''' Parser utilities ================ Helper functions used for CSS parsing. ''' __all__ = ('parse_color', 'parse_int', 'parse_float', 'parse_string', 'parse_bool', 'parse_int2', 'parse_float4', 'parse_filename') import re from kivy.logger import Logger from kivy.resources import resource_find class ColorException(Exception): pass def parse_filename(filename): '''Parse a filename and search for it using `resource_find()`. If found, the resource path is returned, otherwise return the unmodified filename (as specified by the caller).''' filename = parse_string(filename) result = resource_find(filename) if result is None: Logger.error('Resource: unable to find <%s>' % filename) return result or filename def color_error(text): # show warning and return a sane value Logger.warning(text) return (0, 0, 0, 1) def parse_color(text): '''Parse a string to a kivy color. Supported formats: * rgb(r, g, b) * rgba(r, g, b, a) * rgb * rgba * rrggbb * rrggbbaa For hexadecimal values, you case also use: * #rgb * #rgba * #rrggbb * #rrggbbaa ''' value = [1, 1, 1, 1] if text.startswith('rgb'): res = re.match(r'rgba?\((.*)\)', text) if res: try: # default r/g/b values to 1 if greater than 255 else x/255 value = [1 if int(x) > 255. else (int(x) / 255.) for x in re.split(', ?', res.groups()[0])] if len(value) < 3: # in case of invalid input like rgb()/rgb(r)/rgb(r, g) raise ValueError except ValueError: return color_error('ColorParser: Invalid color for %r' % text) except AttributeError: return color_error('ColorParser: Invalid color for %r' % text) else: return color_error('ColorParser: Invalid color for %r' % text) if len(value) == 3: value.append(1.) elif len(text): res = text if text[0] == '#': res = text[1:] lres = len(res) if lres == 3 or lres == 4: res = ''.join([x + x for x in res]) elif lres != 6 and lres != 8: # raise ColorException('Invalid color format for %r' % text) return color_error( 'ColorParser: Invalid color format for %r' % text) try: value = [int(res[i:i + 2], 16) / 255. for i in range(0, len(res), 2)] except ValueError: return color_error('ColorParser: Invalid color for %r' % text) if lres == 6 or lres == 3: value.append(1.) return value def parse_bool(text): '''Parse a string to a boolean, ignoring case. "true"/"1" is True, "false"/"0" is False. Anything else throws an exception.''' if text.lower() in ('true', '1'): return True elif text.lower() in ('false', '0'): return False raise Exception('Invalid boolean: %s' % text) def parse_string(text): '''Parse a string to a string (removing single and double quotes).''' if len(text) >= 2 and text[0] in ('"', "'") and text[-1] in ('"', "'"): text = text[1:-1] return text.strip() def parse_int2(text): '''Parse a string to a list of exactly 2 integers. >>> print(parse_int2("12 54")) 12, 54 ''' texts = [x for x in text.split(' ') if x.strip() != ''] value = list(map(parse_int, texts)) if len(value) < 1: raise Exception('Invalid int2 format: %s' % text) elif len(value) == 1: return [value[0], value[0]] elif len(value) > 2: raise Exception('Too many values in %s: %s' % (text, str(value))) return value def parse_float4(text): '''Parse a string to a list of exactly 4 floats. >>> parse_float4('54 87. 35 0') 54, 87., 35, 0 ''' texts = [x for x in text.split(' ') if x.strip() != ''] value = list(map(parse_float, texts)) if len(value) < 1: raise Exception('Invalid float4 format: %s' % text) elif len(value) == 1: return [value[0] for x in range(4)] elif len(value) == 2: return [value[0], value[1], value[0], value[1]] elif len(value) == 3: # ambiguous case! return [value[0], value[1], value[0], value[2]] elif len(value) > 4: raise Exception('Too many values in %s' % text) return value parse_int = int parse_float = float