# $Id: sk.py 9452 2023-09-27 00:11:54Z milde $ # Author: Miroslav Vasko # Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain. # New language mappings are welcome. Before doing a new translation, please # read . # Two files must be translated for each language: one in docutils/languages, # the other in docutils/parsers/rst/languages. """ Slovak-language mappings for language-dependent features of Docutils. """ __docformat__ = 'reStructuredText' labels = { 'author': 'Autor', 'authors': 'Autori', 'organization': 'Organizácia', 'address': 'Adresa', 'contact': 'Kontakt', 'version': 'Verzia', 'revision': 'Revízia', 'status': 'Stav', 'date': 'Dátum', 'copyright': 'Copyright', 'dedication': 'Venovanie', 'abstract': 'Abstraktne', 'attention': 'Pozor!', 'caution': 'Opatrne!', 'danger': '!NEBEZPEČENSTVO!', 'error': 'Chyba', 'hint': 'Rada', 'important': 'Dôležité', 'note': 'Poznámka', 'tip': 'Tip', 'warning': 'Varovanie', 'contents': 'Obsah'} """Mapping of node class name to label text.""" bibliographic_fields = { 'autor': 'author', 'autori': 'authors', 'organizácia': 'organization', 'adresa': 'address', 'kontakt': 'contact', 'verzia': 'version', 'revízia': 'revision', 'stav': 'status', 'dátum': 'date', 'copyright': 'copyright', 'venovanie': 'dedication', 'abstraktne': 'abstract'} """Slovak (lowcased) to canonical name mapping for bibliographic fields.""" author_separators = [';', ','] """List of separator strings for the 'Authors' bibliographic field. Tried in order."""