''' Canvas stress ============= This example tests the performance of our Graphics engine by drawing large numbers of small squares. You should see a black canvas with buttons and a label at the bottom. Pressing the buttons adds small colored squares to the canvas. ''' from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.app import App from kivy.graphics import Color, Rectangle from random import random as r from functools import partial class StressCanvasApp(App): def add_rects(self, label, wid, count, *largs): label.text = str(int(label.text) + count) with wid.canvas: for x in range(count): Color(r(), 1, 1, mode='hsv') Rectangle(pos=(r() * wid.width + wid.x, r() * wid.height + wid.y), size=(20, 20)) def double_rects(self, label, wid, *largs): count = int(label.text) self.add_rects(label, wid, count, *largs) def reset_rects(self, label, wid, *largs): label.text = '0' wid.canvas.clear() def build(self): wid = Widget() label = Label(text='0') btn_add100 = Button(text='+ 100 rects', on_press=partial(self.add_rects, label, wid, 100)) btn_add500 = Button(text='+ 500 rects', on_press=partial(self.add_rects, label, wid, 500)) btn_double = Button(text='x 2', on_press=partial(self.double_rects, label, wid)) btn_reset = Button(text='Reset', on_press=partial(self.reset_rects, label, wid)) layout = BoxLayout(size_hint=(1, None), height=50) layout.add_widget(btn_add100) layout.add_widget(btn_add500) layout.add_widget(btn_double) layout.add_widget(btn_reset) layout.add_widget(label) root = BoxLayout(orientation='vertical') root.add_widget(wid) root.add_widget(layout) return root if __name__ == '__main__': StressCanvasApp().run()