""" Components/Chip =============== .. seealso:: `Material Design 3 spec, Chips `_ .. rubric:: Chips can show multiple interactive elements together in the same area, such as a list of selectable movie times, or a series of email contacts. There are four types of chips: assist, filter, input, and suggestion. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/chips.png :align: center Usage ----- .. code-block:: kv MDChip: MDChipLeadingAvatar: # MDChipLeadingIcon MDChipText: MDChipTrailingIcon: Anatomy ======= .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/chip-anatomy.png :align: center Example ------- .. tabs:: .. tab:: Declarative KV style .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp KV = ''' MDScreen: MDChip: pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} MDChipText: text: "MDChip" ''' class Example(MDApp): def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" return Builder.load_string(KV) Example().run() .. tab:: Declarative Python style .. code-block:: python from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.chip import MDChip, MDChipText from kivymd.uix.screen import MDScreen class Example(MDApp): def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" return ( MDScreen( MDChip( MDChipText( text="MDChip" ), pos_hint={"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5}, ) ) ) Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/chip.png :align: center The following types of chips are available: ------------------------------------------- .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/available-type-chips.png :align: center - Assist_ - Filter_ - Input_ - Suggestion_ .. Assist: Assist ------ `Assist chips `_ represent smart or automated actions that can span multiple apps, such as opening a calendar event from the home screen. Assist chips function as though the user asked an assistant to complete the action. They should appear dynamically and contextually in a UI. An alternative to assist chips are buttons, which should appear persistently and consistently. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/assist-chip.png :align: center Example of assist ----------------- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp KV = ''' adaptive_size: True theme_text_color: "Custom" text_color: "#e6e9df" # Custom attribute. text: "" icon: "" # Chip attribute. type: "assist" md_bg_color: "#2a3127" line_color: "grey" elevation: 1 shadow_softness: 2 MDChipLeadingIcon: icon: root.icon theme_text_color: "Custom" text_color: "#68896c" MDChipText: text: root.text theme_text_color: "Custom" text_color: "#e6e9df" MDScreen: FitImage: source: "bg.png" MDBoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" adaptive_size: True pos_hint: {"center_y": .6, "center_x": .5} CommonLabel: text: "in 10 mins" bold: True pos_hint: {"center_x": .5} CommonLabel: text: "Therapy with Thea" font_style: "H3" padding_y: "12dp" CommonLabel: text: "Video call" font_style: "H5" pos_hint: {"center_x": .5} MDBoxLayout: adaptive_size: True pos_hint: {"center_x": .5} spacing: "12dp" padding: 0, "24dp", 0, 0 CommonAssistChip: text: "Home office" icon: "map-marker" CommonAssistChip: text: "Chat" icon: "message" MDWidget: ''' class Example(MDApp): def build(self): self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "Teal" self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" return Builder.load_string(KV) Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/example-assist-chip.png :align: center .. Filter: Filter ------ `Filter chips `_ use tags or descriptive words to filter content. They can be a good alternative to toggle buttons or checkboxes. Tapping on a filter chip activates it and appends a leading checkmark icon to the starting edge of the chip label. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/filter-chip.png :align: center Example of filtering -------------------- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.properties import StringProperty, ListProperty from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.chip import MDChip, MDChipText from kivymd.uix.list import MDListItem from kivymd.icon_definitions import md_icons from kivymd.uix.screen import MDScreen import asynckivy Builder.load_string( ''' MDListItemLeadingIcon: icon: root.icon MDListItemHeadlineText: text: root.text MDBoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" spacing: "14dp" padding: "20dp" MDTextField: id: search_field mode: "outlined" on_text: root.set_list_md_icons(self.text, True) MDTextFieldLeadingIcon: icon: "magnify" MDTextFieldHintText: text: "Search icon" MDBoxLayout: id: chip_box spacing: "12dp" adaptive_height: True RecycleView: id: rv viewclass: "CustomOneLineIconListItem" key_size: "height" RecycleBoxLayout: padding: dp(10) default_size: None, dp(48) default_size_hint: 1, None size_hint_y: None height: self.minimum_height orientation: "vertical" ''' ) class CustomOneLineIconListItem(MDListItem): icon = StringProperty() text = StringProperty() class PreviewIconsScreen(MDScreen): filter = ListProperty() # list of tags for filtering icons def set_filter_chips(self): '''Asynchronously creates and adds chips to the container.''' async def set_filter_chips(): for tag in ["Outline", "Off", "On"]: await asynckivy.sleep(0) chip = MDChip( MDChipText( text=tag, ), type="filter", md_bg_color="#303A29", ) chip.bind(active=lambda x, y, z=tag: self.set_filter(y, z)) self.ids.chip_box.add_widget(chip) asynckivy.start(set_filter_chips()) def set_filter(self, active: bool, tag: str) -> None: '''Sets a list of tags for filtering icons.''' if active: self.filter.append(tag) else: self.filter.remove(tag) def set_list_md_icons(self, text="", search=False) -> None: '''Builds a list of icons.''' def add_icon_item(name_icon): self.ids.rv.data.append( { "icon": name_icon, "text": name_icon, } ) self.ids.rv.data = [] for name_icon in md_icons.keys(): for tag in self.filter: if tag.lower() in name_icon: if search: if text in name_icon: add_icon_item(name_icon) else: add_icon_item(name_icon) class Example(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = PreviewIconsScreen() def build(self) -> PreviewIconsScreen: self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" return self.screen def on_start(self) -> None: self.screen.set_list_md_icons() self.screen.set_filter_chips() Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/example-filtering-icons-chip.gif :align: center Tap a chip to select it. Multiple chips can be selected or unselected: .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.chip import MDChip, MDChipText from kivymd.uix.screen import MDScreen import asynckivy Builder.load_string( ''' MDBoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" spacing: "14dp" padding: "20dp" MDLabel: adaptive_height: True text: "Select Type" MDStackLayout: id: chip_box spacing: "12dp" adaptive_height: True MDWidget: MDButton: pos: "20dp", "20dp" on_release: root.unchecks_chips() MDButtonText: text: "Uncheck chips" ''' ) class ChipScreen(MDScreen): async def create_chips(self): '''Asynchronously creates and adds chips to the container.''' for tag in ["Extra Soft", "Soft", "Medium", "Hard"]: await asynckivy.sleep(0) self.ids.chip_box.add_widget( MDChip( MDChipText( text=tag, ), type="filter", md_bg_color="#303A29", active=True, ) ) def unchecks_chips(self) -> None: '''Removes marks from all chips.''' for chip in self.ids.chip_box.children: if chip.active: chip.active = False class Example(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = ChipScreen() def build(self) -> ChipScreen: self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" return self.screen def on_start(self) -> None: asynckivy.start(self.screen.create_chips()) Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/example-filtering-icons-chip-2.gif :align: center Alternatively, a single chip can be selected. This offers an alternative to toggle buttons, radio buttons, or single select menus: .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp from kivymd.uix.chip import MDChip, MDChipText from kivymd.uix.screen import MDScreen import asynckivy Builder.load_string( ''' MDBoxLayout: orientation: "vertical" spacing: "14dp" padding: "20dp" MDLabel: adaptive_height: True text: "Select Type" MDStackLayout: id: chip_box spacing: "12dp" adaptive_height: True MDWidget: ''' ) class ChipScreen(MDScreen): async def create_chips(self): '''Asynchronously creates and adds chips to the container.''' for tag in ["Extra Soft", "Soft", "Medium", "Hard"]: await asynckivy.sleep(0) chip = MDChip( MDChipText( text=tag, ), type="filter", md_bg_color="#303A29", ) chip.bind(active=self.uncheck_chip) self.ids.chip_box.add_widget(chip) def uncheck_chip(self, current_chip: MDChip, active: bool) -> None: '''Removes a mark from an already marked chip.''' if active: for chip in self.ids.chip_box.children: if current_chip is not chip: if chip.active: chip.active = False class Example(MDApp): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.screen = ChipScreen() def build(self) -> ChipScreen: self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" self.theme_cls.primary_palette = "LightGreen" return self.screen def on_start(self) -> None: asynckivy.start(self.screen.create_chips()) Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/example-filtering-single-select.gif :align: center .. Input: Input ----- `Input chips `_ represent discrete pieces of information entered by a user, such as Gmail contacts or filter options within a search field. They enable user input and verify that input by converting text into chips. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/input-chip.png :align: center Example of input ---------------- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp KV = ''' MDScreen: MDChip: pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} type: "input" line_color: "grey" _no_ripple_effect: True MDChipLeadingAvatar: source: "data/logo/kivy-icon-128.png" MDChipText: text: "MDChip" MDChipTrailingIcon: icon: "close" ''' class Example(MDApp): def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" return Builder.load_string(KV) Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/example-input-chip.png :align: center .. Suggestion: Suggestion ---------- `Suggestion chips `_ help narrow a user’s intent by presenting dynamically generated suggestions, such as possible responses or search filters. .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/suggestion-chip.png :align: center Example of suggestion --------------------- .. code-block:: from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp KV = ''' MDScreen: MDChip: pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} type: "suggestion" line_color: "grey" MDChipText: text: "MDChip" ''' class Example(MDApp): def build(self): self.theme_cls.theme_style = "Dark" return Builder.load_string(KV) Example().run() .. image:: https://github.com/HeaTTheatR/KivyMD-data/raw/master/gallery/kivymddoc/example-suggestion.png :align: center API break ========= 1.2.0 version ------------- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp KV = ''' MDScreen: MDChip: text: "Portland" pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} on_release: app.on_release_chip(self) ''' class Test(MDApp): def build(self): return Builder.load_string(KV) def on_release_chip(self, instance_check): print(instance_check) Test().run() 2.0.0 version ------------- .. code-block:: python from kivy.lang import Builder from kivymd.app import MDApp KV = ''' MDScreen: MDChip: pos_hint: {"center_x": .5, "center_y": .5} line_color: "grey" on_release: app.on_release_chip(self) MDChipText: text: "MDChip" ''' class Example(MDApp): def build(self): return Builder.load_string(KV) def on_release_chip(self, instance_check): print(instance_check) Example().run() """ from __future__ import annotations __all__ = ( "MDChip", "MDChipLeadingAvatar", "MDChipLeadingIcon", "MDChipTrailingIcon", "MDChipText", ) import os from kivy import Logger from kivy.animation import Animation from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.metrics import dp from kivy.properties import ( BooleanProperty, ColorProperty, OptionProperty, VariableListProperty, ) from kivy.uix.behaviors import ButtonBehavior from kivymd import uix_path from kivymd.material_resources import DEVICE_TYPE from kivymd.uix.behaviors import ( CircularRippleBehavior, CommonElevationBehavior, RectangularRippleBehavior, ScaleBehavior, TouchBehavior, ) from kivymd.uix.behaviors.state_layer_behavior import StateLayerBehavior from kivymd.uix.boxlayout import MDBoxLayout from kivymd.uix.label import MDIcon, MDLabel with open( os.path.join(uix_path, "chip", "chip.kv"), encoding="utf-8" ) as kv_file: Builder.load_string(kv_file.read()) class BaseChipIcon( CircularRippleBehavior, ScaleBehavior, ButtonBehavior, MDIcon ): icon_color = ColorProperty(None) """ Button icon color in (r, g, b, a) or string format. :attr:`icon_color` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ icon_color_disabled = ColorProperty(None) """ The icon color in (r, g, b, a) or string format of the chip when the chip is disabled. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 :attr:`icon_color_disabled` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ _type = OptionProperty( "suggestion", options=["assist", "filter", "input", "suggestion"] ) def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.ripple_scale = 1.5 Clock.schedule_once(self.adjust_icon_size) def adjust_icon_size(self, *args) -> None: # If the user has not changed the icon size, then we set the standard # icon size according to the standards of material design version 3. if ( self.font_name == "Icons" and self.theme_cls.font_styles["Icon"]["large"]["font-size"] == self.font_size ): self.font_size = ( "18sp" if not self.source and not isinstance(self, MDChipLeadingAvatar) else "24sp" ) if self.source and isinstance(self, MDChipLeadingAvatar): self.icon = self.source self._size = [dp(28), dp(28)] self.font_size = "28sp" self.padding_x = "6dp" self._no_ripple_effect = True class LabelTextContainer(MDBoxLayout): """Implements a container for the chip label.""" class LeadingIconContainer(MDBoxLayout): """Implements a container for the leading icon.""" class TrailingIconContainer(MDBoxLayout): """Implements a container for the trailing icon.""" class MDChipLeadingAvatar(BaseChipIcon): """ Implements the leading avatar for the chip. For more information, see in the :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.ripple_behavior.CircularRippleBehavior` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.scale_behavior.ScaleBehavior` and :class:`~kivy.uix.behaviors.ButtonBehavior` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.label.label.MDIcon` classes documentation. """ class MDChipLeadingIcon(BaseChipIcon): """ Implements the leading icon for the chip. For more information, see in the :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.ripple_behavior.CircularRippleBehavior` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.scale_behavior.ScaleBehavior` and :class:`~kivy.uix.behaviors.ButtonBehavior` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.label.label.MDIcon` classes documentation. """ class MDChipTrailingIcon(BaseChipIcon): """ Implements the trailing icon for the chip. For more information, see in the :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.ripple_behavior.CircularRippleBehavior` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.scale_behavior.ScaleBehavior` and :class:`~kivy.uix.behaviors.ButtonBehavior` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.label.label.MDIcon` classes documentation. """ class MDChipText(MDLabel): """ Implements the label for the chip. For more information, see in the :class:`~kivymd.uix.label.label.MDLabel` classes documentation. """ text_color_disabled = ColorProperty(None) """ The text color in (r, g, b, a) or string format of the chip when the chip is disabled. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 :attr:`text_color_disabled` is a :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ _type = OptionProperty( "suggestion", options=["assist", "filter", "input", "suggestion"] ) class MDChip( MDBoxLayout, RectangularRippleBehavior, ButtonBehavior, CommonElevationBehavior, TouchBehavior, StateLayerBehavior, ): """ Chip class. For more information, see in the :class:`~kivymd.uix.boxlayout.MDBoxLayout` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.ripple_behavior.RectangularRippleBehavior` and :class:`~kivy.uix.behaviors.ButtonBehavior` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.elevation.CommonElevationBehavior` and :class:`~kivymd.uix.behaviors.touch_behavior.TouchBehavior` classes documentation. """ radius = VariableListProperty([dp(8)], length=4) """ Chip radius. :attr:`radius` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.VariableListProperty` and defaults to `[dp(8), dp(8), dp(8), dp(8)]`. """ type = OptionProperty( "suggestion", options=["assist", "filter", "input", "suggestion"] ) """ Type of chip. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 Available options are: `'assist'`, `'filter'`, `'input'`, `'suggestion'`. :attr:`type` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.OptionProperty` and defaults to `'suggestion'`. """ active = BooleanProperty(False) """ Whether the check is marked or not. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 :attr:`active` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.BooleanProperty` and defaults to `False`. """ selected_color = ColorProperty(None) """ The background color of the chip in the marked state in (r, g, b, a) or string format. .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 :attr:`selected_color` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ line_color_disabled = ColorProperty(None) """ The color of the outline in the disabled state .. versionadded:: 2.0.0 :attr:`line_color_disabled` is an :class:`~kivy.properties.ColorProperty` and defaults to `None`. """ _line_color = ColorProperty(None) _current_md_bg_color = ColorProperty(None) # A flag that disallow ripple animation of the chip # at the time of clicking the chip icons. _allow_chip_ripple = BooleanProperty(True) # The flag signals the end of the ripple animation. _anim_complete = BooleanProperty(False) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def on_long_touch(self, *args) -> None: """Fired when the widget is pressed for a long time.""" if self.type == "filter": self.active = not self.active def on_line_color(self, instance, value) -> None: """Fired when the values of :attr:`line_color` change.""" if not self.disabled: self._line_color = value def on_type(self, instance, value: str) -> None: """Fired when the values of :attr:`type` change.""" def adjust_padding(*args): """ According to the type of chip, it sets the margins according to the specification of the material design version 3. """ self.padding = { "input": ( "12dp" if not self.ids.leading_icon_container.children else ( "5dp" if not self.ids.leading_icon_container.children[ 0 ].source else "16dp" ), 0, "4dp", 0, ), "assist": ( "16dp" if not self.ids.leading_icon_container.children else "8dp", 0, "16dp" if not self.ids.leading_icon_container.children else "8dp", 0, ), "suggestion": ( "16dp" if not self.ids.leading_icon_container.children else "8dp", 0, "16dp", 0, ), "filter": ( "16dp" if not self.ids.leading_icon_container.children else ( "8dp" if not self.ids.leading_icon_container.children[ 0 ].source else "4dp" ), 0, "16dp" if not self.ids.trailing_icon_container.children else "8dp", 0, ), }[value] Clock.schedule_once(adjust_padding) def on_active(self, instance_check, active_value: bool) -> None: """Called when the values of :attr:`active` change.""" if active_value: self._current_md_bg_color = self.md_bg_color Clock.schedule_once(self.complete_anim_ripple, 0.5) def complete_anim_ripple(self, *args) -> None: """Called at the end of the ripple animation.""" if self.active: if not self.ids.leading_icon_container.children: if self.type == "filter": self.add_marked_icon_to_chip() self.set_chip_bg_color( self.selected_color if self.selected_color else { "filter": self.theme_cls.surfaceContainerLowColor, "suggestion": self.theme_cls.surfaceContainerLowColor, "input": self.theme_cls.surfaceContainerLowColor, "assist": self.theme_cls.surfaceContainerLowColor, }[self.type] if self.theme_bg_color == "Primary" else self.md_bg_color ) else: if ( self.ids.leading_icon_container.children and self.ids.leading_icon_container.children[0].icon == "check" ): if self.type == "filter": self.remove_marked_icon_from_chip() self.set_chip_bg_color(self._current_md_bg_color) def remove_marked_icon_from_chip(self) -> None: def remove_marked_icon_from_chip(*args): self.ids.leading_icon_container.clear_widgets() if self.ids.leading_icon_container.children: anim = Animation(scale_value_x=0, scale_value_y=0, d=0.2) anim.bind(on_complete=remove_marked_icon_from_chip) anim.start(self.ids.leading_icon_container.children[0]) Animation( padding=[dp(16), 0, dp(16), 0], spacing=0, d=0.2, ).start(self) def add_marked_icon_to_chip(self) -> None: """Adds and animates a check icon to the chip.""" icon_check = MDChipLeadingIcon( icon="check", pos_hint={"center_y": 0.5}, font_size=dp(18), scale_value_x=0, scale_value_y=0, ) icon_check.bind( on_press=self._set_allow_chip_ripple, on_release=self._set_allow_chip_ripple, ) self.ids.leading_icon_container.add_widget(icon_check) # Animating the scale of the icon. Animation(scale_value_x=1, scale_value_y=1, d=0.2).start(icon_check) # Animating the padding of the chip. Animation( padding=[dp(18), 0, 0, 0], spacing=dp(18) if self.type == "filter" else 0, d=0.2, ).start(self) def set_chip_bg_color(self, color: list | str) -> None: """Animates the background color of the chip.""" if color: Animation(md_bg_color=color, d=0.2).start(self) self._anim_complete = not self._anim_complete def on_press(self, *args) -> None: """Fired when the button is pressed.""" if self.active: self.active = False self._on_press(args) def on_release(self, *args) -> None: """ Fired when the button is released (i.e. the touch/click that pressed the button goes away). """ self._on_release(args) def add_widget(self, widget, *args, **kwargs): def set_type(*args): widget._type = self.type def add_icon_leading_trailing(container): if len(container.children): type_icon = ( "'leading'" if isinstance( widget, (MDChipLeadingIcon, MDChipLeadingAvatar) ) else "'trailing'" ) Logger.warning( f"KivyMD: " f"Do not use more than one {type_icon} icon. " f"This is contrary to the material design rules " f"of version 3" ) return if isinstance(widget, MDChipTrailingIcon) and self.type in [ "assist", "suggestion", ]: Logger.warning( f"KivyMD: " f"According to the material design standards of version " f"3, do not use the trailing icon for an '{self.type}' " f"type chip." ) return if ( isinstance(widget, MDChipTrailingIcon) and self.type == "filter" and DEVICE_TYPE == "mobile" ): Logger.warning( "KivyMD: " "According to the material design standards of version 3, " "only on desktop computers and tablets, filter chips can " "contain a finishing icon for directly removing the chip " "or opening the options menu." ) return if ( isinstance(widget, (MDChipLeadingIcon, MDChipLeadingAvatar)) and self.type == "filter" ): Logger.warning( "KivyMD: " "According to the material design standards of version 3, " "it is better not to use a leading icon for a 'filter' " "type chip." ) if ( isinstance(widget, MDChipLeadingAvatar) and self.type == "suggestion" ): Logger.warning( "KivyMD: " "According to the material design standards of version 3, " "it is better not to use a leading avatar for a " "'suggestion' type chip." ) return widget.bind( on_press=self._set_allow_chip_ripple, on_release=self._set_allow_chip_ripple, ) widget.pos_hint = {"center_y": 0.5} self.padding = ("8dp", 0, "8dp", 0) self.spacing = ( "8dp" if isinstance( widget, ( MDChipLeadingIcon, MDChipLeadingAvatar, MDChipTrailingIcon, ), ) else 0 ) container.add_widget(widget) if isinstance(widget, MDChipText): Clock.schedule_once(set_type) widget.adaptive_size = True widget.pos_hint = {"center_y": 0.5} if self.type == "suggestion": self.padding = ("16dp", 0, "16dp", 0) Clock.schedule_once( lambda x: self.ids.label_container.add_widget(widget) ) elif isinstance(widget, (MDChipLeadingIcon, MDChipLeadingAvatar)): Clock.schedule_once(set_type) Clock.schedule_once( lambda x: add_icon_leading_trailing( self.ids.leading_icon_container ) ) elif isinstance(widget, MDChipTrailingIcon): Clock.schedule_once(set_type) Clock.schedule_once( lambda x: add_icon_leading_trailing( self.ids.trailing_icon_container ) ) elif isinstance( widget, (LabelTextContainer, LeadingIconContainer, TrailingIconContainer), ): if isinstance( widget, (LeadingIconContainer, TrailingIconContainer) ): Clock.schedule_once(set_type) return super().add_widget(widget) def _set_allow_chip_ripple( self, instance: MDChipLeadingIcon | MDChipTrailingIcon ) -> None: self._allow_chip_ripple = not self._allow_chip_ripple