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2024-09-15 12:12:16 +00:00
Kivy Catalog
The Kivy Catalog viewer showcases widgets available in Kivy
and allows interactive editing of kivy language code to get immediate
feedback. You should see a two panel screen with a menu spinner button
(starting with 'Welcome') and other controls across the top.The left pane
contains kivy (.kv) code, and the right side is that code rendered. You can
edit the left pane, though changes will be lost when you use the menu
spinner button. The catalog will show you dozens of .kv examples controlling
different widgets and layouts.
The catalog's interface is set in the file kivycatalog.kv, while the
interfaces for each menu option are set in containers_kvs directory. To
add a new .kv file to the Kivy Catalog, add a .kv file into the container_kvs
directory and reference that file in the ScreenManager section of
Known bugs include some issue with the drop
import kivy
import os
import sys
from kivy.app import App
from kivy.factory import Factory
from kivy.lang import Builder, Parser, ParserException
from kivy.properties import ObjectProperty
from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy.uix.codeinput import CodeInput
from kivy.animation import Animation
from kivy.clock import Clock
CATALOG_ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# Config.set('graphics', 'width', '1024')
# Config.set('graphics', 'height', '768')
'''List of classes that need to be instantiated in the factory from .kv files.
CONTAINER_KVS = os.path.join(CATALOG_ROOT, 'container_kvs')
CONTAINER_CLASSES = [c[:-3] for c in os.listdir(CONTAINER_KVS)
if c.endswith('.kv')]
class Container(BoxLayout):
'''A container is essentially a class that loads its root from a known
.kv file.
The name of the .kv file is taken from the Container's class.
We can't just use kv rules because the class may be edited
in the interface and reloaded by the user.
See :meth: change_kv where this happens.
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
super(Container, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.previous_text = open(self.kv_file).read()
parser = Parser(content=self.previous_text)
widget = Factory.get(parser.root.name)()
Builder._apply_rule(widget, parser.root, parser.root)
def kv_file(self):
'''Get the name of the kv file, a lowercase version of the class
return os.path.join(CONTAINER_KVS, self.__class__.__name__ + '.kv')
for class_name in CONTAINER_CLASSES:
globals()[class_name] = type(class_name, (Container,), {})
class KivyRenderTextInput(CodeInput):
def keyboard_on_key_down(self, window, keycode, text, modifiers):
is_osx = sys.platform == 'darwin'
# Keycodes on OSX:
ctrl, cmd = 64, 1024
key, key_str = keycode
if text and key not in (list(self.interesting_keys.keys()) + [27]):
# This allows *either* ctrl *or* cmd, but not both.
if modifiers == ['ctrl'] or (is_osx and modifiers == ['meta']):
if key == ord('s'):
return super(KivyRenderTextInput, self).keyboard_on_key_down(
window, keycode, text, modifiers)
class Catalog(BoxLayout):
'''Catalog of widgets. This is the root widget of the app. It contains
a tabbed pain of widgets that can be displayed and a textbox where .kv
language files for widgets being demoed can be edited.
The entire interface for the Catalog is defined in kivycatalog.kv,
although individual containers are defined in the container_kvs
To add a container to the catalog,
first create the .kv file in container_kvs
The name of the file (sans .kv) will be the name of the widget available
inside the kivycatalog.kv
Finally modify kivycatalog.kv to add an AccordionItem
to hold the new widget.
Follow the examples in kivycatalog.kv to ensure the item
has an appropriate id and the class has been referenced.
You do not need to edit any python code, just .kv language files!
language_box = ObjectProperty()
screen_manager = ObjectProperty()
_change_kv_ev = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self._previously_parsed_text = ''
super(Catalog, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.show_kv(None, 'Welcome')
self.carousel = None
def show_kv(self, instance, value):
'''Called when an a item is selected, we need to show the .kv language
file associated with the newly revealed container.'''
self.screen_manager.current = value
child = self.screen_manager.current_screen.children[0]
with open(child.kv_file, 'rb') as file:
self.language_box.text = file.read().decode('utf8')
if self._change_kv_ev is not None:
# reset undo/redo history
def schedule_reload(self):
if self.auto_reload:
txt = self.language_box.text
child = self.screen_manager.current_screen.children[0]
if txt == child.previous_text:
child.previous_text = txt
if self._change_kv_ev is not None:
if self._change_kv_ev is None:
self._change_kv_ev = Clock.create_trigger(self.change_kv, 2)
def change_kv(self, *largs):
'''Called when the update button is clicked. Needs to update the
interface for the currently active kv widget, if there is one based
on the kv file the user entered. If there is an error in their kv
syntax, show a nice popup.'''
txt = self.language_box.text
kv_container = self.screen_manager.current_screen.children[0]
parser = Parser(content=txt)
widget = Factory.get(parser.root.name)()
Builder._apply_rule(widget, parser.root, parser.root)
except (SyntaxError, ParserException) as e:
except Exception as e:
def show_error(self, e):
self.info_label.text = str(e).encode('utf-8')
self.anim = Animation(top=190.0, opacity=1, d=2, t='in_back') +\
Animation(top=190.0, d=3) +\
Animation(top=0, opacity=0, d=2)
class KivyCatalogApp(App):
'''The kivy App that runs the main root. All we do is build a catalog
widget into the root.'''
def build(self):
return Catalog()
def on_pause(self):
return True
if __name__ == "__main__":