just avoid it. pass elif opt in ('-a', '--auto-fullscreen'): Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', 'auto') elif opt in ('-c', '--config'): ol = arg.split(':', 2) if len(ol) == 2: Config.set(ol[0], ol[1], '') elif len(ol) == 3: Config.set(ol[0], ol[1], ol[2]) else: raise Exception('Invalid --config value') if ol[0] == 'kivy' and ol[1] == 'log_level': level = LOG_LEVELS.get(Config.get('kivy', 'log_level')) Logger.setLevel(level=level) elif opt in ('-k', '--fake-fullscreen'): Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', 'fake') elif opt in ('-f', '--fullscreen'): Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', '1') elif opt in ('-w', '--windowed'): Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', '0') elif opt in ('--size', ): w, h = str(arg).split('x') Config.set('graphics', 'width', w) Config.set('graphics', 'height', h) elif opt in ('--display', ): Config.set('graphics', 'display', str(arg)) elif opt in ('-m', '--module'): if str(arg) == 'list': from kivy.modules import Modules Modules.usage_list() sys.exit(0) args = arg.split(':', 1) if len(args) == 1: args += [''] Config.set('modules', args[0], args[1]) elif opt in ('-s', '--save'): need_save = True elif opt in ('-r', '--rotation'): Config.set('graphics', 'rotation', arg) elif opt in ('-d', '--debug'): level = LOG_LEVELS.get('debug') Logger.setLevel(level=level) elif opt == '--dpi': environ['KIVY_DPI'] = arg if need_save and 'KIVY_NO_CONFIG' not in environ: try: with open(kivy_config_fn, 'w') as fd: Config.write(fd) except Exception as e: Logger.exception('Core: error while saving default' 'configuration file:', str(e)) Logger.info('Core: Kivy configuration saved.') sys.exit(0) # configure all activated modules from kivy.modules import Modules Modules.configure() # android hooks: force fullscreen and add android touch input provider if platform in ('android', 'ios'): from kivy.config import Config Config.set('graphics', 'fullscreen', 'auto') Config.remove_section('input') Config.add_section('input') if platform == 'android': Config.set('input', 'androidtouch', 'android') for msg in _logging_msgs: Logger.info(msg) if not _KIVY_RELEASE and _kivy_git_hash and _kivy_build_date: Logger.info('Kivy: v%s, git-%s, %s' % ( __version__, _kivy_git_hash[:7], _kivy_build_date)) else: Logger.info('Kivy: v%s' % __version__) Logger.info('Kivy: Installed at "{}"'.format(__file__)) Logger.info('Python: v{}'.format(sys.version)) Logger.info('Python: Interpreter at "{}"'.format(sys.executable)) from kivy.logger import file_log_handler if file_log_handler is not None: file_log_handler.purge_logs()