from sys import exit import os from os.path import join def no_config(f): f.__no_config = True return f class Target: def __init__(self, buildozer): self.buildozer = buildozer self.build_mode = 'debug' self.artifact_format = 'apk' self.platform_update = False def check_requirements(self): pass def check_configuration_tokens(self, errors=None): if errors:'Check target configuration tokens') self.buildozer.error( '{0} error(s) found in the buildozer.spec'.format( len(errors))) for error in errors: print(error) exit(1) def compile_platform(self): pass def install_platform(self): pass def get_custom_commands(self): result = [] for x in dir(self): if not x.startswith('cmd_'): continue if x[4:] in self.buildozer.standard_cmds: continue result.append((x[4:], getattr(self, x).__doc__)) return result def get_available_packages(self): return ['kivy'] def run_commands(self, args): if not args: self.buildozer.error('Missing target command') self.buildozer.usage() exit(1) result = [] last_command = [] while args: arg = args.pop(0) if arg == '--': if last_command: last_command += args break elif not arg.startswith('--'): if last_command: result.append(last_command) last_command = [] last_command.append(arg) else: if not last_command: self.buildozer.error('Argument passed without a command') self.buildozer.usage() exit(1) last_command.append(arg) if last_command: result.append(last_command) config_check = False for item in result: command, args = item[0], item[1:] if not hasattr(self, 'cmd_{0}'.format(command)): self.buildozer.error('Unknown command {0}'.format(command)) exit(1) func = getattr(self, 'cmd_{0}'.format(command)) need_config_check = not hasattr(func, '__no_config') if need_config_check and not config_check: config_check = True self.check_configuration_tokens() func(args) def cmd_clean(self, *args): self.buildozer.clean_platform() def cmd_update(self, *args): self.platform_update = True self.buildozer.prepare_for_build() def cmd_debug(self, *args): self.buildozer.prepare_for_build() self.build_mode = 'debug' self.artifact_format = self.buildozer.config.getdefault('app', 'android.debug_artifact', 'apk') def cmd_release(self, *args): error = self.buildozer.error self.buildozer.prepare_for_build() if self.buildozer.config.get("app", "package.domain") == "org.test": error("") error("ERROR: Trying to release a package that starts with org.test") error("") error("The package.domain org.test is, as the name intented, a test.") error("Once you published an application with org.test,") error("you cannot change it, it will be part of the identifier") error("for Google Play / App Store / etc.") error("") error("So change package.domain to anything else.") error("") error("If you messed up before, set the environment variable to force the build:") error("export BUILDOZER_ALLOW_ORG_TEST_DOMAIN=1") error("") if "BUILDOZER_ALLOW_ORG_TEST_DOMAIN" not in os.environ: exit(1) if self.buildozer.config.get("app", "package.domain") == "org.kivy": error("") error("ERROR: Trying to release a package that starts with org.kivy") error("") error("The package.domain org.kivy is reserved for the Kivy official") error("applications. Please use your own domain.") error("") error("If you are a Kivy developer, add an export in your shell") error("export BUILDOZER_ALLOW_KIVY_ORG_DOMAIN=1") error("") if "BUILDOZER_ALLOW_KIVY_ORG_DOMAIN" not in os.environ: exit(1) self.build_mode = 'release' self.artifact_format = self.buildozer.config.getdefault('app', 'android.release_artifact', 'aab') def cmd_deploy(self, *args): self.buildozer.prepare_for_build() def cmd_run(self, *args): self.buildozer.prepare_for_build() def cmd_serve(self, *args): self.buildozer.cmd_serve() def path_or_git_url(self, repo, owner='kivy', branch='master', url_format='{owner}/{repo}.git', platform=None, squash_hyphen=True): """Get source location for a git checkout This method will check the `buildozer.spec` for the keys: {repo}_dir {repo}_url {repo}_branch and use them to determine the source location for a git checkout. If a `platform` is specified, {platform}.{repo} will be used as the base for the buildozer key `{repo}_dir` specifies a custom checkout location (relative to `buildozer.root_dir`). If present, `path` will be set to this value and `url`, `branch` will be set to None, None. Otherwise, `{repo}_url` and `{repo}_branch` will be examined. If no keys are present, the kwargs will be used to create a sensible default URL and branch. :Parameters: `repo`: str (required) name of repository to fetch. Used both for buildozer keys ({platform}.{repo}_dir|_url|_branch) and in building default git URL `branch`: str (default 'master') Specific branch to retrieve if none specified in buildozer.spec. `owner`: str owner of repo. `platform`: str or None platform prefix to use when retrieving `buildozer.spec` keys. If specified, key names will be {platform}.{repo} instead of just {repo} `squash_hyphen`: boolean if True, change '-' to '_' when looking for keys in buildozer.spec. This lets us keep backwards compatibility with old buildozer.spec files `url_format`: format string Used to construct default git URL. can use {repo} {owner} and {branch} if needed. :Returns: A Tuple (path, url, branch) where `path` Path to a custom git checkout. If specified, both `url` and `branch` will be None `url` URL of git repository from where code should be checked-out `branch` branch name (or tag) that should be used for the check-out. """ if squash_hyphen: key = repo.replace('-', '_') else: key = repo if platform: key = "{}.{}".format(platform, key) config = self.buildozer.config path = config.getdefault('app', '{}_dir'.format(key), None) if path is not None: path = join(self.buildozer.root_dir, path) url = None branch = None else: branch = config.getdefault('app', '{}_branch'.format(key), branch) default_url = url_format.format(owner=owner, repo=repo, branch=branch) url = config.getdefault('app', '{}_url'.format(key), default_url) return path, url, branch def install_or_update_repo(self, repo, **kwargs): """Install or update a git repository into the platform directory. This will clone the contents of a git repository to `buildozer.platform_dir`. The location of this repo can be specified via URL and branch name, or via a custom (local) directory name. :Parameters: **kwargs: Any valid arguments for :meth:`path_or_git_url` :Returns: fully qualified path to updated git repo """ cmd = self.buildozer.cmd install_dir = join(self.buildozer.platform_dir, repo) custom_dir, clone_url, clone_branch = self.path_or_git_url(repo, **kwargs) if not self.buildozer.file_exists(install_dir): if custom_dir: cmd(["mkdir", "-p", install_dir]) cmd(["cp", "-a", f"{custom_dir}/*", f"{install_dir}/"]) else: cmd(["git", "clone", "--branch", clone_branch, clone_url], cwd=self.buildozer.platform_dir) elif self.platform_update: if custom_dir: cmd(["cp", "-a", f"{custom_dir}/*", f"{install_dir}/"]) else: cmd(["git", "clean", "-dxf"], cwd=install_dir) cmd(["git", "pull", "origin", clone_branch], cwd=install_dir) return install_dir