""" Custom Keyboards ================ This demo shows how to create and display custom keyboards on screen. Note that the new "input_type" property of the TextInput means that this is rarely needed. We provide this demo for the sake of completeness. """ # Author: Zen-CODE from kivy.app import App from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.uix.vkeyboard import VKeyboard from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty from kivy.uix.button import Button from functools import partial from kivy.config import Config from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen, ScreenManager from kivy import require # This example uses features introduced in Kivy 1.8.0, namely being able # to load custom json files from the app folder. require("1.8.0") Builder.load_string(''' : displayLabel: displayLabel kbContainer: kbContainer BoxLayout: orientation: 'vertical' Label: size_hint_y: 0.15 text: "Available Keyboard Layouts" BoxLayout: id: kbContainer size_hint_y: 0.2 orientation: "horizontal" padding: 10 Label: id: displayLabel size_hint_y: 0.15 markup: True text: "[b]Key pressed[/b] - None" halign: "center" Button: text: "Back" size_hint_y: 0.1 on_release: root.manager.current = "mode" Widget: # Just a space taker to allow for the popup keyboard size_hint_y: 0.5 : center_label: center_label mode_spinner: mode_spinner FloatLayout: BoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" size_hint: 0.8, 0.8 pos_hint: {"x": 0.1, "y": 0.1} padding: "5sp" spacing: "5sp" Label: canvas: Color: rgba: 0, 0, 1, 0.3 Rectangle: pos: self.pos size: self.size text: "Custom Keyboard Demo" size_hint_y: 0.1 Label: id: center_label markup: True size_hint_y: 0.6 BoxLayout: orientation: "horizontal" size_hint_y: 0.1 padding: "5sp" Widget: size_hint_x: 0.2 Label: text: "Current keyboard mode :" Spinner: id: mode_spinner values: "''", "'dock'", "'system'", "'systemanddock'",\ "'systemandmulti'" Button: text: "Set" on_release: root.set_mode(mode_spinner.text) Widget: size_hint_x: 0.2 Widget: size_hint_y: 0.1 BoxLayout: orientation: "horizontal" size_hint_y: 0.1 Button: text: "Exit" on_release: exit() Button: text: "Continue" on_release: root.next() ''') class ModeScreen(Screen): """ Present the option to change keyboard mode and warn of system-wide consequences. """ center_label = ObjectProperty() mode_spinner = ObjectProperty() keyboard_mode = "" def on_pre_enter(self, *args): """ Detect the current keyboard mode and set the text of the main label accordingly. """ self.keyboard_mode = Config.get("kivy", "keyboard_mode") self.mode_spinner.text = "'{0}'".format(self.keyboard_mode) p1 = "Current keyboard mode: '{0}'\n\n".format(self.keyboard_mode) if self.keyboard_mode in ['dock', 'system', 'systemanddock']: p2 = "You have the right setting to use this demo.\n\n" else: p2 = "You need the keyboard mode to 'dock', 'system' or '"\ "'systemanddock'(below)\n in order to "\ "use custom onscreen keyboards.\n\n" p3 = "[b][color=#ff0000]Warning:[/color][/b] This is a system-wide " \ "setting and will affect all Kivy apps. If you change the\n" \ " keyboard mode, please use this app" \ " to reset this value to its original one." self.center_label.text = "".join([p1, p2, p3]) def set_mode(self, mode): """ Sets the keyboard mode to the one specified """ Config.set("kivy", "keyboard_mode", mode.replace("'", "")) Config.write() self.center_label.text = "Please restart the application for this\n" \ "setting to take effect." def next(self): """ Continue to the main screen """ self.manager.current = "keyboard" class KeyboardScreen(Screen): """ Screen containing all the available keyboard layouts. Clicking the buttons switches to these layouts. """ displayLabel = ObjectProperty() kbContainer = ObjectProperty() def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(KeyboardScreen, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._add_keyboards() self._keyboard = None def _add_keyboards(self): """ Add a buttons for each available keyboard layout. When clicked, the buttons will change the keyboard layout to the one selected. """ layouts = list(VKeyboard().available_layouts.keys()) # Add the file in our app directory, the .json extension is required. layouts.append("numeric.json") for key in layouts: self.kbContainer.add_widget( Button( text=key, on_release=partial(self.set_layout, key))) def set_layout(self, layout, button): """ Change the keyboard layout to the one specified by *layout*. """ kb = Window.request_keyboard( self._keyboard_close, self) if kb.widget: # If the current configuration supports Virtual Keyboards, this # widget will be a kivy.uix.vkeyboard.VKeyboard instance. self._keyboard = kb.widget self._keyboard.layout = layout else: self._keyboard = kb self._keyboard.bind(on_key_down=self.key_down, on_key_up=self.key_up) def _keyboard_close(self, *args): """ The active keyboard is being closed. """ if self._keyboard: self._keyboard.unbind(on_key_down=self.key_down) self._keyboard.unbind(on_key_up=self.key_up) self._keyboard = None def key_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers): """ The callback function that catches keyboard events. """ self.displayLabel.text = u"Key pressed - {0}".format(text) # def key_up(self, keyboard, keycode): def key_up(self, keyboard, keycode, *args): """ The callback function that catches keyboard events. """ # system keyboard keycode: (122, 'z') # dock keyboard keycode: 'z' if isinstance(keycode, tuple): keycode = keycode[1] self.displayLabel.text += u" (up {0})".format(keycode) class KeyboardDemo(App): sm = None # The root screen manager def build(self): self.sm = ScreenManager() self.sm.add_widget(ModeScreen(name="mode")) self.sm.add_widget(KeyboardScreen(name="keyboard")) self.sm.current = "mode" return self.sm if __name__ == "__main__": KeyboardDemo().run()