# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """unittest-xml-reporting is a PyUnit-based TestRunner that can export test results to XML files that can be consumed by a wide range of tools, such as build systems, IDEs and Continuous Integration servers. This module provides the XMLTestRunner class, which is heavily based on the default TextTestRunner. This makes the XMLTestRunner very simple to use. The script below, adapted from the unittest documentation, shows how to use XMLTestRunner in a very simple way. In fact, the only difference between this script and the original one is the last line: import random import unittest import xmlrunner class TestSequenceFunctions(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.seq = range(10) def test_shuffle(self): # make sure the shuffled sequence does not lose any elements random.shuffle(self.seq) self.seq.sort() self.assertEqual(self.seq, range(10)) def test_choice(self): element = random.choice(self.seq) self.assertTrue(element in self.seq) def test_sample(self): self.assertRaises(ValueError, random.sample, self.seq, 20) for element in random.sample(self.seq, 5): self.assertTrue(element in self.seq) if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main(testRunner=xmlrunner.XMLTestRunner(output='test-reports')) """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import time from unittest import TestResult, TextTestResult, TextTestRunner import xml.dom.minidom try: from StringIO import StringIO except ImportError: from io import StringIO # doesn't accept 'str' in Py2 class XMLDocument(xml.dom.minidom.Document): def createCDATAOrText(self, data): if ']]>' in data: return self.createTextNode(data) return self.createCDATASection(data) class _TestInfo(object): """This class is used to keep useful information about the execution of a test method. """ # Possible test outcomes (SUCCESS, FAILURE, ERROR) = range(3) def __init__(self, test_result, test_method, outcome=SUCCESS, err=None): "Create a new instance of _TestInfo." self.test_result = test_result self.test_method = test_method self.outcome = outcome self.err = err self.stdout = test_result.stdout and test_result.stdout.getvalue().strip() or '' self.stderr = test_result.stdout and test_result.stderr.getvalue().strip() or '' def get_elapsed_time(self): """Return the time that shows how long the test method took to execute. """ return self.test_result.stop_time - self.test_result.start_time def get_description(self): "Return a text representation of the test method." return self.test_result.getDescription(self.test_method) def get_error_info(self): """Return a text representation of an exception thrown by a test method. """ if not self.err: return '' return self.test_result._exc_info_to_string( self.err, self.test_method) class _XMLTestResult(TextTestResult): """A test result class that can express test results in a XML report. Used by XMLTestRunner. """ def __init__(self, stream=sys.stderr, descriptions=1, verbosity=1, elapsed_times=True): "Create a new instance of _XMLTestResult." TextTestResult.__init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity) self.successes = [] self.callback = None self.elapsed_times = elapsed_times self.output_patched = False def _prepare_callback(self, test_info, target_list, verbose_str, short_str): """Append a _TestInfo to the given target list and sets a callback method to be called by stopTest method. """ target_list.append(test_info) def callback(): """This callback prints the test method outcome to the stream, as well as the elapsed time. """ # Ignore the elapsed times for a more reliable unit testing if not self.elapsed_times: self.start_time = self.stop_time = 0 if self.showAll: self.stream.writeln('(%.3fs) %s' % \ (test_info.get_elapsed_time(), verbose_str)) elif self.dots: self.stream.write(short_str) self.callback = callback def _patch_standard_output(self): """Replace the stdout and stderr streams with string-based streams in order to capture the tests' output. """ if not self.output_patched: (self.old_stdout, self.old_stderr) = (sys.stdout, sys.stderr) self.output_patched = True (sys.stdout, sys.stderr) = (self.stdout, self.stderr) = \ (StringIO(), StringIO()) def _restore_standard_output(self): "Restore the stdout and stderr streams." (sys.stdout, sys.stderr) = (self.old_stdout, self.old_stderr) self.output_patched = False def startTest(self, test): "Called before execute each test method." self._patch_standard_output() self.start_time = time.time() TestResult.startTest(self, test) if self.showAll: self.stream.write(' ' + self.getDescription(test)) self.stream.write(" ... ") def stopTest(self, test): "Called after execute each test method." self._restore_standard_output() TextTestResult.stopTest(self, test) self.stop_time = time.time() if self.callback and callable(self.callback): self.callback() self.callback = None def addSuccess(self, test): "Called when a test executes successfully." self._prepare_callback(_TestInfo(self, test), self.successes, 'OK', '.') def addFailure(self, test, err): "Called when a test method fails." self._prepare_callback(_TestInfo(self, test, _TestInfo.FAILURE, err), self.failures, 'FAIL', 'F') def addError(self, test, err): "Called when a test method raises an error." self._prepare_callback(_TestInfo(self, test, _TestInfo.ERROR, err), self.errors, 'ERROR', 'E') def printErrorList(self, flavour, errors): "Write some information about the FAIL or ERROR to the stream." for test_info in errors: if isinstance(test_info, tuple): test_info, exc_info = test_info try: t = test_info.get_elapsed_time() except AttributeError: t = 0 try: descr = test_info.get_description() except AttributeError: try: descr = test_info.getDescription() except AttributeError: descr = str(test_info) try: err_info = test_info.get_error_info() except AttributeError: err_info = str(test_info) self.stream.writeln(self.separator1) self.stream.writeln('%s [%.3fs]: %s' % (flavour, t, descr)) self.stream.writeln(self.separator2) self.stream.writeln('%s' % err_info) def _get_info_by_testcase(self): """This method organizes test results by TestCase module. This information is used during the report generation, where a XML report will be generated for each TestCase. """ tests_by_testcase = {} for tests in (self.successes, self.failures, self.errors): for test_info in tests: if not isinstance(test_info, _TestInfo): print("Unexpected test result type: %r" % (test_info,)) continue testcase = type(test_info.test_method) # Ignore module name if it is '__main__' module = testcase.__module__ + '.' if module == '__main__.': module = '' testcase_name = module + testcase.__name__ if testcase_name not in tests_by_testcase: tests_by_testcase[testcase_name] = [] tests_by_testcase[testcase_name].append(test_info) return tests_by_testcase def _report_testsuite(suite_name, tests, xml_document): "Appends the testsuite section to the XML document." testsuite = xml_document.createElement('testsuite') xml_document.appendChild(testsuite) testsuite.setAttribute('name', str(suite_name)) testsuite.setAttribute('tests', str(len(tests))) testsuite.setAttribute('time', '%.3f' % sum([e.get_elapsed_time() for e in tests])) failures = len([1 for e in tests if e.outcome == _TestInfo.FAILURE]) testsuite.setAttribute('failures', str(failures)) errors = len([1 for e in tests if e.outcome == _TestInfo.ERROR]) testsuite.setAttribute('errors', str(errors)) return testsuite _report_testsuite = staticmethod(_report_testsuite) def _report_testcase(suite_name, test_result, xml_testsuite, xml_document): "Appends a testcase section to the XML document." testcase = xml_document.createElement('testcase') xml_testsuite.appendChild(testcase) testcase.setAttribute('classname', str(suite_name)) testcase.setAttribute('name', test_result.test_method.shortDescription() or getattr(test_result.test_method, '_testMethodName', str(test_result.test_method))) testcase.setAttribute('time', '%.3f' % test_result.get_elapsed_time()) if (test_result.outcome != _TestInfo.SUCCESS): elem_name = ('failure', 'error')[test_result.outcome-1] failure = xml_document.createElement(elem_name) testcase.appendChild(failure) failure.setAttribute('type', str(test_result.err[0].__name__)) failure.setAttribute('message', str(test_result.err[1])) error_info = test_result.get_error_info() failureText = xml_document.createCDATAOrText(error_info) failure.appendChild(failureText) _report_testcase = staticmethod(_report_testcase) def _report_output(test_runner, xml_testsuite, xml_document, stdout, stderr): "Appends the system-out and system-err sections to the XML document." systemout = xml_document.createElement('system-out') xml_testsuite.appendChild(systemout) systemout_text = xml_document.createCDATAOrText(stdout) systemout.appendChild(systemout_text) systemerr = xml_document.createElement('system-err') xml_testsuite.appendChild(systemerr) systemerr_text = xml_document.createCDATAOrText(stderr) systemerr.appendChild(systemerr_text) _report_output = staticmethod(_report_output) def generate_reports(self, test_runner): "Generates the XML reports to a given XMLTestRunner object." all_results = self._get_info_by_testcase() if type(test_runner.output) == str and not \ os.path.exists(test_runner.output): os.makedirs(test_runner.output) for suite, tests in all_results.items(): doc = XMLDocument() # Build the XML file testsuite = _XMLTestResult._report_testsuite(suite, tests, doc) stdout, stderr = [], [] for test in tests: _XMLTestResult._report_testcase(suite, test, testsuite, doc) if test.stdout: stdout.extend(['*****************', test.get_description(), test.stdout]) if test.stderr: stderr.extend(['*****************', test.get_description(), test.stderr]) _XMLTestResult._report_output(test_runner, testsuite, doc, '\n'.join(stdout), '\n'.join(stderr)) xml_content = doc.toprettyxml(indent='\t') if type(test_runner.output) is str: report_file = open('%s%sTEST-%s.xml' % \ (test_runner.output, os.sep, suite), 'w') try: report_file.write(xml_content) finally: report_file.close() else: # Assume that test_runner.output is a stream test_runner.output.write(xml_content) class XMLTestRunner(TextTestRunner): """A test runner class that outputs the results in JUnit like XML files. """ def __init__(self, output='.', stream=None, descriptions=True, verbose=False, elapsed_times=True): "Create a new instance of XMLTestRunner." if stream is None: stream = sys.stderr verbosity = (1, 2)[verbose] TextTestRunner.__init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity) self.output = output self.elapsed_times = elapsed_times def _make_result(self): """Create the TestResult object which will be used to store information about the executed tests. """ return _XMLTestResult(self.stream, self.descriptions, \ self.verbosity, self.elapsed_times) def run(self, test): "Run the given test case or test suite." # Prepare the test execution result = self._make_result() # Print a nice header self.stream.writeln() self.stream.writeln('Running tests...') self.stream.writeln(result.separator2) # Execute tests start_time = time.time() test(result) stop_time = time.time() time_taken = stop_time - start_time # Generate reports self.stream.writeln() self.stream.writeln('Generating XML reports...') result.generate_reports(self) # Print results result.printErrors() self.stream.writeln(result.separator2) run = result.testsRun self.stream.writeln("Ran %d test%s in %.3fs" % (run, run != 1 and "s" or "", time_taken)) self.stream.writeln() # Error traces if not result.wasSuccessful(): self.stream.write("FAILED (") failed, errored = (len(result.failures), len(result.errors)) if failed: self.stream.write("failures=%d" % failed) if errored: if failed: self.stream.write(", ") self.stream.write("errors=%d" % errored) self.stream.writeln(")") else: self.stream.writeln("OK") return result