''' Benchmark ========= This script performs and displays the results of a set of benchmarks. These provide a set of metrics mainly aimed at gauging the OpenGL performance of your system. It also provides more specs regarding your graphics card setup together with more comprehensive system information. ''' from __future__ import print_function benchmark_version = '1' import os import sys import json import kivy import gc from time import clock, time, ctime from random import randint from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.widget import Widget from kivy.graphics import RenderContext from kivy.input.motionevent import MotionEvent from kivy.cache import Cache from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.compat import PY2 if not PY2: xrange = range clockfn = time if sys.platform == 'win32': clockfn = clock class FakeMotionEvent(MotionEvent): pass class bench_widget_creation: '''Widget: creation (10000 Widget)''' def run(self): o = [] for x in range(10000): o.append(Widget()) class bench_widget_creation_with_root: '''Widget: creation (10000 Widget + 1 root)''' def run(self): o = Widget() for x in range(10000): o.add_widget(Widget()) class bench_widget_draw: '''Widget: empty drawing (10000 Widget + 1 root)''' def __init__(self): self.ctx = RenderContext() self.root = root = Widget() for x in range(10000): root.add_widget(Widget()) self.ctx.add(self.root.canvas) def run(self): self.ctx.draw() class bench_widget_dispatch: '''Widget: event dispatch (1000 on_update in 10*1000 Widget)''' def __init__(self): root = Widget() for x in range(10): parent = Widget() for y in range(1000): parent.add_widget(Widget()) root.add_widget(parent) self.root = root def run(self): touch = FakeMotionEvent('fake', 1, []) self.root.dispatch('on_touch_down', touch) self.root.dispatch('on_touch_move', touch) self.root.dispatch('on_touch_up', touch) class bench_label_creation: '''Core: label creation (10000 * 10 a-z)''' def __init__(self): labels = [] for x in range(10000): label = [chr(randint(ord('a'), ord('z'))) for x in range(10)] labels.append(''.join(label)) self.labels = labels def run(self): o = [] for x in self.labels: o.append(Label(text=x)) class bench_button_creation: '''Core: button creation (10000 * 10 a-z)''' def __init__(self): labels = [] for x in xrange(10000): button = map(lambda x: chr(randint(ord('a'), ord('z'))), xrange(10)) labels.append(''.join(button)) self.labels = labels def run(self): o = [] for x in self.labels: o.append(Button(text=x)) class bench_label_creation_with_tick: '''Core: label creation (10000 * 10 a-z), with Clock.tick''' def __init__(self): labels = [] for x in range(10000): label = [chr(randint(ord('a'), ord('z'))) for x in range(10)] labels.append(''.join(label)) self.labels = labels def run(self): o = [] for x in self.labels: o.append(Label(text=x)) # tick for texture creation Clock.tick() class bench_button_creation_with_tick: '''Core: button creation (10000 * 10 a-z), with Clock.tick''' def __init__(self): labels = [] for x in xrange(10000): button = map(lambda x: chr(randint(ord('a'), ord('z'))), xrange(10)) labels.append(''.join(button)) self.labels = labels def run(self): o = [] for x in self.labels: o.append(Button(text=x)) # tick for texture creation Clock.tick() if __name__ == '__main__': report = [] report_newline = True Clock.start_clock() def log(s, newline=True): global report_newline if not report_newline: report[-1] = '%s %s' % (report[-1], s) else: report.append(s) if newline: print(s) report_newline = True else: print(s, end=' ') report_newline = False sys.stdout.flush() clock_total = 0 benchs = list(globals().keys()) benchs.sort() benchs = [globals()[x] for x in benchs if x.startswith('bench_')] log('') log('=' * 70) log('Kivy Benchmark v%s' % benchmark_version) log('=' * 70) log('') log('System information') log('-------------------') log('OS platform : %s' % sys.platform) log('Python EXE : %s' % sys.executable) log('Python Version : %s' % sys.version) log('Python API : %s' % sys.api_version) log('Kivy Version : %s' % kivy.__version__) log('Install path : %s' % os.path.dirname(kivy.__file__)) log('Install date : %s' % ctime(os.path.getctime(kivy.__file__))) log('') log('OpenGL information') log('-------------------') from kivy.core.gl import glGetString, GL_VENDOR, GL_RENDERER, GL_VERSION log('GL Vendor: %s' % glGetString(GL_VENDOR)) log('GL Renderer: %s' % glGetString(GL_RENDERER)) log('GL Version: %s' % glGetString(GL_VERSION)) log('') log('Benchmark') log('---------') for x in benchs: # clean cache to prevent weird case for cat in Cache._categories: Cache.remove(cat) # force gc before next test gc.collect() log('%2d/%-2d %-60s' % (benchs.index(x) + 1, len(benchs), x.__doc__), False) try: sys.stderr.write('.') test = x() except Exception as e: log('failed %s' % str(e)) import traceback traceback.print_exc() continue clock_start = clockfn() try: sys.stderr.write('.') test.run() clock_end = clockfn() - clock_start log('%.6f' % clock_end) except Exception as e: log('failed %s' % str(e)) continue clock_total += clock_end log('') log('Result: %.6f' % clock_total) log('') Clock.stop_clock() try: reply = input( 'Do you want to send benchmark to gist.github.com (Y/n) : ') except EOFError: sys.exit(0) if reply.lower().strip() in ('', 'y'): print('Please wait while sending the benchmark...') try: import requests except ImportError: print("`requests` module not found, no benchmark posted.") sys.exit(1) payload = { 'public': True, 'files': { 'benchmark.txt': { 'content': '\n'.join(report)}}} r = requests.post('https://api.github.com/gists', data=json.dumps(payload)) print() print() print('REPORT posted at {0}'.format(r.json['html_url'])) print() print() else: print('No benchmark posted.')