from __future__ import annotations import os import sys from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from .activator import Activator if sys.version_info >= (3, 10): from importlib.resources import files def read_binary(module_name: str, filename: str) -> bytes: return (files(module_name) / filename).read_bytes() else: from importlib.resources import read_binary class ViaTemplateActivator(Activator, ABC): @abstractmethod def templates(self): raise NotImplementedError def generate(self, creator): dest_folder = creator.bin_dir replacements = self.replacements(creator, dest_folder) generated = self._generate(replacements, self.templates(), dest_folder, creator) if self.flag_prompt is not None: creator.pyenv_cfg["prompt"] = self.flag_prompt return generated def replacements(self, creator, dest_folder): # noqa: ARG002 return { "__VIRTUAL_PROMPT__": "" if self.flag_prompt is None else self.flag_prompt, "__VIRTUAL_ENV__": str(creator.dest), "__VIRTUAL_NAME__": creator.env_name, "__BIN_NAME__": str(creator.bin_dir.relative_to(creator.dest)), "__PATH_SEP__": os.pathsep, } def _generate(self, replacements, templates, to_folder, creator): generated = [] for template in templates: text = self.instantiate_template(replacements, template, creator) dest = to_folder / self.as_name(template) # remove the file if it already exists - this prevents permission # errors when the dest is not writable if dest.exists(): dest.unlink() # Powershell assumes Windows 1252 encoding when reading files without BOM encoding = "utf-8-sig" if str(template).endswith(".ps1") else "utf-8" # use write_bytes to avoid platform specific line normalization (\n -> \r\n) dest.write_bytes(text.encode(encoding)) generated.append(dest) return generated def as_name(self, template): return template def instantiate_template(self, replacements, template, creator): # read content as binary to avoid platform specific line normalization (\n -> \r\n) binary = read_binary(self.__module__, template) text = binary.decode("utf-8", errors="strict") for key, value in replacements.items(): value_uni = self._repr_unicode(creator, value) text = text.replace(key, value_uni) return text @staticmethod def _repr_unicode(creator, value): # noqa: ARG004 return value # by default, we just let it be unicode __all__ = [ "ViaTemplateActivator", ]